magistrsko delo
Luka Milič (Avtor), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Marketinško komuniciranje ima tako v svetu, kakor tudi pri zasnovi organizacije velik pomen, saj si z njim organizacije pomagajo uspešno priti na trg z določenim izdelkom. Preden se organizacija loti načrta marketinškega komuniciranja, mora imeti izbrano svojo blagovno znamko ter svoj izdelek, oziroma storitev, ki jo bo ponujala na trgu potrošnikom. Marketinško komuniciranje zahteva veliko načrtovanja in premišljenosti. Pred vstopom na trg mora vsaka organizacija vedeti, kaj bo ponujala na trgu, komu bo ponujala to storitev ali izdelek, kako bo stopila v stik z bodočimi potrošniki, kako bo ohranjala zveste stranke in podobno. Ker živimo v hitro razvijajočem se svetu, se je tudi marketinško komuniciranje prestavilo na digitalne medije. Marketinško komuniciranje je zelo pomembno upoštevati tudi v športu in trženju športnih klubov. Pri športnem marketingu lahko tržimo izdelke, dogodke ali pa celo posamezne igralce. Prav tako je potrebno biti pri športnem marketingu pozoren na to, kaj se bo oglaševalo, kako se bo oglaševalo in kaj bo od tega imela določena športna organizacija. Pri športnem marketingu so prav tako pomembni sponzorji, ki so eden od glavnih finančnih virov športnih organizacij. V magistrski nalogi je bolj podrobno opisana blagovna znamka, kot tudi proces marketinškega komuniciranja in zakaj je le ta tako zelo pomemben. Prav tako se v magistrski nalogi srečamo z bolj podrobnimi oblikami marketinškega komuniciranja ter digitalnega marketinškega komuniciranja. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela je bolj podrobno zapisano tudi zakaj je marketing tako zelo pomemben v športu. Po teoretičnem delu sledi še empirični del, kjer smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika pridobili mnenje ljudi o rokometnih klubih na družbenih omrežjih. Prvi del magistrske naloge je bil teoretičen, kjer smo s strokovno literaturo bolj podrobno pregledali teorijo marketinškega komuniciranja, v drugem empiričnem delu pa smo naredili še raziskavo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in le to analizirali. V empiričnem delu smo se osredotočili na lastno raziskavo s katero smo želeli pridobiti mnenja ljudi o rokometnih klubih na družbenih omrežjih. V prvem delu empiričnega poglavja smo predstavili metodo raziskovanja in na kratko opisali vprašanja, ki jih je zajemal anketni vprašalnik. Sledila je analiza demografskih vprašanj, potem pa še analiza glavnih vprašanj naše raziskave. Na koncu je sledilo še preverjanje zastavljenih hipotez in sklep.

Ključne besede

družbena omrežja;marketinško komuniciranje;blagovne znamke;športni management;marketing v športu;šport;rokomet;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: L. Milič
UDK: 659.3:004.738.5
COBISS: 185813251 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 38
Št. prenosov: 0
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Marketing communication of handball clubs on social networks
Sekundarni povzetek: Marketing communication has the great importance in the world as in the organizations. Marketing communication helps organizations to successfully enter the market with a certain product. Before the marketing plan the organization must have chosen its brand and product or service that organization will offer on the market to the costumers. Marketing communication requires a lot of planning. Before entering the market, every organization must know what will the organization offer on the market, to whom will they offer there products or services, how will they reach future costumers and how will they maintain loyal costumers. Since we live in fast developing world, marketing communication has shifted mostly to digital media. Marketing communication is also very important in sports and in marketing of sports clubs. In sports marketing, we can market products, events or individual players. In sports marketing it is also necessary to pay attention to what and how it will be advertised. It is also inportant to know what will the sports organization gain from the marketing. In sports marketing the sponsors are one of the main financial sources at sports organizatins. In the masters the process of marketing communication is described in more detail as well as brand and why the marketing communication is important. In the masters we also looked into more detailed forms of marketing communications and also digital marketing communication. In the last chapter of theoretical part it is written in more detail why marketing communication is also impostant in sports. After the teoretical part, there is also an empirical part where we obtained peoples opinion about handball clubs on social network. The first part of the masters was theoretical, where we looked into theory of marketing communication in more detail with literature from libary and network. In the second empirical part we made research using a questionnaire and then analyzed the resoults. In the empirical part we were focused on our own research and with that we wanted to obtain peoples opinions about handball clubs on social network. In first part of empirical chapter we presented the research method and briefly described the resoults from our questionnaire. This was followed by an analysis of demographic questions and then analysis of the main questions from our research. At the end there was a verification of the hypotheses and conclusion.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Social network;handball club;sport;sports marketing;sports management;informing;brand;marketing communication.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (V, 70 str., 4 str. pril.))
ID: 21136979