delo diplomskega projekta
Trenutno se cel svet spopada z eno izmed najhujših kriz v zgodovini. Virus je v roku enega leta po svetu terjal že mnogo žrtev, pustil pa je tudi velik pečat na mnogih panogah, ki si še dolgo ne bodo opomogle. Globalno epidemijo je Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) razglasila 11. marca 2020. Vse od takrat se mnogo držav spopada z premnogimi okužbami ter se z uvajanjem mnogih ukrepov trudijo zajeziti širjenje virusa. Zaradi veliko časa preživetega doma, je veliko podjetij oglaševanje svojih izdelkov usmerilo ravno na televizijo in družbena omrežja. Nakupne navade potrošnika so odvisne od njegovih potreb, ki se pa v različnih okoliščinah spreminjajo, na navade pa vplivajo tudi mnogi dejavniki, posledično je virus vplival na nakupne navade mnogih. Z pojmom nakupne navade opredeljujemo razloge, načine in vzorce nakupovanja in zanimanja po določenih izdelkih. Virus je imel pozitiven vpliv na okolje, saj se je zaradi mnogih zaprtih tovarn in manjše uporabe motornih vozil zmanjšal delež toplogrednih plinov v zraku. Nasprotno pa je vplival na družbo, saj so se mnogi ljudje soočali s strahom, paniko in mnogimi duševnimi boleznimi. Veliko ljudi se je v tistem času zatekalo k povečani uporabi družbenih omrežij, povečalo pa se je tudi zanimanje za spletne trgovine. Mnogi ljudje pa so čas doma izkoristili za povezovanje z družino, urejanje doma in skrbi za svoje telo.
V uvodu diplomskega projekta bom predstavila cilje, hipoteze, problemsko tematiko in namen raziskave. V drugem poglavju bom predstavila osnovne pojme nakupnih navad, dejavnike, ki nanje vplivajo ter faze nakupnega procesa. Drugo poglavje bo zajemalo še predstavitev nakupnih navad v času Covida-19. V tretjem poglavju se bom posvetila virusu na splošno in predstavila njegove vplive na družbo, gospodarstvo in okolje. V zadnjem, četrtem poglavju bom predstavila lastno raziskavo o vplivu Covida-19 na nakupne navade.
Ključne besede
nakup;nakupne navade;potrošniki;Covid-19;koronavirus;
Jezik: |
Slovenski jezik |
Leto izida: |
2021 |
Tipologija: |
2.11 - Diplomsko delo |
Organizacija: |
UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta |
Založnik: |
E. Kovačič Miklavec |
UDK: |
366.12 |
Št. ogledov: |
531 |
Št. prenosov: |
189 |
Ocena: |
0 (0 glasov) |
Metapodatki: |
Ostali podatki
Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Impact of Covid-19 on consumer behaviour |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Currently, the whole world is facing one of the biggest crises in history. The virus has taken many lives all over the world and left a huge impact on many industries, which will hardly every recover. World Health Organization declared a global pandemic on 11th of March in 2020. Since then, many countries have been struggling with new infections. Many countries have taken several safety measures to try and control further spread of the virus. Due to a lot of time spent at home, many big companies oriented their ads mostly on the TV and social media. Consumer behaviour depends on the consumer's needs, which change depending on the different circumstances. The buying habits are effected by many different factors therefore the virus had a huge impact on the consumer behaviour also. With the concept of consumer behaviour, we're describing reasons, ways and patterns of shopping and the interest for the certain products. The virus has had a positive impact on the environment because many factories that had shut down the production and reduced usage of motor vehicles caused the reduction of greenhouse gasses in the air.The virus had the opposite effect on the society because many people suffered from fear, panic and many mental diseases. Many people have resorted to increased usage of social media. The interest for online shopping has also increased. Quite a lot of people took advantage of more time spent at home to connect with their families, take care of their homes and their bodies.
In the introduction of the diploma project I will present goals, hypotheses, basic issues and the purpose. In the second chapter I will present the concept of consumer behaviour, factors that effect it and the phases of the buying process. The second chapter will also include the introduction of consumer behaviour effected by Covid-19. In the third chapter I will present the virus in general and its effects on the society, economy and the environment. In the last, fourth chapter I will present my own research on impact of Covid-19 on consumer behaviour. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
covid-19;virus;buying process;consumers;buying habits; |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Delo diplomskega projekta/projektno delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Strani: |
35 str., 2 str. pril. |
ID: |
13253095 |