magistrsko delo
Nana Krušič (Avtor), Mateja Cvetek (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je avtorica raziskovala zaznavanje spoštovanja v povezavi z ločitvijo staršev v izvorni družini in v sedanjih partnerskih razmerjih. V teoretičnem delu se je ustavila pri pojmu ločitev, predstavila je vidike ločitve in nadaljevala s tem, kako je ločitev povezana z otrokom, kako nanj vpliva, kaj otrok doživlja, kakšne so posledice in kako otroka pripraviti na ločitev staršev. Avtorica je nadaljevala s temo spoštovanja, kaj je samospoštovanje in kaj spoštovanje drugih, dotakne se tudi spoštovanja v družini in partnerskem odnosu, ki je jedro magistrskega dela. V empiričnemu delu je predstavljena kvalitativna raziskava, v kateri je sodelovalo 11 udeležencev, starih med 23 in 35 let. Vsi udeleženci imajo ločene starše in so trenutno ali pa so bili v partnerskem razmerju. Za raziskavo je bil uporabljen vnaprej pripravljen polstrukturiran intervju, ki je obsegal naslednja področja: spoštovanje v izvorni družini pred in po ločitvi, čustveno doživljanje v družini pred in po ločitvi, spoštovanje do sebe in v partnerskem odnosu danes ter čustveno doživljanje do sebe in v partnerskem odnosu danes. Rezultati so pokazali vzajemno spoštovanje v partnerskem odnosu, čeprav sta imela starša v izvorni družini slab partnerski odnos oziroma je bilo spoštovanja prisotnega zelo malo ali ga sploh ni bilo. V partnerskem odnosu so udeleženci uporabljali izraze, ki so v večji meri izražali značilnosti spoštovanja, pri udeleženkah je bilo zaznati nekaj netolerance do partnerja, kar bi lahko bilo povezano z ločitvijo staršev v izvorni družini. V svojem partnerskem odnosu se trudijo imeti boljši odnos, kot sta ga imela njuna starša. Udeleženci prav tako govorijo o razumevanju svojega partnerja na drugi strani, kar je za njih zelo pomembno. Po ločitvi staršev je pri udeležencih prišlo do nekaterih sprememb v odnosu do staršev. Opaziti je bilo izboljšanje odnosa z očetom in s tem posledično več pripovedovanja o spoštovanju do očeta. Do manjšega upada pripovedovanja o spoštovanju je prišlo v odnosu z materjo, vendar so udeleženci še vedno govorili o zelo pozitivnem in spoštljivem odnosu. Odnos med staršema je bil pred ločitvijo slab, veliko je bilo prepiranja, ponekod je bilo prisotno tudi nasilje in odsotnost komunikacije med staršema. Udeleženci so čutili veliko strahu, kaosa, jeze in žalosti. Po ločitvi pa se je odnos med staršema izboljšal oziroma je v drugi skrajnosti predstavljal prekinitev odnosa. Kot odraze nespoštovanja iz strani udeležencev bi v času ločitve pripisali obdobju mladostništva, na kar kažejo tudi rezultati.

Ključne besede

spoštovanje;samospoštovanje;spoštovanje v partnerskem odnosu;ločitev staršev;posledice ločitve za otroka;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Krušič]
UDK: 159.922.2:316.362.1(043.2)
COBISS: 65453827 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 463
Št. prenosov: 114
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Respect in partner relationship in adults with experience of parental separation in their childhood
Sekundarni povzetek: In the master's degree paper the author has explored the perception of respect how a parental divorce in the family of origin affects an individual's life, and how is this experience connected with the respect in the current relationship. In the theory part she first stops at the term divorce, shows different point of views, and continues with how is a divorce connected to a child, how is the child affected by the divorce, how is the child experiencing the divorce, what are the consequences and how to prepare a child for a divorce of his or her parents. The author then visits the topic of respect, what is respect, what is self-respect and respect of others. She also touches the respect in the family and the respect in a relationship, which is the core of this master's degree paper. In the empirical part, a quality research with 11 participants, aged between 23 and 35, is presented. All participants have divorced parents and are, or were in the past, in a relationship. For the research, a semi-structured interview with the following areas was prepared: respect in the family of origin before and after the divorce, emotional experience in the family before and after the divorce, self-respect and respect in a relationship today, and emotional experience of oneself and in a relationship today. Results have shown mutual respect in a partner relationship, even though the parents in the family of origin had a bad partner relationship, or there was a low presence of respect, or it was absent altogether. In a partner relationship, the participants used expressions that mostly reflected characteristics of respect, in female participants some intolerance toward a partner was noticed which could be connected with divorce of the parents in the family of origin. They try to have better relations in their own partner relationship than their parents had. On the other hand, participants also talk about the understanding of their partner, which is very important to them. After the parental divorce there were some changes in participants' relationship with their parents. An improvement in relationship with their fathers, and consequently increase in talk of respect toward their fathers, was noted. A minor decrease of respect in a relationship with the mother occurred, but participants kept expressing a very positive and respectful relationship. The relationship between parents was bad before the divorce, there was a lot of fighting, in some cases there was even a presence of violence and absence of communication between the parents. Participants have experienced a lot of fear, chaos, anger and sadness. After the divorce, the relationship between the parents either improved, or in the cases of the opposite extreme, terminated. The disrespect demonstrated at the time of divorce can be attributed to the adolescence period, which is in line with the results.
Sekundarne ključne besede: respect;selfrespect;respect in romantic relationship;parental divorce;consequences of divorce for children;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Strani: VII, 126, II str.
ID: 12947118