magistrsko delo
Mateja Glavič (Avtor), Urška Puh (Recenzent), Darja Rugelj (Mentor)


Uvod: V podjetju Samsung so bili prvi, ki so razvili aplikacijo S Health, ki dovoljuje uporabnikom, da upravljajo svoje dejavnost, prehrano, podatke o stresu, srčni utrip in spanje s pomočjo zajemanja in sledenja informacijam in meritvam preko pametnega telefona. S Health omogoča informacije o telesni dejavnosti, kar se izraža s porabljenimi kalorijami, izmerjeno razdaljo in številom opravljenih korakov tekom dejavnosti. Namen: Želeli smo ugotoviti povezanost rezultatov števila prehojenih korakov telefonov treh cenovnih razredov znamke Samsung z njihovo aplikacijo za štetje korakov S Health, ki smo jo namestili tudi na dva telefona generacije 2016 (Samsung in Huawei), ter vse rezultate primerjali s pedometrom Step Watch. Ugotavljali smo tudi povezanost rezultatov števila prehojenih korakov pri treh dejavnostih: hoji na kratke razdalje, hoji na daljše razdalje in hoji po stopnicah. Metode dela: Sodelovalo je 26 preiskovancev, ki so opravili tri teste hoje – test dvajsetih korakov, test hoje po stopnicah in 6-minutni test hoje. Med testi so bili telefoni eden poleg drugega in v naključnem vrstnem redu nameščeni v torbico v višini bokov in v srednji liniji desnega stegna. Pedometer Step Watch je bil nameščen na gležnju. Rezultati: Pri Testu dvajsetih korakov so imeli telefoni razpon napak od 5,79% do 56,9%. Telefon višjega cenovnega razreda je bil edini, ki je imel z rezultati pedometra slabo korelacijo (r = 0,34), vsi ostali zanemarljivo (0,0-0,1). Pri tem testu je bil telefon A edini, ki pri nobeni meritvi ni zabeležil vrednosti nič. Pri Testu hoje po stopnicah je bil telefon višjega cenovnega razreda edini, ki je imel napako manjšo od petih odstotkov (1,9 %). Telefon A je imel edini zelo visoko korelacijo s pedometrom (r = 0,84), vsi ostali nizko ali srednjo (0,26-0,38). Pri tem testu je bil telefon A edini, ki pri nobeni meritvi ni zabeležil vrednosti nič. Pri Šestminutnem testu hoje je bil telefon višjega cenovnega razreda edini, ki je imel napako manjšo od petih odstotkov (1,14 %). V primerjavi z rezultati pedometra je imel telefon A skoraj popolno korelacijo (r = 0,98), vsi ostali telefoni pa srednjo (0,42-0,48). Pri tem testu noben telefon ni zabeležil vrednosti 0. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo natančnejše rezultate telefona iz višjega cenovnega razreda v primerjavi s telefoni nižjih razredov ne glede na trajanje hoje ali teren hoje po ravnem ali stopnicah. Med telefoni različnih generacij nismo opazili razlik. Natančnost in skladnost med pedometrom in telefoni se je povečevala s povečevanjem števila korakov oziroma podaljševanjem trajanja meritve.

Ključne besede

magistrska dela;fizioterapija;telesna dejavnost;hoja;pametni telefoni;natančnost;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Šinkovec]
UDK: 615.8
COBISS: 5775979 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 665
Št. prenosov: 137
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂThe ǂaccuracy of smartphones for measure the number of steps
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: The Samsung company was first who develop their own app S Health, which allows users to manage their activity, diet, stress data, heart rate and sleep by capturing and tracking informations and measurements via a smartphone. S Health provides informations about physical activity related to burned calories, measured distance, and number of steps taken during the activity. Purpose: We wanted to find out the compatibility of Samsung's three phones, ranged by price, with their app for step counting S Health, which we also installed on two phones generation 2016 (Samsung and Huawei), and compared all the results with the Step Watch pedometer. We also determined the consistency of the results in three activities: walking on short distance, walking on long distance and stair walking. Methods: Twenty-two subjects participated in three walking tests - the Twenty Step Test, the Stair Walk Test, and the Six Minute Walk Test. During the tests, the telephones were all at the same tome and in a random order inserted into a waist bag at the height of the hips and in the midline of the right thigh. The Step Watch pedometer was mounted on the ankle. Results: In the Test of twenty steps, the phones had an error in range from 5,79% to 56,9%. The phone from highest price rang was the only one with a poor correlation (r = 0.34) in comparison with the pedometer results, all other phones had negligible (0.0-0.1), and it was the only one who didn`t record zero in any measurement. In the Stair walking test, the phone from highest price rang was the only one which had an error less than five percent (1.9%). Phone A had the only one a very high correlation with the pedometer (r = 0.84), all other phones had low or medium (0.26 -0.38) and it was the only one who didn`t record zero in any measurement. In the Six-minute walk test, the phone from higher price rang was the only one which had an error less than five percent (1.14%), it has nearly perfect correlation (r = 0.98) compared to the pedometer results, all other phones had the middle one (0.42- 0.48). No phone recorded a value of 0 in this test. Discussion and conclusion: We have found more accurate results for phone from highest price rang compared to phones from lower prices rang, regardless of the length of the walk or the terrain of straight or stairs. There were no differences between phones of different generations. Accuracy and consistency between the pedometer and telephones increased as the number of steps increased or the measurement duration increased.
Sekundarne ključne besede: master's theses;physiotherapy;physical activity;walking;smartphones;accuracy;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Strani: 38 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 11395841
Priporočena dela:
, komunikacijski vzorci družin v povezavi z rabami ter regulacijami mobilnega telefona
, primerjava kakovosti podatkov pri uporabi različnih naprav za odgovarjanje na anketo