magistrsko delo
Ines Huber (Avtor), Stanislav Avsec (Mentor)


Gozdna pedagogika je metoda, s katero obenem izobražujemo in vzgajamo. Učno okolje predstavlja gozd. Poučevanje z razlago in pogovorom zamenja izvajanje aktivnosti, ki so načrtovane tako, da spodbujajo učenje preko izkustev ter trajnostno znanje. Poleg tega vpliva na razvoj posameznikove osebnosti. Tehnološka pismenost tako učencev kot odraslih je vse bolj pomembna, saj nam omogoča boljše življenje. Na njen razvoj vpliva veliko različnih dejavnikov. Mednje spada tudi odnos do tehnike in tehnologije. Slednji je odvisen tako od značilnosti posameznika, odnosa staršev kot od načina učiteljevega poučevanja. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela je podrobneje predstavljena gozdna pedagogika, njene prednosti in težave, na katere lahko naletimo, ter smernice in priporočila za njeno izvajanje. Prav tako je predstavljena tehnološka pismenost, vse njene komponente, ter načini spodbujanja tehnološke pismenosti učencev. Podan je tudi splošen opis odnosa ter vplivi na odnos do naravoslovja in tehnike. Cilj naše raziskave je ugotoviti, kako na tehnološko pismenost učencev 6. razreda osnovne šole vpliva izvajanje gozdne pedagogike v obliki tehniškega dne, katerega osrednja tema je les. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako na tehnološko pismenost vpliva odnos učencev do naravoslovja in tehnike ter kakšno je mnenje učencev glede izvajanja pouka z metodo gozdne pedagogike. Raziskava temelji na kvalitativnem in kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu. Izvedena je v dveh delih, na eni izmed osnovnih šol, ki se nahaja na podeželju, v neposredni bližini gozda. Vzorec predstavlja 36 učencev, od tega jih je 12 sodelovalo pri izvedbi tehniškega dne z metodo gozdne pedagogike (eksperimentalna skupina). Pred izvedbo tehniškega dne so vsi učenci z odgovarjanjem na vprašalnik Naravoslovje in tehnika in jaz izrazili svoj odnos do naravoslovja in tehnike. S testom tehnološke pismenosti, ki je služil kot predtest, smo pridobili podatke o tehnološki pismenosti učencev. Nekaj tednov po izvedbi tehniškega dne je sledila izvedba drugega dela, v katerem smo s testom tehnološke pismenosti (posttest) ponovno preverili tehnološko pismenost učencev. Učenci, udeleženi na tehniškem dnevu, so izpolnili vprašalnik Akcija in jaz, iz katerega smo izvedeli, kakšno je njihovo mnenje glede izvajanja gozdne pedagogike. Učenci eksperimentalne skupine so na posttestu dosegli višje rezultate tehnološke pismenosti (x ̅= 43,3 %) kot učenci kontrolne skupine (x ̅= 38,1 %). Na splošno so učenci na posttestu (x ̅= 40 %) dosegli višje rezultate kot na predtestu (x ̅= 37 %). Eksperimentalna skupina je napredovala v povprečju za 16,6 %, medtem ko je kontrolna nazadovala za 1,9 %. Tako na predtestu kot na posttestu tehnološke pismenosti so bile najslabše rešene testne postavke, ki se nanašajo na komponento kritičnega razmišljanja in odločanja. Na splošno so učenci v povprečju na posttestu dosegli višje rezultate in napredovali za 4,3 %. Pri analizi odnosa učencev do naravoslovja in tehnike je bilo ugotovljeno, da obstaja povezava med prirastkom komponente kritično razmišljanje in odločanje ter mnenjem o primernosti področja naravoslovja in tehnike za določen spol. Učenci z majhnim prirastkom so mnenja, da sta dani področji bolj primerni za moški spol. Na splošno je zanimanje za nadaljnje izobraževanje na danih področjih nizko. Mnenje učencev glede izvajanja gozdne pedagogike je zadovoljivo, saj je povprečna ocena vsake od kategorij višja od srednje vrednosti ocenjevalne lestvice 2,5. Tehnološka pismenost učencev 6. razreda je še vedno nizka, predvsem v komponenti kritično razmišljanje in odločanje. Zaskrbljujoč je tudi interes za poklice na področju naravoslovja in tehnike, kar je posledica okolja, v katerem živijo učenci, ter načina poučevanja. S spremembo učnih načrtov in načinov poučevanja bi lahko vplivali tako na odnos in tehnološko pismenost učencev kot na trajnost njihovega znanja.

