magistrsko delo


Poklic socialnega pedagoga je povezan z delom z izstopajočimi populacijami. Ena izmed njih so tudi otroci in mladostniki s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami, ki bivajo v vzgojnih ustanovah. Njim in vzgojiteljem iz vzgojnih ustanov je namenjeno magistrsko delo. V teoretičnem delu na osnovi definicij različnih avtorjev opredelim čustvene in vedenjske motnje (ČVM). Za lažje razumevanje, kaj vse ČVM predstavljajo, naštejem etiološke klasifikacije ČVM, ki so pomoč in opora pri diagnosticiranju otrok in mladostnikov z izstopajočim vedenjem in čustvovanjem. Na nastanek ČVM vpliva več različnih dejavnikov, zbranih v poglavju o dejavnikih tveganja, med katere sodijo osebnostne značilnosti, družina in njene socialnoekonomske značilnosti, šola ter vrstniške skupine. V nadaljevanju na kratko predstavim zakonsko podlago področja izobraževanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami, kamor so uvrščeni tudi otroci in mladostniki s ČVM. Obširen del namenim predstavitvi vzgojnih ustanov v Sloveniji ter obravnavi populacije znotraj njih. Temeljne informacije črpam iz Vzgojnega programa (Škoflek, Selšek, Ravnikar, Brezničar in Krajnčan, 2004), ki je namenjen vzgojiteljem v vzgojnih skupinah kot vodilo pri načrtovanju dela in zavodskega vsakdana. Opišem cilje vzgojnega dela, načela, ki jim je treba slediti, ter dejavnosti za uresničevanje vzgojnega programa. Izpostavim oblike in metode dela ter opišem značilnosti vzgojitelja, vzgojne skupine in delovnega odnosa. Na koncu teoretskega dela na kratko opredelim spremembe sodobne družbe s procesi individualizacije, globalizacije in socialne izključenosti. V empiričnem delu prek analize šestih intervjujev z vzgojitelji iz vzgojnih zavodov spoznam značilnosti otrok in mladostnikov s ČVM, oblike in metode dela ter ovire, s katerimi se soočajo pri delu s nastanjeno populacijo. Glavne ugotovitve kažejo, da nastanjena populacija s ČVM prihaja iz nefunkcionalnih družin, kjer imajo starši veliko svojih težav (odvisnost, brezposelnost, stanovanjska problematika). Vedno več je razvajenih otrok ter otrok s psihiatričnimi diagnozami. Vzgojitelji svoje delo načrtujejo ter pri tem upoštevajo značilnosti posameznika in celotne skupine. Njihov glavni cilj je priprava otroka na samostojno življenje v skupnosti, zato uporabljajo strukturo dneva, ki je natančno določena, postavijo pravila, hišni red, kazni, nagrade, pomagajo otroku pri šolskem delu ter ga navajajo na osnovne življenjske veščine (higiena, priprava oblačil, pospravljanje, razporeditev časa). Ključ za uspešno delo je odnos med vzgojiteljem in posameznikom ter povezanost in doslednost tima vzgojiteljev. Glavna ovira pri njihovem delu je sam sistem, v katerega so vpeti, saj je po njihovem mnenju premalo zaposlenih na delovno izmeno, manjka notranja diferenciacija med zavodi, problematičen je velik starostni razkorak med otroki v skupini, zakonsko neurejeno sodelovanje s starši in prepozno nameščanje v ustanovo. Iz teh razlogov predlagajo zgodnejšo namestitev, sistemsko ureditev dela z družino oziroma starši, nove programe pomoči ter notranjo diferenciacijo med zavodi.

Ključne besede

dejavniki tveganja;mladoletniško prestopniško vedenje;metodični izzivi;vzgojne ustanove;vzgojni zavodi;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [L. Verbič]
UDK: 37.018.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12454473 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 401
Št. prenosov: 83
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Methodological challenges of residental care institutions
Sekundarni povzetek: The social pedagogical profession includes working with emerging populations. One of them are children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural disorders living in educational institutions. The master's thesis is intended for them and the educators from educational institutions. In the theoretical part, based on the definitions of different authors, I define emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD). For an easier understanding of what all EBDs are, I list the etiological classifications of EBD that help and support diagnosing children and adolescents with emerging behaviour and emotions. The onset of EBD is influenced by several different factors collected in the chapter on risk factors, which include personality characteristics, family and its socioeconomic characteristics, school and peer groups. In the following, I briefly introduce the legal basis for the field of education of children with special needs, including children and adolescents with EBD. I devote an extensive part of the thesis to the presentation of educational institutions in Slovenia and the treatment of the population within them. I draw the basic information from the Educational Program (Škoflek, Selšek, Ravnikar, Brezničar and Krajnčan, 2004), which is intended for educators in educational groups as a guide in planning work and institutional everyday life. I describe the goals of educational work, the principles to be followed, and the activities for the realization of the educational program. I point out the forms and methods of work and describe the characteristics of the educator, the educational group and the working relationship. At the end of the theoretical part I briefly define the changes of a modern society through the processes of individualization, globalization and social exclusion. In the empirical part, through the analysis of six interviews with educators from educational institutions, I find out the characteristics of children and adolescents with EBD, the forms and methods of work, and the obstacles they face in working with the settled population. The main findings show that the settled population with EBD comes from dysfunctional families where parents have a lot of their own problems (addiction, unemployment, housing problems). There are more and more spoiled children and children with psychiatric diagnoses. Educators plan their work, taking into account the characteristics of the individual and the whole group. Their main goal is to prepare the child for independent living in the community, so they use the structure of the day, which is precisely defined, set rules, house rules, penalties, prizes, help the child with school work and refer him to basic life skills (hygiene, preparing clothes, tidying, time management). The key to successful work is the relationship between the educator and the individual and the cohesion and consistency of the team of educators. The main obstacle to their work is the system in which they are hooked, since they consider that there are not enough employees in the work shift, there is a lack of internal differentiation between the institutions, a big age gap between the children in the group is problematic, cooperation with parents is unregulated and placement of children in institutions is too late. For these reasons, they propose early placement, systemic regulation of work with family or parents, new assistance programs and internal differentiation between institutions.
Sekundarne ključne besede: probation officer;emotional disorder;behaviour disorder;vzgojitelj v vzgojnem domu;čustvene motnje;motnje vedenja;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Strani: 67 str.
ID: 11152941