(na primjeru migrantske krize)
Sara Ursić (Avtor), Jože Vogrinc (Mentor), Tatjana Balažic Bulc (Mentor)


Nacionalizam i naciju razumijemo kao društveno-povijesne pojave koji nastaju u razdoblju moderne. Naciju definiramo kao “zamišljenu zajednicu” kojoj su u procesu zamišljanja značajno pripomogli mediji, odnosno tisak. Nacionalizam, fenomen koji je teško definirati, prisutan je i danas u već utemeljenim nacionalnim državama, a manifestira se često prikrivenim mehanizmima te kao takav pokazuje svojstva ideologije. Ideologija kao sistem vjerovanja neke grupe ispoljava se kroz diskurs. Nacionalni identitet koji uvijek počiva na binarnoj opreci između “NAS” i “NJIH”, diskurzivna je konstrukcija. Mediji i ideologija usko su povezani. Medijima i danas pripada najveća uloga u zamišljanju nacije. Kroz “MI” protiv “NJIH” diskurs u kojem smo “MI” prikazani u pozitivnom svijetlu a “ONI” u negativnom, mediji sudjeluju u diskurzivnom reproduciranju nacionalizma. Metodom kritičke analize diskursa u radu istražujemo koliko se nacionalistički diskurs pojavljuje u hrvatskim medijima. Na primjeru izvještavanja o migrantskoj krizi u online izdanjima hrvatskih medija pokušali smo ukazati na neke od karakteristika ideološkog diskursa koji dokazuju prisutnost nacionalističke retorike.

Ključne besede

nacionalizem;ideologija;mediji;kritična analiza diskurza;migrantska kriza;


Jezik: Hrvaški jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Ursić]
UDK: 172.15:316.774
COBISS: 102268419 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 201
Št. prenosov: 49
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Reprodukcija nacionalizma v medijskem diskurzu
Sekundarni povzetek: Nation and nationalism are historical and social phenomena that emerged in the modern period. We define a nation as an “imagined community” which has been significantly assisted in the imagining process by the media, i.e. the press. Nationalism, a phenomenon that is difficult to define, is still present in today's already established nation states and is often manifested by covert mechanisms and as such shows the properties of ideology. Ideology, defined as a belief system of a group, is manifested through discourse. The national identity itself, which always rests on the US versus THEM opposition, is also a discursive construction. The media and ideology are closely interlinked. Even today, the media play the biggest role in imagining the nation. Through “WE” versus “THEM” discourse in which “WE” is portrayed in a positive light and “THEM” in a negative, the media participate in the discursive reproduction of nationalism. Using the method of critical discourse analysis in articles, we investigate how much nationalist discourse appears in the Croatian media. Using the example of the migrant crisis coverage in the online editions of the Croatian media, we tried to point out some of the characteristics of the ideological discourse that indicate the presence of nationalist rhetoric.
Sekundarne ključne besede: nationalism;ideology;media;critical analysis of discourse;migrant crisis;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 1000575
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo, Oddelek za slavistiko
Komentar vira: ADDRESS: Reproduction of nationalism in media discourse / ABSTRACT: Nation and nationalism are historical and social phenomena that emerged in the modern period. We define a nation as an “imagined community” which has been significantly assisted in the imagining process by the media, i.e. the press. Nationalism, a phenomenon that is difficult to define, is still present in today's already established nation states and is often manifested by covert mechanisms and as such shows the properties of ideology. Ideology, defined as a belief system of a group, is manifested through discourse. The national identity itself, which always rests on the US versus THEM opposition, is also a discursive construction. The media and ideology are closely interlinked. Even today, the media play the biggest role in imagining the nation. Through “WE” versus “THEM” discourse in which “WE” is portrayed in a positive light and “THEM” in a negative, the media participate in the discursive reproduction of nationalism. Using the method of critical discourse analysis in articles, we investigate how much nationalist discourse appears in the Croatian media. Using the example of the migrant crisis coverage in the online editions of the Croatian media, we tried to point out some of the characteristics of the ideological discourse that indicate the presence of ationalist rhetoric. / KEYWORDS: nationalism, ideology, media, critical analysis of discourse, migrant crisis
Strani: 70 str.
ID: 13682566
Priporočena dela:
, (na primjeru migrantske krize)
, kosovsko vprašanje in trk nacionalizmov v slovenskem medijskem diskurzu