(Goričko, SV Slovenija)
Darja Kuronja (Avtor), Sonja Škornik (Mentor), Nataša Pipenbaher (Komentor)


Raziskava v diplomskem delu je zajemala morfološko-funkcionalne primerjave med dominantnimi in ostalimi rastlinskimi vrstami sekundarnih suhih travišč (razred Festuco-Brometea) na Goričkem (SV Slovenija). Osnovni namen je ugotoviti, katere so tiste lastnosti rastlin, ki so jim omogočile, da so postale prevladujoče v tej vegetaciji. Osnova za našo raziskavo je bilo 20 že objavljenih vzorcev (popisov) suhih travišč asociacije Hypochoerido-Festucetum. Raziskavo smo opravljali v vegetacijski dobi leta 2012. Na terenu in iz literature smo zbrali in določili podatke o naslednjih morfološko-funkcionalnih potezah (MFP) rastlin: življenjska oblika, začetek cvetenja, dolžina cvetenja, višina rastline, indikatorski vrednosti za dušik in vlago v tleh, sposobnost razraščanja v prostoru, tip C-S-R ekološke strategije, specifična listna površina (SLA) in vsebnost suhe snovi lista (LDMC). Izbrane MFP smo določali 56 rastlinskim vrstam. Podatke smo primerjali z različnimi statističnimi analizami in rezultate prikazali v obliki grafov in tabel. Ugotovili smo, da obstajajo razlike v MFP med dominantnimi in ostalimi vrstami. Tako so na proučevanih suhih traviščih uspešnejše tiste vrste, ki zacvetijo in s cvetenjem zaključijo zgodaj v vegetacijski sezoni, ko temperature še niso tako visoke. Prav tako je v skupini dominantnih vrst največji delež takih, ki tolerirajo oz. lahko uspevajo na z dušikom zelo revnih tleh in vrstah suhih tal, medtem ko med ostalimi prevladujejo vrste revnih do zmerno bogatih in suhih do srednje vlažnih tal. Obe skupini vrst imata zelo podobni CSR oznaki, vendar ima skupina dominantnih vrst nekoliko močneje izraženo komponento S (stres-toleratorke) in ostale vrste komponento C (kompetitorji). Naša raziskava dominantnih in ostalih vrst suhih travišč razreda Festuco-Brometea na Goričkem je pokazala, da so vrste, ki prevladujejo na teh traviščih, bolje (kot neprevladujoče vrste) prilagojene na preživetje neugodnih, stresnih razmer, ki so v tej vegetaciji posledica kislih, s hranilnimi snovmi revnih in sušnih tal.

Ključne besede

vegetacije;Festuco-Brometea;C-S-R ekološke strategije rastlin;Ellenbergovi indeksi;funkcionalni tipi rastlin;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Maribor
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FNM - Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko
Založnik: [D. Kuronja]
UDK: 57(043.2)
COBISS: 19999752 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2118
Št. prenosov: 382
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Comparison of morphological-functional traits of dominant and other plant species of silicicolouse dry grasslands (Goričko, SV Slovenia)
Sekundarni povzetek: The research in the diploma thesis encompassed morphologically- functional comparisons between the dominant and other plant species on secondary dry grasslands (class Festuco-Brometea) in Goričko (SV Slovenia). The basic purpose was to establish which of the plants' features enabled them to become predominant in that vegetation. The basis for our research is 20 already published samples (relevés) of dry grasslands associations of Hypochoerido-Festucetum. The research was conducted in the growing season of 2012. We collected and determined, through fieldwork and literature, the data on the following plants' morphologically-functional features (MFP): life forms, begin of flowering, duration of flowering, the plant's height, indicator values for level of nitrogen and moisture in soil, lateral spread, C-S-R ecological strategy, specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC). The chosen MFPs were determined for 56 plant species. We compared the data with various statistical analyses and presented the results in graphs and tables. We have established that there are differences in MFPs between the dominant and other species. The species, on the examined dry grasslands that begin of floweringearly in the growth season, when the temperatures are not so high, are more successful. Furthermore in the group of dominant species, there is a majority of those who tolerate or thrive in nitrogen poor soil and kinds of dry soils. Meanwhile in the group of other plants there are kinds of poor to moderately rich and dry to moderately moist soils. The both groups of species have very similar C-S-R sigantures, whereas the group of dominant species has slightly stronger prominence of component S (stress-tolerators) and the other species has a stronger prominence of the C component (competitors). Our research of dominant and other species of dry grasslands in the class Festuco-Brometea in Goričko has shown that the predominant species on those grasslands are more adapted, than the non-predominant species, for survival in inconvenient and stressful conditions, which are the consequence of acidic, nutrient deficient and droughty soil in this vegetation.
Sekundarne ključne besede: vegetation;Festuco-Brometea;C-S-R ecological plant strategies;Ellenberg index;plant functional types;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo, 2013
Strani: XII, 82 f.
Ključne besede (UDK): mathematics;natural sciences;naravoslovne vede;matematika;biological sciences in general;biologija;
ID: 82282