Ključne besede

gozdna pedagogika;tehnika in tehnologija;tehnološka pismenost;odnos učencev;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [I. Huber]
UDK: 62:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12562505 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 433
Št. prenosov: 56
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Developing of technological literacy using forest pedagogy of design and technology subject matter of sixth graders
Sekundarni povzetek: Forest pedagogy is a method which simultaneously enables learning and education. The learning environment is represented by the forest. Teaching through interpretation and conversation replaces the implementation of activities designed to promote learning through experience and sustainable knowledge. In addition, it affects the development of the personality of the individual. Technological literacy for both students and adults is increasingly important as it enables us to live a better life. Its development is influenced by many different factors. These include the attitude towards the Design and Technology. The attitude depends on the characteristics of the individual, the attitude of the parents and the way the teacher is teaching the subject. In the theoretical part, the forest pedagogy is presented in more detail, its advantages and difficulties that can be encountered, as well as guidelines and recommendations for its implementation. The technological literacy, all its components, and ways of promoting the technological literacy of students are also presented. A general description of the attitude and the effects on the attitude towards science and technology are also given. The goal of our research is to find out how the technological literacy of 6th grade elementary school students is influenced by the implementation of forest pedagogy in the form of the school activity day, whose central theme is wood. We were also interested in how students' attitudes toward science and technology do affect their technological literacy and what students' opinions are about the delivery of forest pedagogy lessons. The research is based on a qualitative and quantitative research approach. It is implemented in two parts, on one of the elementary schools located in the countryside in the immediate vicinity of the forest. The sample represents 36 students, 12 of whom participated in the school activity day, based on using the forest pedagogy method (experimental group). Prior to the implementation of the school activity day, all students expressed their attitude towards science and technology by answering the Science, Technology and Me questionnaire. Through the Technological literacy Test, which served as a pre-test, we obtained information about the students’ technological literacy. A few weeks after the implementation of the school activity day, the second part was followed by a re-examination of the students' technological literacy with the Technological literacy Test (post-test). The students participating in the school activity day completed an Action and Me questionnaire through which we found out what they thought about the use of the forest pedagogy. The experimental group achieved higher scores on the post-test (x ̅= 43,3 %) of technological literacy than the control group students (x ̅= 38,1 %). Overall, students scored higher on the post-test (x ̅= 40 %) than on the pre-test (x ̅= 37 %). The experimental group advanced an average of 16,6 %, while the control group declined 1,9 %. In both the pre-test and post-test of technological literacy, test items related to the critical thinking and decision making component were the worst-performing items. Overall, students scored higher on the post-test and advanced 4,3 %. An analysis of students' attitudes towards science and technology revealed that there is a link between the increment of the critical thinking and decision making component and the opinion on the suitability of the science and technology field for a particular gender. Students with small increments are of the opinion that the given areas are more suitable for the male sex. Overall, interest in continuing education is low in the given areas. The students' opinion regarding the implementation of the forest pedagogy is satisfactory, as the average score of each category is higher than the mean value of the rating scale, which is 2,5. Technological literacy of the sixth graders is still low, mainly in the critical thinking and decision making component. The interest in the professions in the field of science and technology is also of concern, as a result of the environment in which students live and the way they are being taught. Changing curricula and teaching methods could affect both the attitude and technological literacy of the students and also the sustainability of their knowledge.
Sekundarne ključne besede: technological education;primary education;tehnološko izobraževanje;osnovnošolski pouk;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Predmetno poučevanje
Strani: IX, 71, XX str.
ID: 11206312