magistrsko delo
Matej Leljak (Avtor), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor)


Kaj je pravica? Je tisto, kar je v skladu s človekovimi, družbenimi predstavami, pravili o vrednotah. Razumemo jo lahko v smislu, da mora nekomu biti nekaj zagotovljeno. Najbolj pomembne so naravne pravice, ki ljudem pripadajo zato, ker so ljudje. Gre za človekove pravice, ki so neodtujljive in univerzalne in predstavljajo minimalni standard za vse ljudi. Pojem pravice je tesno povezan s pojmom pravičnosti, eden izmed vidikov iskanja pravičnosti v pravu je potreba po enakopravnosti. Načelo enakopravnosti vsakomur zagotavlja enake človekove pravice in svoboščine. Ena izmed pravic, ki je po vsem svetu verjetno ena izmed najbolj pomembnih socialnih in pravnih institucij, je pravica do zakonske zveze. Na mednarodni ravni je omenjena tudi v SDČP in EKČP, ki določata, da ima do sklenitve zakonske zveze pravico vsak posameznik, le to je država dolžna spoštovati in posameznika v to ne sme siliti, prav tako ga pri tem ne sme omejevati. Ni enotno njeno globalno razumevanje, zato definicije zakonske zveze dejansko ni, razlikujejo se tudi pogoji za njeno sklenitev in razvezo med posameznimi primerjalnimi sistemi. Je osnovno vodilo v vseh pravnih redih, da je zakonsko pravo del družinskega prava. Nekateri teoretiki ga opredeljujejo kot skupek pravnih norm, namenjen urejanju nastanka zakonske zveze, ki predstavlja razmerje med moškim in žensko, razmerja v zakonski zvezi, prenehanje zakonske zveze in razmerja povezana s prenehanjem. S takšno definicijo niso zajete druge partnerske skupnosti in ne skupnosti med istospolnimi partnerji. V RS je temeljna partnerska skupnost zakonska zveza, vendar daje DZ dejansko enake pravice, kot jih imata zakonca, tudi zunajzakonskima partnerjema, kjer gre za dalj časa trajajoča življenjska skupnost moškega in ženske, ki nista sklenila zakonske zveze. V različnih državah je ta institut različno opredeljen in urejen, razlikujejo pa se tudi poimenovanja. Velika razhajanja se pojavljajo tudi pri istospolnih partnerjih, in sicer glede pravice le teh do sklenitve zakonske zveze ali kakšne druge partnerske skupnost. RS je leta 2015 uvedel institut partnerske zveze, ki istospolnim partnerjem daje enake pravice kot raznospolnim zakonska zveza, z izjemo na področju posvojitve in OBMP. V sodobnem času se je po vsem svetu razvilo prepričanje, da istospolni pari enako kot raznospolni ustvarjajo ljubeča in trajna partnerska razmerja. Zato so tudi ureditve v vedno več državah takšne, da so istospolna partnerska razmerja v primerljivem položaju z raznospolnimi. V okviru EU je ESČP obravnavalo že veliko število primerov na to temo in pojasnilo, da EKČP zavezuje države samo k priznavanju istospolnih partnerjev, ne tudi k dovoljevanju istospolnih zakonskih zvez- to je v diskreciji države same. V EU trenutno 23 od 28 držav priznava eno izmed oblik istospolne skupnosti, nekatere države dovoljujejo istospolne zakonske zveze, nekatere drugo obliko civilne unije, nekatere priznavajo istospolne zakonske zveze, opravljene po katerem tujem pravnem redu. Na drugi strani v ZDA možnost zakonske zveze istospolnih partnerjev velja za temeljno človekovo pravico, ki je zaščitena s strani zvezne ustave. Istospolni partnerji imajo tako enake pogoje, pravice in dolžnosti kot raznospolni pari v zakonski zvezi v vseh zveznih državah. Gre za pravico, ki je države same ne morejo omejevati.

Ključne besede

zakonska zveza;razveza;zunajzakonska skupnost;istospolna partnerska skupnost;prepoved diskriminacije;načelo enakosti.;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: M. Leljak]
UDK: 347.62/.628(043.3)
COBISS: 5745963 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1247
Št. prenosov: 209
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Forms of partnership between different sex and same sex partners - regulation in slovenian legal order and comparative legal system
Sekundarni povzetek: What's right? It is what is in line with human, social concepts and with the rules of values. We can understand it in the sense that something should be guaranteed to somebody. The most important are the natural rights that belong to people, just because they are people. These are human rights that are non-tolerant and universal and represent a minimum standard for all people. The notion of right is closely linked to the notion of justice, and one of the aspects of the search for justice in law is the need for equality. The principle of equality guarantees everyone equal rights and freedoms. One of the rights, which is probably one of the most important social and legal institutions around the world, is right to marry. At the international level, it is also mentioned in the UDHR and the ECHR, which stipulate that every individual is entitled to a marriage and it is the duty of the state to respect and not to force the individual in to it, nor does it may limit. There is, however, no uniform global understanding of it, and therefore there are no definitions of marriage, and the conditions for its conclusion and divorce between the different comparative systems are different. It is, however, a fundamental guideline in all jurisdictions that this institute is part of family law. Some theorists define it as a set of legal norms, intended to regulate formation of marriage, which represents the relationship between a man and a woman, a relationship in a marriage and a dissolution of a marriage. Such a definition does not include other partner communities, and not communities among same sex partners. In the RS, the basic partnership is a marriage, but the Family law act gives in fact the same rights to the spouses living in non-marital partnerships, which means a long-standing living community of a man and a woman who have not married. In different countries, however, this institute is differently defined and regulated, and the names are different. Big divergences also occur in same-sex partners, with regard to their right to a marriage or some other partner community. In 2015, the RS introduced a partnership institute that gives same-sex partners the same rights as different- sex marriages, with the exception of adoption and fertilization with biomedical assistance. In modern times, has all over the world developed the belief that same-sex couples, like heterosexuals, create loving and lasting partnerships. Therefore, arrangements in more and more countries are such that same-sex partner relationships are in a comparable situation with heterosexuals. In the EU, the ECtHR has already dealt with a large number of cases on this topic, explaining that the ECHR binds states only to recognizing same-sex partners, but not to allowing same-sex marriage- this is in the discretion of the country itself. In the EU currently 23 out of 28 countries recognize one form of same-sex marriage, some countries allow same-sex marriage, some other form of civil union, and some recognize same-sex marriages under which foreign law is passed. On the other hand, the possibility of marriages of same-sex partners in the United States is regarded as a fundamental human right protected by the federal constitution. Same-sex partners therefore have the same conditions, rights and duties as heterosexual couples in a marriage in all federal states. It is a right that the states themselves can not restrict.
Sekundarne ključne besede: marriage;divorce;non- marital partnership;same- sex partnership;prohibition of discrimination;the principle of equality.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: 82 f.
ID: 11132425