diplomska naloga
Andrej Cverle (Avtor), Franci Steinman (Mentor), Primož Banovec (Komentor)


Analiza hidravličnih razmer pri bočnih prelivih

Ključne besede

VKI;diplomska dela;UNI;hidravlika;odprti vodotoki;bočni prelivi;HEC-RAS;AquaDyn;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [A. Cverle]
UDK: 627.13(043.2)
COBISS: 4537441 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2307
Št. prenosov: 641
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Hydraulic analysis for lateral weir flow
Sekundarni povzetek: Increasing urbanization and the awareness of flood risk promote interest in floodplain mapping. When we are creating such maps we normally use different mathematical models that help us simulate different flood scenarios. When shaping flooded areas we need to pay attention to the spots where water starts flooding. Often we can define this kind of spots as a lateral flow. If we want to take this fact into account, it is necessary to model such spots as a lateral flow. In this work we analyzed hydraulic conditions around lateral weirs. For this purpose we transformed the existing physical model in which we implemented measurements for different hydraulic conditions. Measurements were made for five different scenarios where we explored the impact of Froude number on the discharge coefficient Cd for different shapes of lateral weirs. Around lateral weirs we observed discharges and water levels for two classical shapes (broad crested and sharp crested), two practical shapes (rough chute and rough chute with hump) and zero height lateral weir. We also used two different channel shapes (rectangular and trapezoid). For each scenario we created the same hydraulic conditions. We only changed the shape of the weir. After processing the results we obtained the equation which shows dependence between changing discharge coefficient Cd and the Froude number. At the end we simulated some of the scenarios with 1D (HEC-RAS) and 2D (AquaDyn) mathematical programs where we observed the quality of the computation. We also took into account some parameters and the input data that have big influence on the quality of the calculation.
Sekundarne ključne besede: hydraulics;open-channel;lateral weirs;HEC-RAS;AquaDyn;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: XIII,118 str., pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Hydraulic Analysis for Lateral Weir Flow
Ključne besede (ePrints): hidravlika;odprti vodotoki;bočni prelivi;HEC-RAS;AquaDyn
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): hydraulic;open-channel;lateral weirs;HEC-RAS;AquaDyn
Povzetek (ePrints): Zaradi hitre urbanizacije in večjega zavedanja o poplavni nevarnosti, narašča potreba po izdelovanju opozorilnih kart poplavnih območij. Za slednje uporabljamo orodja, s katerimi modeliramo proces poplavljanja. Pri modeliranju moramo veliko pozornosti nameniti mestom razlivanja, ker je z vidika pravilnega hidravličnega modela najpomembnejši način razlitja. Nemalokrat se zgodi, da se voda iz kanala na poplavno ravnico razlije kot bočni preliv. Kadar se slednje zgodi, moramo za modeliranje prelivnega mesta izbrati primeren način. V diplomski nalogi so bile obravnavane hidravlične razmere, ki nastopijo pri bočnih prelivih, kadar tok vode po prelitju nima proste poti. V ta namen so bile na nekoliko preoblikovanem, že obstoječem fizičnem modelu bočnega preliva opravljene meritve različnih natočnih razmer. Izvedenih je bilo pet različnih scenarijev, pri katerih smo opazovali vpliv Froudovih števil na prelivne koeficiente Cd ter ugotavljali vrednosti koeficientov Cd za posamezne oblike preliva. Pretoke in gladine smo merili pri dveh klasičnih oblikah (široki prag in ostrorobi preliv), pri dveh praktičnih oblikah (hrapava drča in hrapava drča z grbo) ter pri bočnem razbremenjevanju brez preliva. Uporabili smo dve različni obliki rečnega korita – pravokotno in poltrapezno. Pri vseh scenarijih so bile ustvarjene enake natočne razmere, pri čemer smo spreminjali le obliko preliva. Rezultate smo obdelali in z enačbo izrazili odvisnost prelivnega koeficienta Cd od Froudovega števila. Na koncu sta bila za določene scenarije izvedena še 1D (HEC-RAS) in 2D (AquaDyn) modelna izračuna, s pomočjo katerih smo ocenili kakovost izračuna in pokazali na elemente, ki jih moramo upoštevati pri simulaciji bočnih prelivov, v kolikor želimo doseči čim boljše rezultate. IV
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Increasing urbanization and the awareness of flood risk promote interest in floodplain mapping. When we are creating such maps we normally use different mathematical models that help us simulate different flood scenarios. When shaping flooded areas we need to pay attention to the spots where water starts flooding. Often we can define this kind of spots as a lateral flow. If we want to take this fact into account, it is necessary to model such spots as a lateral flow. In this work we analyzed hydraulic conditions around lateral weirs. For this purpose we transformed the existing physical model in which we implemented measurements for different hydraulic conditions. Measurements were made for five different scenarios where we explored the impact of Froude number on the discharge coefficient Cd for different shapes of lateral weirs. Around lateral weirs we observed discharges and water levels for two classical shapes (broad crested and sharp crested), two practical shapes (rough chute and rough chute with hump) and zero height lateral weir. We also used two different channel shapes (rectangular and trapezoid). For each scenario we created the same hydraulic conditions. We only changed the shape of the weir. After processing the results we obtained the equation which shows dependence between changing discharge coefficient Cd and the Froude number. At the end we simulated some of the scenarios with 1D (HEC-RAS) and 2D (AquaDyn) mathematical programs where we observed the quality of the computation. We also took into account some parameters and the input data that have big influence on the quality of the calculation.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): hydraulic;open-channel;lateral weirs;HEC-RAS;AquaDyn
ID: 8307913