diplomska naloga
Sandra Pranjić (Avtor), Franci Steinman (Mentor), Primož Banovec (Komentor)


Hidravlična analiza na podlagi topografije Kopra, izdelane s pomočjo tehnologije LIDAR

Ključne besede

VKI;diplomska dela;UNI;poplave;hidravlika;odprti vodotoki;prostorski podatki;GIS;HEC-GeoRAS;Manifold System;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [S. Pranjić]
UDK: 004.42:004.6:551.46:627.1:659.2:91(043.2)
COBISS: 4369505 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2062
Št. prenosov: 550
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Hydraulic analysis based on topography of Koper, made with LIDAR technology
Sekundarni povzetek: Floods are, because of their unpredictability, one of the major natural disasters. Whilst the river flooding in Slovenia has a long history of case studies, that is not the case for floods caused by tidal surges along the sea coasts. Research work, done on sea level rise, is relatively young scientific discipline. Besides that, sea flooding differs from river flooding in several factors that cause flooding. Proper evaluation of hazards is essential for carrying out vulnerability assessment in a diverse coastal area. In hydraulic engineering these problems are simulated with physical and mathematical models. When dealing with problems that concern large areas, mathematical models prevail. The accuracy of hydrodynamic models relatively depends on the accuracy of input data. Collection of spatial data has been significantly facilitated by modern technologies, such as geographic information systems. The purpose of this research work was a hydraulic analysis for Riţana estuary. River Riţana pours out into the Adriatic sea in gulf of Koper, which was fundamental for prediction of flood scenarios caused by sea level rise. Spatial data have been acquired by one of the most advanced land surveying techniques (LIDAR technology). Hydraulic modelling software, as Manifold and ESRI ArcGIS with extensions (3D Analyst, Spatial Analyst and HEC-GeoRAS), have been used to prepare the digital terrain model for further hydraulic analysis in HEC-RAS. Such software tools enable the creation of bathymetry of river channel and more sophisticated representation of the results of hydraulic simulations.
Sekundarne ključne besede: floods;hydraulic;open channel;spatial data;GIS;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: XV, 87 str., pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Hydraulic analysis based on topography of Koper made with LIDAR technology
Ključne besede (ePrints): poplave;hidravlika;odprti vodotoki;prostorski podatki;GIS;HEC-GeoRAS;Manifold System
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): floods;hydraulic;open channel;spatial data;GIS;HEC-GeoRAS;Manifold System
Povzetek (ePrints): Diplomska naloga obravnava poplave, ki zaradi nepredvidljivosti in povzročene škode, sodijo med najhujše ujme. Na področju poplavljanja rek v Sloveniji je bilo narejenih mnogo študij, področje poplavljanja morja pa je še dokaj neraziskano. Preučevanje dviga morske gladine je razmeroma mlada znanstvena veda, poplavljanje morja pa se od rek razlikuje zaradi vplivov več faktorjev. S primernimi in pravočasnimi ukrepi lahko tudi posledice tovrstnih poplav omilimo. Hidravlično inţenirstvo rešuje te probleme z izdelavo fizičnih in matematičnih modelov, pri čemer so slednji zelo uporabni za natančne hidravlične simulacije. Točnost napovedi je sorazmerno odvisna od natančnosti vhodnih podatkov, katerih pridobitev so v veliki meri olajšale moderne tehnologije, kot je uporaba geografskih informacijskih sistemov. Namen diplomskega dela je bila hidravlična analiza razbremenilnika reke Riţane, ki se izliva v morje ter napoved moţnih poplavnih scenarijev ob spreminjajočem se dvigu nivoja morske gladine. Prostorski podatki so bili pridobljeni z eno od najsodobnejših GIS tehnologij (tehnologijo LIDAR). Na podlagi ustvarjenega digitalnega modela terena je podatke moţno obdelati z različnimi programskimi orodji. V kombinaciji s hidravličnim orodjem HEC-RAS sta bili uporabljeni programski orodji Manifold in ESRI ArcGIS z razširitvami (3D Analyst, Spatial Analyst in HEC-GeoRAS). Navedena programska orodja olajšajo izdelavo geometrije rečnega korita in interpretacijo rezultatov. Omogočajo namreč prikaz rezultatov hidravličnih izračunov v obliki kartiranja poplavnih območij. Ker se pri upodobitvi topografije terena postavljajo vse večje zahteve, je to ena od najsodobnejših rešitev hidravličnih problemov.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Floods are, because of their unpredictability, one of the major natural disasters. Whilst the river flooding in Slovenia has a long history of case studies, that is not the case for floods caused by tidal surges along the sea coasts. Research work, done on sea level rise, is relatively young scientific discipline. Besides that, sea flooding differs from river flooding in several factors that cause flooding. Proper evaluation of hazards is essential for carrying out vulnerability assessment in a diverse coastal area. In hydraulic engineering these problems are simulated with physical and mathematical models. When dealing with problems that concern large areas, mathematical models prevail. The accuracy of hydrodynamic models relatively depends on the accuracy of input data. Collection of spatial data has been significantly facilitated by modern technologies, such as geographic information systems. The purpose of this research work was a hydraulic analysis for Riţana estuary. River Riţana pours out into the Adriatic sea in gulf of Koper, which was fundamental for prediction of flood scenarios caused by sea level rise. Spatial data have been acquired by one of the most advanced land surveying techniques (LIDAR technology). Hydraulic modelling software, as Manifold and ESRI ArcGIS with extensions (3D Analyst, Spatial Analyst and HEC-GeoRAS), have been used to prepare the digital terrain model for further hydraulic analysis in HEC-RAS. Such software tools enable the creation of bathymetry of river channel and more sophisticated representation of the results of hydraulic simulations.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): floods;hydraulic;open channel;spatial data;GIS;HEC-GeoRAS;Manifold System
ID: 8307923