magistrsko delo
Semra Ruvić (Avtor), Matjaž Šraml (Mentor), Marko Renčelj (Komentor)


Magistrsko delo opisuje stanje prometne varnosti za območje Slovenije v treh letih pred epidemijo – od 1. 1. 2017 do 31. 12. 2019 – in v letu 2020, ko je bila razglašena epidemija covid-19. Glede na to, da se v letu 2020 epidemija ni začela v januarju, smo upoštevali in navedli posamezne ukrepe vlade, ki so pomembneje vplivali na promet, in jih tabelarno predstavili. Leto 2021 smo obravnavali tudi z vidika prometnih nesreč (PN). Za analizo prometne varnosti smo uporabili podatke o številu PN in jih podrobneje opisali skozi merila, kot so udeleženci, posledice, vzroki PN, vrsta ceste in mesec dogodka PN. Upoštevali smo tudi podatke o povprečnem letnem dnevnem prometu (PLDP). Na podlagi podatkov triletnega obdobja smo izračunali povprečje in pričakovanja za leto 2020 oziroma trend. Rezultate smo primerjali z dejanskimi podatki iz leta 2020 in podatki iz leta 2021. Med dobljenim podatki za opazovana leta smo naredili primerjavo tako med številom PN kot med PLDP. Na koncu smo s pomočjo Pearsonovega in Spearmanovega testa izračunali koeficient korelacije, intervale zaupanja in povprečno stopnjo spremembe ter izsledke predstavili.

Ključne besede

prometna varnost;prometne nesreče;analiza prometnih nesreč;epidemija Covid-19;statistična analiza;magistrske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FGPA - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo
Založnik: [S. Ruvić]
UDK: 656.1.081(043.2)
COBISS: 140965123 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 130
Št. prenosov: 23
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Analysis of road traffic safety during the Covid 19 epidemic
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis demonstrates the state of road traffic safety for the territory of Slovenia, three years priors to the epidemic ¬– specifically from 1. 1. 2017 to 31. 12. 2019. The thesis also demonstrates the year of the epidemic, 2020. Given that the epidemic didn't begin until January 2020, we considered and listed individual measures that had a significant impact on traffic and presented them in tabular form. The year 2021 was also considered from the point of view of traffic accidents. For the analysis of road traffic safety, we used data on the number of traffic accidents and described in more detail trough criteria such as participants, consequences, causes of traffic accidents, type of road and month of occurrence of accidents. We also took into consideration the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT). Based on the data from the three-year period, we calculated the average and trend for 2020 and 2021 and compared those results with actual data from 2020 and data from 2021. We did the same procedure for the AADT. We also took into consideration the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and consolidated the correlation between the number of vehicles on the road network and the number of traffic accidents. Among the obtained data for the observed years, we made a comparison between the number of traffic accidents and AADT. In the end, we calculated the correlation coefficient by using the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients, confidence intervals and the average degree of change, and presented the results.
Sekundarne ključne besede: road traffic safety;traffic accidents;traffic accidents analysis;covid-19 epidemic;statistical analysis;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Prometno inženirstvo
Strani: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XII, 122 f.))
ID: 16081542
Priporočena dela:
, projektna naloga univerzitetnega študijskega programa 1. stopnje
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Prometno inženirstvo
, diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa