magistrsko delo


Pravopisna zmožnost je pomemben del pouka slovenščine in življenja nasploh. Kako bi se sporazumevali, če se ne bi držali nekaterih pravil? Pod pojem pravopisna zmožnost spadajo vsa pravopisna pravila, ki jih uporabljamo pri sporazumevanju in zapisovanju besedil. Učenci tako postopoma spoznavajo pravila in se jih učijo. Višji kot je razred, več je pravil in težja so. Zato je toliko bolj pomemben razvoj pravopisne zmožnosti na začetku izobraževanja. Pomembno je, da je osnova dobra, saj bomo na ta način najlažje in najbolje nadgrajevali znanje. V magistrskem delu Pravopisna zmožnost slovenskih četrtošolcev sem v teoretičnem delu izpostavila sporazumevalno zmožnost, ki jo sestavljajo štirje dejavniki: poslušanje, govorjenje, branje in pisanje. Vsak dejavnik sem opisala, saj so vsi štirje zelo pomembni za razvoj sporazumevalne zmožnosti. En dejavnik dopolnjuje drugega. Če poslušanje dobro razvijemo, bomo lažje in bolje razvili tudi govor. Pod dejavnik pisanje spada pravopisna zmožnost, saj zajema pravopisna pravila, ki jih moramo ob vseh drugih pravilih pisanja poznati, da lahko zapišemo neko besedilo. Pomemben del magistrskega dela je del iz pravopisa, v katerem sem zajela pravopisna pravila za vseh enajst ciljev, ki jih najdemo v učnem načrtu za slovenščino za prvo vzgojno-izobraževalno obdobje (Slovenščina. Učni načrt, 2011). Med temi enajstimi cilji je sedem takšnih, ki so določeni kot minimalni standardi znanja. To so tisti, ki jih mora učenec znati oz. usvojiti, da lahko napreduje v višji razred. Raziskavo za magistrsko delo sem opravila s pomočjo besedila, v katerem so bile pravopisne napake za vseh enajst ciljev pravopisne zmožnosti. Učenci so jih morali najti in popraviti. V raziskavi je bilo vključenih 740 četrtošolcev iz celotne Slovenije, to je iz vseh statističnih regij. Bilo je 366 fantov in 374 deklet. Dobljene podatke sem predstavila tabelarično. Rezultate sem obdelala na nivoju deskriptivne statistike in inferenčne statistike za vpliv spola na posamezen cilj. Rezultati so pokazali, da je manj kot 50 % vseh učencev popravilo napake, povezane s cilji pravopisne zmožnosti za prvo vzgojno-izobraževalno obdobje. Minimalne standarde za pravopisno zmožnost je doseglo 54,5 % učencev. Najslabši rezultat (le 10,9 % vseh učencev) so učenci dosegli pri cilju ločeno pisanje nikalnice pred glagolom, ki je tudi minimalni standard. Drugi najslabši rezultat je bil pri cilju pisanje glavnih in vrstilnih števnikov s številko. Pri tem cilju je le 19,6 % vseh učencev pravilno popravilo napake. Dobro usvojena cilja sta raba velike začetnice na začetku povedi ter ločeno pisanje predloga in naslednje besede. Menim, da bi učenci z dodatnimi vajami, utrjevanjem in ponavljanjem lahko izboljšali svoj rezultat na testu.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;zmožnost sporazumevanja;pravopis;učni načrt;minimalni standardi znanja;četrtošolci;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Špilar]
UDK: 37.016(043.2)
COBISS: 24200456 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2383
Št. prenosov: 166
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Grammatical accuracy of slovenian 4th year primary school students
Sekundarni povzetek: Grammatical accuracy is an important part of Slovene language lessons along with everyday life itself. How would people communicate if there were no certain rules to follow? The term grammatical accuracy stands for grammatical or orthographic rules used for communication and writing. Students gradually follow the rules and learn them. The higher the year they attend at school, the more rules there are and the more difficult they get. Therefore, the development of grammatical accuracy at the beginning of education is of big importance. It is important that the grounds are well-built, for they are the basis for upgrading the knowledge. In the theoretical part of my paper Grammatical Accuracy of Slovenian 4th Year Primary School Students, I have emphasized the ability to communicate, which consists of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. I have described each skill since all four are equally important for the development of communicative ability. One skill is complementary to another. If we develop the listening skill well, the speaking will be easier and better. Writing skill also includes grammatical accuracy since it covers the spelling rules, which must be well acknowledged in order one is able to write a certain text. An important part of my paper is also a part of orthography, which covers spelling norms for the eleven aims that are found in the Curriculum for the Slovene language of the first educational period (Slovenščina. Učni načrt, 2011). Seven of these aims are defined as the minimum standards of education, which are the basis for the students to be able to proceed to the next school year. The research for my paper was done on the text that contained spelling mistakes within all eleven aims of grammatical accuracy. The students had to find and correct them. The research included 740 4th year primary school students from all over Slovenia, that is from all statistic regions. There were 366 boys and 374 girls. I have presented tabulated data. The data have been analyzed within the decriptive and inferential statistics levels for the impact of gender on a particular aim. The results show that less than 50 % of all students corrected the mistakes related to the aims of the grammatical accuracy for the first educational period. The minimum standards for grammatical accuracy were reached by 54.5 % of the students. The worst result (only 10.9 % of all students) was achieved with the aim of separating the negative prefix from the verb, which is also the minimum standard of education. The second worst result was the aim to be able to write the cardinal and ordinal numbers with a number. Only 19.6 % of all students corrected the mistakes within this aim. A well-adopted aim was the use of the capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and the separate writing of the prepositions and the following words. I believe that students should be able to improve the test results with additional exercises and revision.
Sekundarne ključne besede: communicative abillity;master theses;spelling abillity;ortography;curriculum;aims;minimum standards of education;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Strani: 73 f., [1] f. pril.
ID: 10960180