diplomsko delo
Jaka Plaznik (Avtor), Silvo Dajčman (Mentor), Marko Senekovič (Komentor)


V diplomskem delu smo pregledali obstoječo literaturo o učinkih javnih in zasebnih investicij na gospodarsko rast. Pojasnili smo pojme bruto investicije, bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva, investicije v zaloge; ločeno smo predstavili javne in zasebne investicije. Zasebne investicije smo nadalje razčlenili na podjetniške investicije, investicije gospodinjstev in investicije v stanovanja. Pri javnih investicijah smo prikazali njihovo strukturo in ugotovili, da največji delež teh predstavljajo investicije za socialno varnost. Prikazali smo tudi razmerje med investicijami države in lokalnih oblasti. V enem izmed poglavij smo definirali dejavnike investicij in dejavnike gospodarske rasti. V empiričnem delu smo na osnovi podatkov iz podatkovne baze Ameca in Eurostata preverjali povezanost med investicijami in gospodarsko rastjo. Naredili smo pregled javnih in zasebnih investicij držav, članic Evropske unije, ter prikazali prispevek investicij h gospodarski rasti. Zaradi preglednosti smo glede na absolutno vrednost investicij za časovni interval od leta 2000 do leta 2020 države razdelili v tri skupine. Prikazali smo, da so v celotnem opazovanem obdobju zasebne bruto investicije po obsegu večje kot javne. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je bilo največ javnih investicij v preučevanem obdobju v Franciji, z vrhom leta 2009, največ zasebnih pa v Nemčiji, z vrhom leta 2019. Ti dve državi precej odstopata, sledi jima Italija, ki je največ zasebnih investicij zabeležila leta 2019, največ javnih pa leta 2009. Slovenija je po svojih javnih in tudi zasebnih investicijah v rangu Malte, Cipra, Estonije, Latvije, Litve, Luksemburga, Bolgarije in Hrvaške. V diplomskem delu smo izračunali korelacijo med gospodarsko rastjo in deležem investicij v BDP ter med gospodarsko rastjo in realno rastjo investicij. Ugotovili smo, da je med gospodarsko rastjo in deležem investicij v BDP pozitivna povezanost v večini (20 od 27) držav, med gospodarsko rastjo in realno rastjo investicij pa v vseh državah.

Ključne besede

investicije;javne investicije;zasebne investicije;gospodarska rast;korelacijski koeficient;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: J. Praznik
UDK: 330.3
COBISS: 128092675 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 12
Št. prenosov: 1
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: ǂThe ǂimportance of public and private investment in stimulating economic growth in the European Union
Sekundarni povzetek: In this thesis, we review the existing literature on the effects of public and private investment on economic growth. The concepts of gross investment, gross fixed capital formation, investment in inventories are explained; public and private investment are presented separately. Private investment was further broken down into business investment, household investment and investment in dwellings. For public investment, we have shown its composition and found that the largest share is accounted for by social security investment. We have also shown the relationship between state and local government investment. In one of the chapters, we define the determinants of investment and the determinants of economic growth. In the empirical part, we tested the link between investment and economic growth using data from the Ameca database and Eurostat. We have reviewed public and private investment in the EU Member States and shown the contribution of investment to economic growth. For the sake of transparency, we have divided the countries into three groups according to the absolute value of investment for the time interval 2000 to 2020. We have shown that private gross investment is larger than public gross investment over the whole period. We also found that France had the highest public investment over the period studied, with a peak in 2009, while Germany had the highest private investment, with a peak in 2019. These two countries diverge considerably, followed by Italy, which recorded the highest private investment in 2019 and the highest public investment in 2009. Slovenia ranks in terms of both its public and private investment behind Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Bulgaria and Croatia. Croatia has the highest public investment in the period studied, followed by Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Bulgaria and Croatia. In this thesis, we have calculated the correlation between economic growth and the share of investment in GDP, and between economic growth and the real investment growth. We found that there is a positive correlation between economic growth and the investment-to-GDP ratio in most (20 out of 27) countries, and between economic growth and real investment growth in all countries.
Sekundarne ključne besede: public investment;private investment;economic growth;correlation coefficient;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: II, 42 str.
ID: 16371750