diplomsko delo
Tina Bečan (Avtor), Aleš Kuhar (Recenzent), Marija Klopčič (Mentor)


Na osnovi analize tehničnih karakteristik, programske opreme in podatkov, ki jih molzni roboti nudijo rejcem za namen učinkovitejšega managementa njihovih čred, ugotavljamo, da so med posameznemi molznimi roboti precejšne razlike. Molzni roboti rejcem dajejo različne podatke, ki jih merijo na različne načine. Med seboj se razlikujejo predvsem v podajanju informacij s transponderjev/pedometrov, ki merijo čas prežvekovanja, robot z različnimi moduli omogoča tehtanje krav, preglede brejosti, spremlja vsebnosti mleka. Pri vseh pa je možno meriti aktivnost krav s transponderji/pedometri, z drugimi moduli pa meriti električno prevodnost in barvo mleka ter število somatskih celic v mleku. Molzni roboti se predvsem razlikujejo po njihovi programski opremi. Nekateri imajo hitro pregledne, dostopne in uporabniku prijazne informacije v slovenščini, za nekatere si je potrebno vzeti več časa ali so v tujem jeziku. Zelo pomembno je, da si kmet vsakodnevno vzame čas za pregled podatkov, ki mu jih nudi molzni robot in da ustrezno ukrepa. Ker smo želeli ugotoviti razlike med posameznimi tipi molznih robotov in kaj je bil motiv za izbiro določenega tipa molznega robota, smo opravili poglobljene intervjuje z nekaterimi rejci, saj nas je zanimalo njihovo mnenje o molznih robotih in programski opremi, ki jo določen molzni robot nudi. Na osnovi intervjujev s 5 rejci 4 različnih molznih robotov smo ugotovili, da so vsi zadovoljni z nakupom molznega robota, saj jim robot olajša delo kar se tiče molže, povečala pa se je tudi mlečnost na kravo. Pregledu podatkov na dan namenijo približno pol ure. Zadovoljni so tudi s programsko opremo njihovih molznih robotov. Prisotnost molznega robota v hlevu ne pomeni, da sedaj ne bo več dela v hlevu ampak rejcu omogoča lažji nadzor nad čredo in mu da možnost izboljšanja managementa v čredi krav molznic.

Ključne besede

govedo;krave;molznice;molzni roboti;programska oprema;podatki;menedžment;diplomske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Bečan]
UDK: 636.2(043.2)
COBISS: 29564931 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 435
Št. prenosov: 103
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Applicabilty of data from milking robot
Sekundarni povzetek: Based on the analysis of technical characteristics, software and data that milking robots offer to breeders for the purpose of more efficient management of their herds, we find that there are significant differences between individual milking robots. Milking robots give breeders different data, which they measure in different ways. They differ mainly in the provision of information from transponders / pedometers that measure the time of rumination, the robot with different modules allows weighing cows, pregnancy checks, monitors milk content. In all of them, it is possible to measure the activity of cows with transponders / pedometers, and with other modules to measure the electrical conductivity and color of milk and somatic cells count in milk. Milking robots differ mainly in their software. Some have quickly transparent, accessible and user-friendly information in Slovenian language, for some it is necessary to take more time or they are in a foreign language. It is very important that the farmer takes the time on a daily basis to review the data provided to him by the milking robot and to take appropriate action. Because we wanted to find out the differences between different types of milking robots and what was the motive for choosing a particular type of milking robot, we conducted in-depth interviews with some breeders as we were interested in their opinions on milking robots and software offered by a particular milking robot. Based on interviews with 5 breeders of 4 different type of milking robots, we found that all 5 farmers are satisfied with the purchase of a milking robot, as the robot makes their work easier as far as milking is concerned, and the milk yield per cow has also increased. They spend about half an hour to monitor the data a day. They are also happy with the software of their milking robots. The presence of a milking robot in the barn does not mean that there will be no more work in the barn now, but it gives the breeder easier control over the herd and gives him the opportunity to improve management in the herd of dairy cows.
Sekundarne ključne besede: cattle;dairy cows;milking robots;software;data;management;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Delo diplomskega projekta/projektno delo
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Strani: VIII, 33 str.
ID: 12044667