magistrsko delo
Gregor Gorjan (Avtor), Iztok Podbregar (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V okviru teoretičnega dela smo izvedli pregled splošnega stanja na področju zavzetosti in izgorelosti v času epidemije covida-19 pri zaposlenih, ki so opravljali svoje delovne zadolžitve na domu. Teoretični del magistrskega dela se najprej na splošno dotakne pojma epidemije covida-19 in ukrepov za obvladovanje epidemije. Pregledane so ključne točke za preprečevanje pandemske izčrpanosti, saj je tovrstna utrujenost v končni fazi posledica neprestanega strahu, izolacije, nenehnih sprememb in negotovosti za prihodnost. Osrednja tema magistrske naloge se dotika dela na domu. Opredelili smo, kaj delo na domu je in katere so osnovne zahteve, ki jih je potrebno izpolnjevati za zakonsko ureditev dela na domu. V naslednjem podpoglavju obravnavamo pojem zavzetosti zaposlenih. Pregledali smo, kaj sploh je zavzetost in kako nanjo gledajo različni avtorji. Predstavljeni so dejavniki, ki vplivajo na zavzetost zaposlenih. Opredeljena so tudi orodja, s katerimi se meri zavzetost zaposlenih. Prek različnih oblik merjenja vodstvo pridobi ustrezne podatke o zaposlenih, o njihovih pogledih in o tem, kaj se lahko izboljša v prihodnje. Opravljen je tudi pregled opredelitev različnih avtorjev na pojem izgorelosti ter simptome stresa in izgorelosti. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena primerjava razlik med stresom in izgorelostjo. Prav tako so obravnavane različne vrste izgorelosti, ki so povezane z delom in načini merjenja izgorelosti. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo izvedli analizo obstoječega stanja na področju zavzetosti in izgorelosti. V okviru naloge je potekala raziskava področja dela na domu v času epidemije covida-19. V magistrski nalogi smo ugotavljali, ali so bili respondenti zavzeti za opravljanje dela na domu in ali obstajajo razlike med zavzetostjo zaposlenih za delo na domu glede na spol, torej ali so bile ženske enako zavzete za delo kot moški. Ugotavljali smo tudi, ali obstaja pozitivna povezava med stopnjo zavzetosti zaposlenih in stopnjo izgorelosti pri opravljanju dela na domu. Pri stopnji izgorelosti nas je tudi zanimalo, katera skupina delavcev se je počutila najbolj izgorela glede na starost svojih otrok. Na koncu raziskave pa smo želeli oceniti prisotnost izgorelosti v času epidemije covida-19 v primerjavi s časom pred epidemjo. Glede na to, da se je delo na domu v času epidemije izkazalo kot pozitivno in učinkovito ter je pripomoglo k manjšemu izgorevanju, predalgamo, da tam, kjer je mogoče, ostane možnost dela na domu v celoti ali v hibridni obliki.

Ključne besede

Covid-19;delo na domu;zavzetost;izgorelost;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [G. Gorjan]
UDK: 331.4
COBISS: 196228867 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 8
Št. prenosov: 1
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Commitment and burn out of employees at work at home during the covid-19 epidemic
Sekundarni povzetek: The master's thesis consists of theoretical and empirical work. As part of the theoretical work, we conducted an overview of the general state of engagement and burnout during the covid-19 epidemic among employees who performed their work duties at home. The theoretical part of the master's thesis is first of all the generally accepted concept of the covid-19 epidemic and measures to control the epidemic. The key points to prevent pandemic exhaustion are reviewed, as the resulting fatigue is ultimately the result of constant fear, isolation, constant change and uncertainty about the future. The central theme of the master's thesis touches on work at home. Let's define what is work at home and what are the basic requirements that must be met for the legal regulation of work at home. In the next subsection, we discuss the concept of employee engagement. We reviewed what commitment is and how different authors view it. Factors affecting employee engagement are presented. The tools used to measure employee engagement are also defined. Through various forms of measurement, management obtains relevant information about employees, their views and what can be improved in the future. A review of various authors on the concept of burnout and the symptoms of stress and burnout is also carried out. Below is a comparison of the differences between stress and burnout. Different types of work-related burnout and methods of measuring burnout are also presented. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, we analyzed the current situation in the field of engagement and burnout. As part of the research, a survey was conducted in the area of work at home during the covid-19 epidemic. In the master's thesis, we determined whether the respondents were committed to managing work at home and whether there were differences between the commitment of employees to work at home according to gender, i.e. whether women were equally committed to work as men. We also determined whether there is a positive relationship between the assessment of employee engagement and the assessment of burnout when performing work at home. Regarding the degree of burnout, we were also interested in which group of workers felt the most burned out according to the age of their children. At the end of the research, we wanted to assess the presence of burnout during the covid-19 epidemic compared to the time before the covid-19 epidemic. Considering that working from home during the epidemic has proven to be positive and effective and has helped to reduce burnout, we urge that, where possible, the possibility of working from home remains in full or in a hybrid form.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Izgorelost (psihologija);Delo na domu;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Strani: VIII, f. 84
ID: 23336104