diplomsko delo
Belinda Fortuna (Avtor), Janez Stare (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava psihosocialne in ekonomske stiske študentov Univerze v Ljubljani Ekonomske fakultete v času epidemije covid-19. Zaradi pojava nalezljive bolezni covid-19 je država sprejela ukrepe, ki so vplivali na pojav psihosocialnih in ekonomskih stisk študentov. Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti, s kakšnimi psihosocialnimi in ekonomskimi stiskami so se soočali študentje fakultete zaradi ukrepov, ki so bili razglašeni v času epidemije covid-19. Pojav socialnih izolacij, karanten, okužb, izgub dohodkov, zapiranje fakultet in prehod na študij na daljavo so le del nenehnih sprememb, ki so prinesle negotovost in stiske med študenti. Raziskava o stiskah študentov je izvedena na vzorcu študentov Univerze v Ljubljani Ekonomske fakultete. V spletni raziskavi je uporabljena metoda anketiranja za ugotovitev razsežnosti psihosocialnih in ekonomskih stisk med študenti izbrane fakultete. Anketni vprašalnik zajema vzorec 60-ih študentov. Analiza stanja pridobljenih rezultatov kaže, kako je epidemija covid-19 vplivala na vir dohodka, kako so se študentje spopadali s spremenjenim načinom študija ter kako so občutili stiske. Ugotovitve izvedene raziskave kažejo, da so se študentje soočali tako s psihosocialnimi kot z ekonomskimi stiskami. Na psihosocialnem področju so študentje doživljali stiske zaradi omejenih socialnih stikov s sošolci, kar je posledica študija na daljavo. Največ stisk na ekonomskem področju so doživljali zaradi upada prihodkov zavoljo ukinitve študentskega dela. Rezultati raziskave so vstopna točka za nadaljnje raziskovanje problema. Vzorec v raziskavi je omejen le na izbrano fakulteto, zato rezultatov raziskave ne moremo uporabiti na celotni slovenski študentski populaciji. Diplomsko delo prispeva k ozaveščenosti ter razumevanju stisk ranljive populacije in v primeru ponovitvene situacije podaja predloge rešitev.

Ključne besede

epidemija;covid-19;študenti;ekonomske stiske;psihosocialne stiske;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FU - Fakulteta za upravo
Založnik: [B. Fortuna]
UDK: 37.091.8:616-036.21:578.834(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 128597763 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 42
Št. prenosov: 12
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Students’ distress during the covid-19 epidemic at selected higher education institution
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis deals with the psychosocial and economic distress of students of the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business during the covid-19 epidemic. Due to the emergence of the infectious disease covid-19 the state adopted measures that affected the emergence of psychosocial and economic distress among students. The purpose of the thesis is to examine what psychosocial and economic distress students faced due to the measures that were announced during the epidemic. The occurrence of social isolations, quarantines, infections, loss of income, faculty closures and the transition to continuing education are just some of the constant changes that have brought uncertainty and distress among students. The research on the distress of students was conducted on a sample of students of the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics. In the online research, the survey method is used to determine the dimensions of psychosocial and economic distress among students of the selected faculty. The survey questionnaire covers a sample of 60 students. The analysis of the state of the obtained results shows how the covid-19 epidemic affected the source of income, how students coped with the changed way of studying and how they felt distress. The findings of the conducted research show that students faced both psychosocial and economic distress. In the psychosocial field, students experienced distress due to limited social contacts with classmates, which is a consequence of further studies. They experienced the most distress in the economic field due to the drop in income due to the abolition of student work. The results of the research are an entry point for further investigation of the problem. The sample in the research is limited only to the selected faculty, so the results of the research cannot be applied to the entire Slovenian student population. The thesis contributes to the awareness and understanding of the distress of the vulnerable population and, in the event of a recurring situation, suggests solutions.
Sekundarne ključne besede: epidemic;covid-19;students;economic distress;psychosocial distress.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 1000530
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Strani: IX, 62 str.
ID: 16596548