diplomsko delo
Matej Vrban (Avtor), Marko Čepin (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo zajema aktualno tematiko glede obnovljivih virov za proizvodnjo električne energije. Fosilna goriva postajajo vedno večji problem, ki negativno vpliva na okolje. Zato se vedno bolj posvečamo k uporabi obnovljivih virov energije. Trenutno najbolj v porastu sta obnovljiva vira energije veter in Sonce. Namen diplomskega dela je podati osnove pridobivanja električne energije z izkoriščanjem sončnega sevanja v sončni elektrarni in proučiti možnost samooskrbe. Za čas, ko na razpolago ni dovolj sončnega sevanja, je potrebno proučiti velikost baterije kot shranjevalnika energije in oceniti njeno ustreznost. Prvi del diplomskega dela je namenjen kratki zgodovini o začetkih uporabe sončne energije, fotovoltaičnem efektu, shranjevanju energije in prvim shranjevalnikom električnega naboja oz. bateriji. Drugi del je bolj teoretično obarvan in v tem delu se bralec seznani z delovanjem sončne celice, nastanku tok v njej in spozna tipe sončnih celic ter delovanje baterije. Sledi raziskovalni del, pri katerem smo opazovali zastavljen model sončne elektrarne in hrambo električne energije. Glede na to, da intenzivnost sončnega obsevanja skozi letne čase variira, sem se odločil proizvodnji razdeliti na letne čase. Pričakovano bo v poletnem času največja količina proizvedene električne energije njena povprečna vrednost je znašala 495,21 kWh/dan, sledi ji proizvodnja spomladi z 448,83 kWh/dan, nato jesensko obdobje z 170 kWh/dan in najmanj proizvedemo pozimi povprečno 161 kWh/dan. Kakor se spreminja moč, se posledično spreminja tudi raba baterije. Baterijo je potrebno izbrati na podlagi obdobja, v katerem imamo najmanjšo proizvodnjo v našem primeru je to zima. Kapaciteta baterije, ki nam pride v poštev se v odvisnosti od mere izpraznitve, giblje med 2529 Ah in 3502 Ah odvisno od deleža praznjenja baterije. Če pa bi namesto zimskega povprečja upoštevali najslabše razmere, ko več dni ni Sonca, pa bi potrebovali še močnejšo baterijo.

Ključne besede

sončne celice;sončne elektrarne;energija;baterije;shranjevanje energije;visokošolski strokovni študij;Aplikativna elektrotehnika;diplomske naloge;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Založnik: [M. Vrban]
UDK: 621.311.243(043.2)
COBISS: 120836355 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 62
Št. prenosov: 17
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Solar power plant modeling and battery sizing for self-sustained supply
Sekundarni povzetek: The diploma thesis covers current topics regarding renewable sources for the production of electricity. Fossil fuels are becoming a growing problem that has a negative impact on the environment. That is why we are increasingly focusing on the use of renewable energy sources. Currently, the most growing renewable energy sources are wind and the Sun. The purpose of the thesis is to provide the basics of obtaining electricity by utilizing solar radiation in a solar power plant and to examine the possibility of self-sufficiency. For the time when there is not enough solar radiation available, it is necessary to study the size of the battery as an energy store and assess its adequacy. The first part of the thesis is devoted to a brief history of the beginnings of using solar energy, the photovoltaic effect, energy storage and the first electric charge storage devices, or batteries. Second part is more theoretical, and in this part the reader learns about the operation of a solar cell, the generation of current in it, and learns about the types of solar cells and the operation of the battery. The following is the research part, during which we observed the set model of the solar power plant and the storage of electricity. We find that the production of electricity is conditioned by solar radiation, which changes over time, and the power of production follows this as well. Given that the intensity of solar radiation varies throughout the seasons, I decided to divide the production into seasons. It is expected that the largest amount of electricity produced will be in the summer time, its average value was 495.21 kWh/day, followed by production in the spring with 448.83 kWh/day, then the autumn period with 170 kWh/day and the least produced in the winter is an average of 161 kWh/day day. As power changes, so does battery usage. The battery must be selected based on the period in which we have the smallest production, in our case it is winter. We choose a battery for the 48 V voltage system, which allows us to have a smaller battery and less losses. Size Capacity Bbaterijae, which comes into consideration depending on the degree of discharge, varies between 2529 Ah and 3502 Ah. Depending on how many percentages we want our batteries to be discharged. But if, instead of the winter average, we took into account the worst conditions, when there is no sun for several days, we would need an even more powerful battery.
Sekundarne ključne besede: solar cell;solar power plant;energy;battery;energy storage;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 1000315
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Strani: IX, 50 str.
ID: 16411116