diplomsko delo
Tadej Rozman (Avtor), Suzana Mlinar (Recenzent), Darja Ovijač (Mentor)


Uvod: Proces darovanja organov je ključen za proces presaditve organov kot metode zdravljenja, katerega namen je ponovna vzpostavitev določenih funkcij človeškega telesa s prenosom dela telesa darovalca v telo prejemnika. Transplantacijska medicina se v globalnem merilu spopada s problemom pomanjkanja ustreznih organov za presaditev, zato v zadnjih letih narašča število odvzemov organov darovalcem po tako imenovani cirkulatorni smrti. V primerjavi z odvzemom organov po potrjeni možganski smrti, ki je prevladujoča metoda darovanja organov po svetu, se pri darovanju po cirkulatorni smrti odvzem organov izvede po potrjeni smrti na podlagi kardiopulmonalnih kriterijev, torej po dokončni odsotnosti dihanja in spontanega krvnega obtoka. Vendar pa se pri darovanju po cirkulatorni smrti pojavljajo, poleg strokovnih, tudi številni etični pomisleki, dileme in nesoglasja. Namen: S pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature nameravamo opredeliti darovanje po cirkulatorni smrti kot strategijo za spopadanje z globalnim izzivom pomanjkanja primernih organov in pridobiti vpogled v etično problematiko darovanja organov, ki se pojavlja pri tej metodi. Cilj diplomskega dela je opredeliti in predstaviti specifične etične probleme in dileme, ki spremljajo darovanje organov po cirkulatorni smrti. Metode dela: Opravili smo pregled domače in tuje strokovne in znanstvene literature s tematiko etičnih vidikov darovanja organov po cirkulatorni smrti, objavljene od leta 2010 dalje. Literaturo za diplomsko delo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah Cinahl, Medline z iskalnikom Pub Med ter v spletnem portalu DiKul preko oddaljenega dostopa Digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani. Literaturo smo iskali v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku v obdobju od februarja 2022 do maja 2022 s pomočjo naslednjih ključnih besed: organ donation, circulatory death, ethics, DCD, transplantation, darovanje organov, cirkulatorna smrt in etika. Rezultati: V skladu s cilji diplomskega dela smo z analizo izbrane literature strukturirali tri poglavitne etične probleme, ki spremljajo darovanje po cirkulatorni smrti: potrditev smrti in kršenje pravila mrtvega darovalca; konflikti interesov ter presaditev srca po cirkulatorni smrti in uporaba zunajtelesne membranske oksigenacije po potrjeni smrti. Razprava in zaključek: Darovanje organov po cirkulatorni smrti se v nekaterih protokolih nevarno približa kršenju pravila mrtvega darovalca, ki je temeljni element transplantacijske medicine. Zato je z etičnega vidika potrebno pri uvajanju protokolov darovanja po cirkulatorni smrti v prakso skrbno preučiti in izbrati zgolj tiste postopke in merila, ki najbolj nedvomno potrdijo dokončnost stanja smrti in preprečujejo konflikte interesov. Zaupanje in podpora strokovne in splošne javnosti v sistem transplantacij organov se ob izvajanju etično in strokovno vprašljivih praks lahko hitro poruši.

Ključne besede

diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;darovanje organov;cirkulatorna smrt;etične dileme;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Rozman]
UDK: 616-083
COBISS: 119737603 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 58
Št. prenosov: 23
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Ethical views of organ donation after circulatory death
Sekundarni povzetek: Introduction: The process of organ donation is key to the process of organ transplantation as a method of treatment that aims to restore certain functions of the human body by transferring part of the donor's body into the recipient's body. Transplantation medicine is facing a global shortage of suitable organs for transplantation, and, therefore, there has been an increase in the number of organ donations after so-called circulatory death in recent years. Compared to organ harvesting after the confirmed brain death, which is the predominant method of organ donation worldwide, in the case of donation after circulatory death, organ harvesting is performed after confirmed death based on cardiopulmonary criteria, i.e. after the definitive absence of respiration and spontaneous circulation. However, in addition to professional concerns, donation after circulatory death also raises a number of ethical concerns, dilemmas and disagreements. Purpose: Through a review of the professional and scientific literature, we aim to identify donation after circulatory death as a strategy to address the global challenge of the suitable organs shortage and to gain an insight into the ethical issues of organ donation that arise in this method. The aim of this thesis is to identify and present the specific professional-ethical problems and dilemmas that accompany organ donation after circulatory death. Methods: We conducted a review of the national and international professional and scientific literature on the ethical aspects of organ donation after circulatory death, published since 2010. Literature for the thesis was searched in the Cinahl and Medline databases using the Pub Med search engine and in the DiKul web portal via remote access of the University of Ljubljana Digital Library. We searched the literature in Slovenian and English language between February 2022 and May 2022 using the following keywords: organ donation, circulatory death, ethics, DCD, transplantation, darovanje organov, cirkulatorna smrt and etika. Results: In line with the aims of the thesis, we have structured the analysis of the selected literature around three main ethical issues that accompany donation after circulatory death: confirmation of death and violation of the dead donor rule; conflicts of interest; heart transplantation after circulatory death and the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation after confirmed death. Discussion and conclusion: Organ donation after circulatory death comes dangerously close in some protocols to breaking the dead donor rule, which is a fundamental element of transplantation medicine. Therefore, from an ethical point of view, when introducing protocols of donation after circulatory death into practice, it is necessary to carefully consider and select only those procedures and criteria that most clearly confirm the finality of the state of death and avoid conflicts of interest. The trust and support of the professional and general public in the organ transplantation system can be quickly eroded when ethically and professionally questionable practices are carried out.
Sekundarne ključne besede: diploma theses;nursing care;organ donation;circulatory death;ethical dilemmas;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Strani: 34 str.
ID: 16327025