(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Kaja Lavrič (Avtor), Luka Tičar (Mentor)


Razvit sistem kolektivnega pogajanja je vrednota skupne evropske dediščine, ki pozitivno vpliva na skladen gospodarsko-socialni razvoj. Kolektivne pogodbe so pomemben avtonomen vir delovnega prava in so zelo učinkovito sredstvo za urejanje delovnih pogojev ter razmerij med socialnimi parterji. Kolektivno pogajanje pa je lahko učinkovito samo v razmerah svobodnega in prostovoljnega kolektivnega pogajanja in avtonomije pogodbenih strank. Načelo svobode, prostovoljnosti in avtonomije kolektivnega pogajanja izhaja iz ustavne določbe o sindikalni svobodi in številnih mednarodnopravnih standardov, mimo katerih avtonomije ne more omejevati niti zakonodajna, niti izvršilna ali sodna oblast. Država ne sme sprejemati nikakršnih ukrepov, ki bi pomenili omejevanje ali poseg v te pravice delavcev in delodajalcev ter njihovih organizacij, po drugi strani pa mora sprejeti nujne ukrepe za zagotovitev učinkovitega uresničevanja te pravice. Kljub temu, da je potrebno izhajati iz čim širšega obsega vsebinske avtonomije, pa je v praksi mogoče opaziti vse več primerov oblastnega poseganja v avtonomijo kolektivnega pogajanja in s tem oženje obsega avtonomije. V času gospodarske krize se povečujejo interventni posegi javne oblasti v kolektivna pogajanja, predvsem v javnem sektorju, zaradi uvajanja ukrepov vladne stabilizacijske politike, poleg tega pa na oženje avtonomije socialnih partnerjev vpliva tudi težnja po vzpostavitvi enotnega trga na ravni EU na račun krepitve gospodarskih svoboščin in svobodne konkurence. Osrednje vprašanje magistrskega dela je, kdaj je lahko intervencija države v kolektivna pogajanja dopustna in kje so skrajne meje še dopustnega posega v avtonomijo kolektivnega pogajanja.

Ključne besede

delovno pravo;kolektivna pogajanja;sindikalna svoboda;avtonomija kolektivnega pogajanja;kolektivne pogodbe;sindikati;omejitve;oblastni posegi;Zakon o kolektivnih pogodbah;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Lavrič]
UDK: 331.105.44(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 30756355 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 637
Št. prenosov: 175
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The autonomy of collective bargaining
Sekundarni povzetek: A developed system of collective bargaining is a value of the common European heritage, which has a positive impact on harmonious economic and social development. Collective agreements are an important autonomous source of labor law and a very effective tool for regulating working conditions and relationships between the social partners. However, collective bargaining can only be effective in a situation of free and voluntary collective bargaining and the autonomy of the parties. The principles of autonomous, free and voluntary collective bargaining are based upon constitutional provision on trade union freedom and numerous international legal standards, beyond which autonomy cannot be limited by either the legislative, the executive or the judicial powers. The state must not take any measures that would limit or interfere with this right of workers and employers and their organizations, but on the other hand it must take necessary measures to ensure the effective exercise of this right. Despite the fact that collective bargaining should be approached from the broadest possible scope of substantive autonomy, it is possible to observe more and more cases of state intervention in autonomous collective bargaining in practice and thus narrowing of the scope of autonomy. During the economic crisis, interventions by public authorities in collective bargaining are increasing, particulary in the public sector, due to the implementation of economic stabilization policy measures. In addition, the narrowing of the autonomy of the social partners is also influenced by the tendency to establish a single market at EU level at the expense of strengthening economic freedoms and free competition. The main question of the master's thesis is when the state intervention in collective bargaining can be admissible and where is the upper limit of the admissibility of intervention in the right of autonomous collective bargaining. A developed system of collective bargaining is a value of the common European heritage, which has a positive impact on harmonious economic and social development. Collective agreements are an important autonomous source of labor law and a very effective tool for regulating working conditions and relationships between the social partners. However, collective bargaining can only be effective in a situation of free and voluntary collective bargaining and the autonomy of the parties. The principles of autonomous, free and voluntary collective bargaining are based upon constitutional provision on trade union freedom and numerous international legal standards, beyond which autonomy cannot be limited by either the legislative, the executive or the judicial powers. The state must not take any measures that would limit or interfere with this right of workers and employers and their organizations, but on the other hand it must take necessary measures to ensure the effective exercise of this right. Despite the fact that collective bargaining should be approached from the broadest possible scope of substantive autonomy, it is possible to observe more and more cases of state intervention in autonomous collective bargaining in practice and thus narrowing of the scope of autonomy. During the economic crisis, interventions by public authorities in collective bargaining are increasing, particulary in the public sector, due to the implementation of economic stabilization policy measures. In addition, the narrowing of the autonomy of the social partners is also influenced by the tendency to establish a single market at EU level at the expense of strengthening economic freedoms and free competition. The main question of the master's thesis is when the state intervention in collective bargaining can be admissible and where is the upper limit of the admissibility of intervention in the right of autonomous collective bargaining.
Sekundarne ključne besede: labour law;collective bargaining;trade union freedom;autonomy of collective bargaining;collective agreements;trade unions;restrictions;state intervention;Collective Agreements Act;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Strani: [VII], 48 f.
ID: 12046419