delo diplomskega projekta


V zaključnem delu podrobno proučujemo kriptovalute. Natančno jih ločujemo po njihovi delitvi in njihovi uporabi. Osnovno digitalne valute ločimo na tri skupine, to so bitcoin kot glavna kripto valuta, alternativne kovance, ki jih imenujemo altcoini, in pa stabilne kovance, ki zmanjšujejo tržno volatilnost. Natančno primerjamo postopke v dveh najmočnejših kripto menjalnicah na svetu, Binance in Kraken. Poglabljamo se v postopke, kot so registracija, polog, dvig in pa trgovanje s kriptovalutami. Brez znanja o tehničnih indikatorjih pa ne moremo trgovati, zato bomo podrobno opisali le-te. V zaključnem delu proučujemo najpomembnejše tehnične indikatorje, kot so drseče povprečje, preprosto drseče povprečje, eksponentno drseče povprečje in pa indikatorja MACD in RSI. Na grafih prikazujemo najbolj znane formacije, ki jih digitalne valute oblikujejo v svojih ciklih. To so glava in ramena, padajoči ali rastoči klin, dvojni vrh, dvojno dno in podobni. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge pa analiziramo družinsko podjetje Chiptehnika d.o.o., ki se kot mnogo drugih podjetij tudi pripravlja na integracijo kriptovalutnega plačilnega sistema. Podrobno opisujemo podjetje, njegove panoge in pa integracijo kriptovalutnega plačilnega sistema in kako lahko odjemalci plačajo v digitalnih valutah, kot so bitcoin, ethereum in bitcoin cash. V zadnjem delu analiziramo tudi integracijo digitalnih valut v največje in najuspešnejše korporacije tega sveta in celo uvedbo digitalne valute največjega socialnega omrežja nasvetu, tj. Facebooka.

Ključne besede

digitalni denar;digitalne valute;kriptovalute;bitcoin;kripto menjalnice;integracija;družinsko podjetje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [Ž. Rajniš]
UDK: 336.74:004
COBISS: 13496092 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 6741
Št. prenosov: 134
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Cryptocurrencies in modern entrepreneurship and crypto currency integration in the selected company
Sekundarni povzetek: In my final work, we will be describing cryptocurrencies in detail. We are gonna strictly separate them depending on their functions and their usage. We will take a look into three separate groups. The first is Bitcoin, as the main cryptocurrency, the second being altcoins and the third group, which are the stablecoins with the function of reducing the market volatility. In detail, we will go over the main procedures of the two main cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, Binance and Kraken. We will describe the main features of the exchange, such as the registration, withdrawing, depositing and trading. Without the knowledge of technical indicators, succesfully trading cryptocurrencies is not possible. That's why we will describe the main technical indicators, which are the moving average, simple moving average, exponential moving average and the indexes MACD and RSI. We will review many charts and the most common formations that cryptocurrencies form during their market cycles such as Head and shoulders pattern, falling and rising wedges, double top, double bottom and more. In the last part of my final work, we will review out family company Chiptehnika d.o.o. We will reveal how the company functions and the integration of cryptocurrencies as a valid payment system, and how customers can pay in digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash. In the final part of my final work, we will describe how the world's most powerful corporations plan to integrate cryptocurriences in their systems. We will talk about corporations that gave a green light to the concept of the digital currencies, and as the last topic, we will describe about the world's leading social media Facebook launching it's own crryptocurrency called Libra.
Sekundarne ključne besede: cryptocurrencies;digital currencies;crypto exchanges;bitcoin;chart;cryptocurrency;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo diplomskega projekta/projektno delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 54 f.
ID: 11210027