magistrsko delo
Ema Jevšnik (Avtor), Sonja Škornik (Mentor), Nataša Pipenbaher (Komentor)


Pol naravna suha travišča asociacije Onobrychido viciifoliae-Brometum uvrščamo v Natura 2000 habitatni tip 6210 (*). V Sloveniji se pojavljajo na sončnih legah gričevnatih pokrajin, kot so Haloze - naše raziskovano območje. Precejšen delež teh travišč, ki so jih v preteklosti kosili ali pa izvajali kombinirano košnjo in jesensko pašo, so v zadnjem desetletju spremenili v trajne pašnike, pasejo pa zelo različne vrste živali, poleg govedi najpogosteje še ovce, konje, koze, osle in različno divjad. Raziskav in podatkov o tem, kakšen vpliv imajo drugačni načini rabe (npr. celoletna paša) na ta travišča nimamo, zato smo v naši raziskavi želeli ugotoviti vpliv paše divjadi (damjakov) na vrstno sestavo, pestrost in funkcionalno sestavo pol naravnih suhih travišč. Na izbranih travniških poligonih smo zbrali skupaj 100 vegetacijskih popisov, od tega 54 na pašniku in 46 na travnikih s tradicionalno rabo (košnjo). Skupaj smo popisali 129 rastlinskih vrst, za katere smo zbrali tudi podatke o 38 morfološko funkcionalnih potezah (MFP) in 19 strategijah po modelu CSR. Podatke smo analizirali z različnimi uni- in multivariatnimi analizami. Ugotavljali smo razlike med sestavo in vrstno pestrostjo travišč, MFP, parametri vrstne pestrosti, Ellenbergovimi indeksi in CSR strategijami. Ugotovili smo, da se vrstna pestrost (povprečno število vrst na popisno ploskev ▫$0,25 m^2)$▫ na travniku ▫$(11,05 \pm 2,8)$▫ in na pašniku ▫$(12,12 \pm 2,5)$▫ sicer značilno ne razlikujeta, pri tem pa so se pokazale značilne razlike v floristični sestavi, saj so se na pašniku, med drugimi, pojavile številne plevelne vrste, ki jih na travniku ne najdemo. Razlike so se pojavile tudi v MFP, kjer smo dokazali, da so bile na pašniku v večjem deležu prisotne enoletnice in ruderalke, stres toleratorji, rastline, ki dalj časa cvetijo in imajo višjo vrednost specifične listne površine. Na košenih travnikih je bilo prisotnih več trajnic in kompetitorjev, rastline začnejo bolj zgodaj cveteti, so višje, večji je delež pol rozetastih vrst in rastline imajo višjo vrednost suhe snovi listov. Hkrati smo ugotovili razlike med pašnikom in travnikom glede na vrednosti Ellenbergovega indeksa za vlago ▫$(F)$▫ in količino dušika v tleh ▫$(N)$▫, kjer so bile višje povprečne vrednosti na pašniku. To razlagamo s procesom evtrofikacije in ustvarjanjem bolj mezotrofnih razmer zaradi izločkov pašnih živali. Na osnovi izsledkov naše raziskave lahko zaključimo, da paša divjadi ni primerna kmetijska raba za ohranjanje ugodnega stanja travišča Natura 2000 habitatnega tipa 6210 (*) na območju Haloz, saj povzroča značilne negativne spremembe v njihovi vrstni sestavi, predvsem zaradi pojavljanja nezaželenih plevelnih in/ali ruderalnih vrst.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;polnaravna suha travišča;paša;damjak (Dama dama);vrstna sestava;CSR strategije rastlin;morfološko funkcionalne poteze;multivariatne analize;kmetijska raba travišč;Natura 2000;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FNM - Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko
Založnik: [E. Jevšnik]
UDK: 633.2.03:639.111(043.2)
COBISS: 24436744 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1098
Št. prenosov: 233
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Effect of the permanent game grazing on species diversity and composition of grassland association Onobrychido viciifoliae-Brometum (alliance Mesobromion)
Sekundarni povzetek: Semi-natural dry grasslands association Onobrychido viciifoliae-Brometum are Natura 2000 habitat type 6210 (*). In Slovenia, they occur on the sunny areas of hilly regions, such as the Haloze - our researched area. A considerable part of these grasslands, which were in the past mowed or were under the combination of mowing and autumn grazing, was changed into permanent pastures over the last decade. There are many different animals that are used for grazing; the most often are cattle then are sheep, horses, goats, donkeys and various game species. There are no research findings with regard to effect on the changed management (for example the whole-year grazing) on the grassland vegetation. Therefore, in our research, we aimed to found out the impact of grazing (fallow deer) on the species composition, species diversity and functional diversity of semi-natural dry grasslands. Our research was based on 100 vegetation relevés (plots) of grasslands, among these we had 54 relevés of pasture and 46 relevés of meadows with traditional management (mowing). In this vegetation plots we recorded 129 plant species for which we collected 38 morphological functional traits (MFT) and 19 CSR strategies. Data were analysed with different univariate and multivariate methods. In our research we wanted to found out the differences in species composition, MFT, indexes of species diversity, Ellenberg indices and CSR strategies. We found no significant difference in the species diversity (average number of plant species on the plot ▫$0,25 m^2)$▫ on the meadows ▫$(11,05 \pm 2,8)$▫ and on the pasture ▫$(12,12 \pm 2,5)$▫ . However, there were some characteristic differences in the species composition between pasture and meadows. On the pasture, numerous weed species appear that can not be found on the meadows. Differences also appeared in MFT. On pasture, we found out more annual and ruderals species, stress tolerators, plants that blossom longer and have a higher value of specific leaf area. On the meadows, we found out more perrenials and competitors, plants that start blooming earlier and are higher, with the higher proportion of semi-rossete species and this plant have a higher value of leaf dry matter content. We found out also the differences between pasture and meadow according to the Ellenberg indices for moisture ▫$(F)$▫ and the nitrogen in the soil ▫$(N)$▫, where they were higher average values on the pasture. This could be explained with the eutrophication process and with the creation of more mesotrophic conditions due to the secretion of pastoral animals. Based on the results of our research we can conclude that the grazing of game species is not a suitable management in order to obtain a favourable condition of Natura 2000 grassland habitat type 6210 (*) in the Haloze region, because it causes negative changes in their species composition, especially due to the occurrence of weedy and/or ruderal species.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;semi-natural dry grasslands;grazing;the fallow deer (Dama dama);species composition;CSR plant strategies;morphological functional traits;multivariate analysis;agricultural use of grasslands;Natura 2000;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Strani: XIV, 77 str.
ID: 11022331