magistrsko delo
Maja Vatovec (Avtor), Janez Jerman (Mentor), Suzana Pulec Lah (Komentor)


Osrednji namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati vsakodnevno doživljanje starševstva v družini z otrokom z motnjo pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti (ADHD), izzive, ki se pojavljajo med starševstvom, ter doživljanje sodelovanja/odnosa staršev z učitelji oz. šolo. S pridobljenimi ugotovitvami smo želeli izboljšati in poglobiti razumevanje in znanje pri različnih strokovnjakih (svetovalnih delavcih, učiteljih, specialno-rehabilitacijskih pedagogih…), ki delajo z otrokom z motnjo ADHD in njegovo družino kar bi lahko pripomoglo k oblikovanju bolj celostnih pristopov in pomoči tem družinam. Prek Digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani (DiKul) smo tako poiskali članke, objavljene v obdobju 2000–2016, v katerih so raziskovalci poročali o doživljanju in izzivih staršev otroka z ADHD v kontekstu starševstva. V pregled literature je bilo vključenih 67 raziskovalnih člankov. Od tega je bilo 22 kvalitativnih raziskav, 43 kvantitativnih raziskav in 2 pregleda literature, ki so proučevali starševsko doživljanje in percepcijo starševstva otroku z motnjo ADHD, doživljanje stigme v okviru bližnjega in širšega socialnega okolja, vpliv motnje na partnerski podsistem, odnos med starši in učitelji ter vpliv starševske simptomatike motnje ADHD na proces starševstva. V izbranih člankih se veliko avtorjev opira tudi na dognanja drugih raziskav, zato smo jih po smislu in potrebi naknadno poiskali, proučili in vključili v svojo raziskavo. Za izbrane članke smo izpisali ključne podatke (avtor, leto izida, vzorec, metoda, ključne raziskovalne ugotovitve) in jih na osnovi ugotovitev raziskav in izpostavljenih konstruktov razvrstili v pomensko povezane kategorije in podkategorije. Ugotovitve raziskav, v povezavi z doživljanjem staršev, smo združili v smiselne pomenske sklope in jih povezali v okviru Bronfenbrennerjeve bioekološke teorije razvoja glede na posamezne mikrosisteme in njihove glavne značilnosti. Spoznali smo, da starši otroka z motnjo ADHD v vsakdanjem življenju doživljajo več stresa in da poročajo o težavnih odnosih tako z otrokom z motnjo kot tudi v partnerskem odnosu. Dodaten izziv zanje je pogosto nerazumevanje motnje s strani socialnega okolja, kjer so velikokrat tarča stigmatizirajočih kritik in predsodkov. Ti starši pogosto trpijo za pomanjkanjem socialne opore. Še posebno ranljivi so starši, ki imajo motnjo ADHD, saj ta v veliki meri vpliva na njihove starševske veščine in doživljanje. Moteno je tudi sodelovanje med starši in šolo, ki je neredko vir stigme in občutka krivde, ker učitelji pogosto ne razumejo in ne poznajo dovolj narave učenčeve motnje in njenega vpliva na celoten družinski sistem kar lahko vodi v poslabšanje odnosov na ravni starš- učitelj.

Ključne besede

motnja pozornosti in hiperaktivnosti - ADHD;izkušnja starševstva;ekosistemska teorija;stigma;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Vatovec]
UDK: 376-055.52(043.2)
COBISS: 12207945 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 492
Št. prenosov: 94
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Experiencing the challenges of parenting and working with teachers in the context of the child's attention and hyperactivity disorders
Sekundarni povzetek: The main purpose of the master's thesis was to investigate the daily experience of parenting in a family with a child with attention deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD), the challenges that occur during parenting, and the experience of parent-teacher relationship. With the findings we wanted to improve and deepen the understanding and knowledge of various professionals working with a child with ADHD disorder and his family, which could help to create more integrated approaches and help these families. Through the Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana (DiKul), we sought articles published in the period 2000-2016 in which researchers reported on the experience and challenges of the parents of the child with ADHD in the context of parenting. 67 research articles were included in the literature review. Of these, there were 22 qualitative research, 43 quantitative research and 2 literature reviews that examined parental experiences and the perception of parenting for a child with ADHD disorder. In selected articles, many authors also rely on the findings of other research, which is why we have subsequently sought, studied and included them in their research in terms of their need and need. For the selected articles, we have published key data (author, year of publication, sample, method, key research findings) and classified them into semantically related categories and subcategories based on the findings of research and exposed constructs. The findings of the research, combined with the experience of parents, were combined into meaningful semantic assemblies and linked in the framework of Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory of development with respect to individual microsystems and their main characteristics. We have found that parents of children with ADHD disorder experience more stress in their everyday lives and that they report difficult relationships with both the disabled and the partner. An additional challenge for them is often the lack of understanding of social disorders, which are often the target of stigmatizing criticism and prejudice. These parents often suffer from a lack of social support. Particularly vulnerable are parents who have a disorder of ADHD, as this greatly affects their parental skills and experience. Also, cooperation between parents and the school is a disturbing source of stigma and a sense of guilt because teachers often do not understand and do not know enough about the nature of the pupil's disorder and its impact on the entire family system, which can lead to a deterioration of relationships at the parent-teacher level.
Sekundarne ključne besede: parent-teacher relation;backward child;odnos med starši in učiteljem;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave
Strani: 211 str., [6] str. pril.
ID: 10985221