magistrsko delo
Uršula Berke (Avtor), Maja Hmelak (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu je obravnavana prosta igra v predšolskem obdobju in njena pomembnost za otrokov razvoj. Prosta igra ima ključno vlogo pri otrokovem razvoju, zlasti v predšolskem obdobju. Velik vpliv ima na otrokov čustveni razvoj kot tudi na otrokovo zmožnost reševanja problemov. Prosta igra kot tudi druge oblike nestrukturiranih dejavnosti pomaga otrokom pri razvoju socialnih, osebnih in motoričnih sposobnosti ter veščin. S prosto igro otroci krepijo in razvijajo svojo domišljijo in ustvarjalnost. Posledice pomanjkanja svobodne igre se kažejo tudi v poznejših letih, vse do odraslosti. Otroci, ki so bili prikrajšani za svobodno igro, imajo večje težave z vključevanjem v družbo kot tudi težave s čustveno navezanostjo, izražanjem čustev in njihovim nadzorom. Pojavijo se lahko tudi narcistični nagibi. V empiričnem delu smo raziskali odnos strokovnih delavcev do proste igre. Zanimalo nas je, ali se zavedajo pomembnosti proste igre za otrokov razvoj, koliko časa ji posvetijo ter kakšno je mnenje strokovnih delavcev o njihovi vlogi med prosto igro. Rezultati so pokazali, da se strokovni delavci zavedajo pomembnosti proste igre in da omogočajo otrokom, da se vsakodnevno prosto igrajo, v povprečju med pol ure do eno uro na dan. Proste igre je največ med počitnicami in nasploh pri bivanju na prostem. Strokovni delavci se zavedajo koristi, ki jih ima prosta igra na celoten otrokov razvoj, pri tem pa ne poudarjajo nobenega področja razvoja posebej.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;pomembnost;pomen;prosta igra;predšolski otroci;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [U. Berke]
UDK: 373.2:159.922.7(043.2)
COBISS: 24760328 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 656
Št. prenosov: 190
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂThe ǂimportance of free play for a preschool child
Sekundarni povzetek: The graduation thesis is made of two parts, the theoretical and the empirical part. In the theoretical part we deal with free play in the pre-school period and its importance for the child's development. Free play has a crucial role in the child's development, especially in the pre-school period. It has a significant impact on a child's emotional development as well as on the child's problem-solving ability. Free play helps children in their development of social, personal, and motor abilities and skills. Through free play they also develop their imagination and creativity. The consequences of the lack of free play can be noticeable even in later years, all the way through adulthood. Children who were deprived of free play, can when they are older, have problems with integration in society, as well as problems with emotional connection and attachments. They can even have narcissistic inclines. In the empirical part, we explored the relationship of professional workers towards free play. We wanted to know if they are aware of the importance of free play for the child's development, how much time they devote to the free play and what is the opinion of professional workers about their role during the free play. The results have shown that professional workers are aware of the importance of free play and that they include free play in their activities daily, although the time for free play is limited to an average between half an hour to one hour a day. Free play is mostly used in outdoor areas and especially during summer vacation. The professional workers are aware of the benefits that free play has on the child's development, although they do not specially emphasize any field of child's development.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master theses;importance;meaning;free play;preschool children;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Strani: X, 82 str., 6 str. pril.
ID: 11206159