magistrsko delo
Marko Potočar (Avtor), Frane Erčulj (Recenzent), Marta Bon (Konzultant), Marko Šibila (Mentor)


Namen in cilji: Glavni namen magistrske naloge je bil na podlagi zbranih podatkov ugotoviti, ali prihaja do statistično značilnih razlik v pojavljanju strukturnih elementov na tekmah lige prvakov RK Celje v sezoni 2016/17. Analizirali smo 14 tekem na podlagi desetminutnih intervalov. Za analizo pogostosti pojavljanja strukturnih elementov smo izbrali 22 spremenljivk, 16 spremenljivk v fazi napada in 6 v obrambi, in na podlagi le-teh oblikovali dve hipotezi. Metodologija: Podatke smo pridobili na uradni strani Mednarodne rokometne zveze (IHF) in jih obdelali v programu IBM SPSS 23. Za vse parametre smo izračunali osnovne statistične značilnosti, normalnost porazdelitve, homogenost varianc in enosmerno analizo variance. Kjer je bila sferičnost kršena, smo uporabili Greenhouse-Geisserjev test, medtem ko smo v primeru ostalih kršenih predpostavk uporabili Friedmanov in Kruskall-Wallisov test. V primeru ugotovljenih značilnih razlik med izidi tekem v igralni uspešnosti smo posamezne razlike testirali s testi mnogoterih primerjav. Ob izpolnjeni predpostavki o homogenosti varianc smo uporabili Tukeyev test, sicer pa Gamess-Howellov test. Rezultati dela: Rezultati kažejo, da prihaja do značilnih razlik med izidi tekem v strelski učinkovitosti drugega polčasa, v številu izključitev v drugem polčasu in v učinkovitosti branjenja strelov z razdalje v drugem polčasu. Ugotovili smo tudi večje število podaj po tekmah, ki so se končale z neodločenim izidom, in razlike v učinkovitosti s protinapada v prvem in drugem polčasu glede na končen izid ob zmagi ali neodločenemu rezultatu.

Ključne besede

šport;rokomet;RK Celje Pivovarna Laško;Evropska liga prvakov;struktura igre;sodobni model;nova pravila;sezona 2016/2017;analiza tekmovalne učinkovitosti;analiza rokometne tekme;smernice v razvoju;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Založnik: [M. Potočar]
UDK: 796.322
COBISS: 5405873 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 608
Št. prenosov: 337
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Frequency analysis of structural elements occurence at the champions league matches played by rk celje in the season 2016/17
Sekundarni povzetek: Purpose and goals: The main purpose of the master thesis is to establish whether there are statistically typical differences in structural elements occurrence at the Champions League matches played by RK Celje in the season 2016/17. We have analysed 14 matches in 10-minute intervals. For frequency analysis of structural elements occurrence we chose 22 variables: 16 variables in the phase of attack and 6 in defence. Based on those variables, we formed 2 hypotheses. Methodology: Data was acquired at the official International Handball Federation (IHF) website and was processed in IBM SPSS 23. We calculated basic statistical characteristics, normality of distribution, homogeneity of variance and one-way analysis of variance for all parameters. Where sphericity was violated, we used Greenhouse-Geisser test. In other cases of violated assumptions, we used Friedman and Kruskal-Wallis test. Where characteristic differences in game efficiency among final results of matches were determined, individual differences were tested with tests of multiple comparisons. Where assumption about homogeneity of variance was confirmed, we used Tukey’s test, otherwise Games-Howell test was used. Results: Results have shown that there are characteristic differences among shot efficiency of the second half of the match, the number of exclusions in the second half, and in efficiency of defending shots from the distance in the second half. We have also determined that the number of passes at matches that ended as draws was higher and that there was a difference in effectiveness of fast breaks in the first and second halves when the match ended as a win or a draw.
Sekundarne ključne besede: sport;handball;European Champions League;structural elements;game analysis;Rokometni klub Celje Pivovarna Laško;game efficiency;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Strani: 77 f.
ID: 10961097