magistrsko delo
Tina Kep (Avtor), Maksimiljan Brus (Mentor), Karmen Pažek (Komentor)


Strošek krmnega obroka lahko dosega največji delež vseh stroškov, ki nastanejo pri pitanju živali. Zato je še toliko pomembneje pravilno načrtovati dnevni krmni obrok za pitanca. Namen in cilj magistrskega dela sta oceniti primernost obstoječega krmnega obroka na kmetiji glede pokritja potrebe po vseh hranilnih snoveh, ki jih pitanci med pitanjem, od 200 do 750 kg, potrebujejo. Prav tako smo želeli ovrednotiti in primerjati strošek trenutnega krmnega obroka s povprečnim dnevnim prirastom 1250 g s krmnimi obroki za dvofazno pitanje, narejenimi s programom Zifo2, za povprečni dnevni prirast 1350 g ter s pomočjo metode linearnega programiranja in orodja Reševalnik izračunati najcenejši krmni obrok, ki ga ponudi iz danih krmil. Rezultati so pokazali, da v začetni fazi pitanja, torej pri telesni masi od 200 do 500 kg, trenutni krmni obrok vsebuje premalo surovih beljakovin (SB) in kalcija (Ca) ter preveč suhe snovi (SS), surovih vlaknin (SV) in v nevtralnem detergentu netopne vlaknine (NDF). Strošek dvofaznega pitanja s siliranim koruznim zrnom znaša 491,27 €, kar pomeni, da je za 75,11 € dražji od trenutnega obroka. Z oceno lastnih cen siliranega (0,102 €/kg) in suhega (0,153 €/kg) koruznega zrna smo prišli do zaključka, da sta silirano koruzno zrno in posledično krmni obrok, ki vsebuje to krmilo, cenejša. Zaključimo lahko, da kmetija glede na razpoložljiva krmila krmi najcenejši povprečen obrok (0,88 €), vendar zaradi manjšega povprečnega dnevnega prirasta pitanje traja 32 dni dlje kot pri povprečnem prirastu 1350 g na dan, kar poveča stroške. Smiselno bi bilo uvesti obrok za dvofazno krmljenje, kjer je za 0,01 € na dan dobiček večji. Za podrobnejše rezultate bi bilo treba narediti poskuse krmljenja izračunanih obrokov na govejih pitancih.

Ključne besede

goveji pitanci;krmni obroki;Zifo2;linearno programiranje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FKBV - Fakulteta za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede
Založnik: [T. Kep]
UDK: 636.2.084.52:633.15:004.414.23(043)=163.6
COBISS: 78562563 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 363
Št. prenosov: 52
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Effects of using dried corn grain or ensiled corn grain on the fattening intensity of beef and the economic assessment of breeding
Sekundarni povzetek: The cost of a feed meal can be the highest costs in fattening animals. This is why it is all the more important to plan the daily feed for fattening. The purpose and objective of the master's thesis was to assess the suitability of the existing feed meal in terms of coverage for all nutrients needed for fattening. The goal was also to evaluate and compare the cost of the current feed meal with an average daily increase of 1250 g per day, with feed rations for biphasic fattening made from Zifo2programme- for an average daily increase of 1350 g per day and calculate the cheapest feed meal offered from a given feed using the linear programming method and the Solver tool. The results showed that in the initial fattening phase, so for a body weight of 200 kg to 500 kg, the current feed meal contains too few crude protein (SB) and calcium (Ca) and too much dry matter (SS), crude fibre (SV) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). The cost of two-phase fattening with a silly corn grain is €491.27, which means it is €75.11 more expensive than the current meal. By estimating the prices of the silly corn grain (0,102 €/kg) and dried corn grain (0,153 €/kg), the conclusion was drawn that the silo corn grain and consequently the feed ration containing this feed is cheaper. We can conclude that according to the available feed, the farm feeds the cheapest average meal (0,88 €), but due to the lower average daily increase, fattening takes 32 days longer than the average increase of 1350 g per day, which increases the costs. It would make sense to introduce a meal for two-phase feeding, where there is a greater profit for €0.01 a day. For more detailed results, an attempt should be made to feed calculated meals in beef fattening.
Sekundarne ključne besede: cattle fattening;feed ration;Zifo2;linear programming;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede
Strani: IX, 58, [1] f. pril.
ID: 13373099