diplomsko delo
Katarina Turk (Avtor), Darija Skubic (Mentor)


Slovenščina kot jezik v sebi skriva veliko posebnosti, med drugim tudi narečja, ki so značilna za vso Slovenijo. Ta nas hitro umestijo v kraj, od koder prihajamo in kjer je to narečje v aktivni rabi. Z govorom se nekomu predstavimo, ga spoznamo, si izmenjamo informacije, vtise, včasih z besedami povemo tudi kaj, kar še čustveno pojasnimo. Govor nas spremlja od zgodnjega otroštva, čeprav se na začetku kaže kot jok, smeh in se zelo hitro spremeni v čebljanje, bebljanje in potem v prve besede. Primarno okolje je družina, kjer dobimo prvi zgled za naša dejanja in obnašanja. Tudi starši s svojim govorom usmerjajo in opozarjajo otroka na njegovo pravilno rabo. Sekundarno okolje je za tiste, ki ga obiskujejo, vrtec, tam je govorni zgled vzgojiteljica. Načrtuje dejavnosti, ki vključujejo govor, pri sporazumevanju, dajanju navodil uporablja govor, s katerim včasih na otroke vpliva tudi posredno. Ko otrok vstopi v šolo, je razlika očitnejša, saj se v šoli pričnejo podrobneje seznanjati s slovenskim jezikom, njegovo delitvijo in vlogo. Postopoma se začne ustvarjati odnos do jezika. V diplomskem delu sem opazovala otroke iz vrtcev na vasi in v mestu, s štirimi vzgojiteljicami pa sem izvedla še standardizirani intervju. Ugotovila sem, da se pri starejših otrocih pojavlja več narečnega govora kot pri mlajših ter da je narečni govor izrazitejši v vrtcu na vasi kot pa v mestu. Pri vzgojiteljicah sem opazila razlike pri tem, koliko pozornosti namenijo narečju in njegovi rabi pri dejavnosti, čeprav ga večinoma vse uporabljajo pri svojem delu. Največ narečnega govora uporabljajo, ko se z otrokom pogovarjajo individualno, manj pa v skupnih dejavnostih. Vse vzgojiteljice se strinjajo, da so zelo pomembne v otrokovem govorno-jezikovnem razvoju, saj so v vrtcu z njimi prisotne velik del dneva. Ker sodelavke med seboj sodelujejo vsakodnevno, si večina vzgojiteljic izmenja sporočila v narečnem govoru. Ko pa se srečajo na strokovnem aktivu, je govor bolj enoten, tj. knjižno pogovorni. Za vse narečje predstavlja posebnost, kulturno dediščino, ki jo moramo ohranjati.

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Turk]
UDK: 373.2:81'282(497.434)(043.2)
COBISS: 114097923 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 0
Št. prenosov: 0
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Dialect of Preschool Teachers and Preschool Children in the Dolenjska Kindergartens
Sekundarni povzetek: Slovenian language hides many peculiarities, including dialects that are characteristic of the whole of Slovenia. With their use, we are quickly associated with the place where we come from and where this dialect is in active use. Through speech, we introduce ourselves to people, we get to know them, we exchange information and impressions, and sometimes we also say something in words, but also explain emotionally. Speech accompanies us from early childhood, although at first, it manifests as crying and laughter, yet it very quickly turns into beekeeping, babbling, and then into first words. In a family, as our primary environment, we set the first example for our actions and behaviors. Parents also use their speech to guide and warn the child about its proper use. For those who attend it, kindergarten represents the secondary environment, where the preschool teacher is a role model. He or she plans the activities that include speech, uses speech in communication and instruction, and sometimes effects indirectly. When a child enters the school, the difference between his or her use of Slovenian language compared to other fellow students becomes more pronounced. Through the schooling, he or she gets to know the Slovenian language better - its division and the role. Gradually, an attitude towards the language begins to form. In my thesis project, I observed children from kindergartens in the village and in the city, and I used the standardized interview with four preschool teachers. I found that older children have more dialectal speech than younger, and that dialectal speech is more pronounced in kindergarten in the village than in the city. I noticed differences between the preschool teachers in how much attention they pay to the dialect and its use in activities, although most of them use it when they work. They use the most dialect when they talk to a child individually, and less in group activities. However, all the preschool teachers agree that dialect is very important in the child's speech and language development, as they are present with them in kindergarten for most time of the day. Because many preschool teachers work with each other on a daily basis, many of them exchange messages in a dialect. However, when they meet at a professional working group, the speech is more formal, ie. literary colloquial. For all of them, dialect represents a specialty, a cultural heritage that we must preserve.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Predšolska vzgoja;Vzgojitelji predšolskih otrok;Dolenjska narečna skupina;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 62 str., [32] str. pril.
ID: 15848396