Drago Saje (Avtor), Jože Lopatič (Avtor)


V članku obravnavamo obnašanje sidranja armaturnih palic iz bazaltnih vlaken v beton. Bazaltna armatura ima kot nekovinska armatura pred jekleno številne prednosti. Glavna prednost bazaltne armature je, da ta armatura ne korodira in je s tem primerna za uporabo v agresivnem okolju. Nekaj preostalih prednosti in pomanjkljivosti ter posebnosti na področju proizvodnje, regulative in uvajanja te armature v prakso podajamo v uvodnem razdelku.Bazaltne armaturne palice so se med z vlakni ojačanimi polimernimi palicami, ki se že uporabljajo v praksi, pojavile kot zadnje, zato se pri njih še na številnih področjih kaže potreba po intenzivnem raziskovanju. Rezultati preiskav obnašanja stika med betonom in armaturo so podlaga za določanje potrebnih sidrnih in preklopnih dolžin armaturnih palic. Že pred leti [Saje, 2019] smo se lotili preiskovanja obnašanja stika med bazaltnimi armaturnimi palicami in betonom z izvlečnimi preizkusi. Med temi spremljamo sprijemno napetost in zdrs palice ter določamo sprijemno odpornost. V članku so predstavljeni rezultati lastnih preiskav obnašanja stika med bazaltnimi armaturnimi palicami premera 12 mm in dvema vrstama betona, betonom običajne in betonom visoke trdnosti. Preiskovane bazaltne armaturne palice so imele spiralni ovoj in peščeni posip. Za primerjavo za obe vrsti betona podajamo še rezultate izvedenih izvlečnih preiskav jeklene rebraste armature enakega premera. Ugotovili smo, da preizkušanci z bazaltno armaturo dosegajo približno 70% sprijemne trdnosti preizkušancev z jekleno armaturo. Tako pri preizkušancih z bazaltno kakor tudi pri preizkušancih z jekleno armaturo pa se je pokazalo, da ima tlačna trdnost betona velik vpliv na sprijemno trdnost in potek zveze med sprijemno napetostjo in izmerjenim zdrsom

Ključne besede

bazaltna armatura;jeklena armatura;izvlečni test;sprijemna trdnost;zdrs;beton visoke trdnost;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
UDK: 624.014.2:691.32
COBISS: 79124227 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
ISSN: 0017-2774
Št. ogledov: 182
Št. prenosov: 25
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Bond behaviour between concrete and basalt fibre reinforced polymer bars
Sekundarni povzetek: The article discusses the behaviour of anchorage of basalt fibre reinforcement bars in concrete. As a non-metallic reinforcement, basalt reinforcement has many advantages over steel. The main advantage of basalt reinforcement is that it does not corrode and is therefore suitable for use in aggressive environments. Some other advantages, disadvantages and peculiarities in fabrication, regulation and application of this reinforcement in practice are mentioned in the introductory section. Basalt reinforcement is one of the newest among fibre reinforced polymer reinforcements, which are already being used in practice and therefore still require intensive research in many areas. The results of bond behaviour studies are the basis for determining the required anchorage and lap lengths of reinforcing bars. We started to investigate the bond behaviour between basalt rebars and concrete with pull-out tests years ago [Saje, 2019]. In this process, we monitor the bond stress and slip of the bars and determine the bond strength. The article presents the results of the bond behaviour of basalt reinforcing bars with a diameter of 12mm and two types of concrete, normal strength concrete and high strength concrete. Thebasalt reinforcement bars were helically wrapped and sand coated. For comparison, the results of pull-out tests with ribbed steel reinforcement of the same diameter in both types of concrete are also presented. It was found that the specimens with basalt reinforcement achieved about 70% of the bond strength of specimens with steel reinforcement. However, it was also found that for both basalt and steel reinforced specimens, the compressive strength of the concrete has a great influence on the bond strength and on the relationship between the bond stress and the measured slip.
Sekundarne ključne besede: basalt rebars;steel rebars;pull-out test;bond strength;slip;high strength concrete;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Znanstveno delo
Strani: str. 186-196
Zvezek: ǂLetn. ǂ70
Čas izdaje: sep. 2021
ID: 13646703