magistrsko delo
Tjaša Poglej (Avtor), Boštjan Bajec (Mentor)


Na področju dela od doma je prišlo v času pandemije COVID-19 do velikih sprememb, ko je veliko zaposlenih delo začelo opravljati hibridno ali popolnoma od doma. Takšen način organizacije dela se je v veliko organizacijah ohranil do danes, marsikateri zaposleni pa si delo želi tako opravljati tudi v prihodnje. V magistrski nalogi smo željo po delu od doma povezali z nekaterimi trajnimi značilnostmi posameznikov. 203 zaposleni so izpolnili spletni vprašalnik, v katerega smo vključili Vprašalnik petih velikih faktorjev BFI ter Vprašalnik kariernih sider. Rezultati multiple regresije so pokazali, da je izmed petih velikih dimenzij osebnosti le odprtost pomemben napovednik želje po delu od doma. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da je pomemben napovednik želje po delu od doma karierno sidro samostojnosti in neodvisnosti. Kot pomembna napovednika sta se pokazala še sidro življenjskega sloga ter sidro izziva, pri čemer se je sidro izziva z željo po delu od doma povezovalo negativno. Vendar pa se ti dve sidri pri nadaljnjih analizah postopne gradnje modela s pomočjo hierarhične multiple regresije nista izkazali kot pomembna napovednika. Dodatno rezultati kažejo, da si mlajši zaposleni v povprečju želijo delo opravljati od doma pogosteje kot starejši, pogosteje pa želijo delati od doma tudi tisti, ki za pot do lokacije organizacije potrebujejo več časa. Kaže se, da si zaposleni v povprečju delo želijo od doma opravljati pogosteje, kot to počnejo sedaj, hkrati pa so s svojim trenutnim načinom organizacije dela najbolj zadovoljni tisti, ki delo opravljajo le od doma, najmanj pa tisti, ki delo opravljajo samo v prostorih organizacije. Te ugotovitve je v organizacijah smiselno upoštevati pri odločanju za lokacijo opravljanja dela. Opravljanje dela od doma ali hibridno je lahko učinkovita strategija privabljanja ter zadrževanja zaposlenih, pri tem pa je smiselno upoštevati, da so želje glede načina organizacije dela odvisne od nekaterih značilnosti zaposlenih.

Ključne besede

delo od doma;zaposleni;medosebne razlike;osebnostne lastnosti;karierna sidra;delovni pogoji;magistrska dela;Vprašalnik petih velikih faktorjev BFI;Vprašalnik kariernih sider;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Poglej]
UDK: 159.923.3:349.245(043.2)
COBISS: 193835011 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 89
Št. prenosov: 49
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Relationship between employees' personality traits, career anchors and their preference for hybrid work or work from home
Sekundarni povzetek: There have been major changes in teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic because many employees started to work exclusively from home or in a hybrid way. Many organizations have continued with this type of work to this day, and many of the employees would like to continue teleworking in the future. In this master's thesis, we linked the desire to work from home with some individual characteristics. 203 employees completed an online questionnaire, which included The Big Five Inventory and Career Orientations Inventory. The multiple regression results indicate that among the Big Five personality dimensions, only Openness significantly predicts the desire to work from home. The results also show that a significant predictor of the desire to work from home is the career anchor Autonomy/Independence. The Lifestyle anchor and the Pure Challenge anchor also emerged as important predictors in the multiple regression analysis from which the Pure Challenge anchor showed a negative association with the desire to work from home. However, these two anchors did not remain significant predictors in subsequent analyses conducted through stepwise model construction in hierarchical multiple regression. Additionally, the findings suggest that, on average, younger employees desire to work from home more frequently than older employees. Similarly, individuals with longer commutes to their organization's premises are also more inclined to want to work from home more often. It appears that, on average, employees desire to work from home more frequently than they currently do. At the same time, individuals who work exclusively from home express the highest satisfaction with their current mode of work while those who solely work at the organization's premises express the lowest satisfaction. Organizations can consider these findings when determining the location of work for their employees. Working from home or adopting a hybrid model can be an effective strategy for attracting and retaining employees. However, it is worth considering that preferences for where the work is organized also depend on certain characteristics of the employees.
Sekundarne ključne besede: telecommuting;personnel;individual differences;personality traits;career anchors;working conditions;masters theses;Big five inventory;Career orientations inventory;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Študijski program: 0
Konec prepovedi (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Strani: 53 str.
ID: 23306822