diplomsko delo
Brina Lorger (Avtor), Verena Koch (Mentor), Francka Lovšin (Komentor)


Odnos otrok do blagovnih znamk oblačil in obutve

Ključne besede

blagovne znamke;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [B. Lorger]
UDK: 646.4:159.922.7(043.2)
COBISS: 9320009 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 831
Št. prenosov: 143
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Children's attitudes towards brand names of clothing and footwear
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis addresses children’s attitude towards brands of clothing and footwear. The theoretical part presents the concept of the brand, features of a good brand and what role do brand names of clothing and footwear play when children are making purchase decisions and what role do brand names of clothing and footwear play in their mutual relations. The thesis also introduces the course of consumer socialization in which children among other things learn to decide among products of certain brands. I was interested in the influence of environment on the child and his or her choice of clothing and footwear brands. Based on foreign literature (Elliott, Leonard, 2004), I found that although parents are still the first to introduce children to the world of consumerism, peers are the ones who have a bigger affect on child's choice of clothing and footwear brand, followed by role models and media. Parents are the second most important factor that influences children's decision making regarding the selection of branded clothing and footwear. I also paid attention to the potential social exclusion of children due to their clothing and footwear of unknown brands. The survey results (Elliott, Leonard, 2004) have shown, that the children from disadvantaged families, who cannot afford clothing and footwear of known brands are heavily burdened by this fact. They feel overwhelming pressure from peers to wear proper clothing and footwear of popular brands in order to be accepted into their company. If they cannot afford these items, they are often derided, ignored or even physically abused. For most children who were present in any of the studies on this subject, it was common that they were most impressed and convinced by the Nike brand. Based on the research I found that some arguments that are found in the literature are also true for the primary school children of our country. Both, foreign and Slovenian children are very well aware of the existence of various types of brands of clothing and footwear. It is interesting that among all of these various brands, Nike is the dominant one. Our children generally feel happier and more confident wearing the clothes of famous brands. This also applies to foreign children. However I also found some differences. Although it has been asserted in foreign literature (Elliott, Leonard, 2004), that peers are the ones who first familiarize children with a certain brand of clothes and that the parents follow them in doing so, it is shown that this order is reversed in our country. In both cases they are followed by the influence of role models, and lastly by the impact of television. The exception is also the amount of peer pressure in choosing clothes and footwear of the particular brand. Foreign children are under bigger pressure from their peers regarding clothes and footwear of famous brands (Elliott, Leonard, 2004), as the children of our primary schools are. This finding was very gratifying.
Sekundarne ključne besede: consumption;consumer education;influence;potrošnja;vzgoja potrošnikov;vpliv;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo
Strani: 45 f., [3] f. pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Children's attitudes towards brand names of clothing and footwear
Ključne besede (ePrints): blagovne znamke
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): brand names
Povzetek (ePrints): V diplomski naloga obravnavam odnos otrok do blagovnih znamk oblačil in obutve. V teoretičnem delu predstavljam pojem blagovne znamke, lastnosti dobre blagovne znamke ter vlogo blagovne znamke oblačil in obutve pri nakupnih odločitvah otrok in v njihovih medsebojnih odnosih. V nalogi predstavim tudi potek potrošniške socializacije, v katerem otroci med drugim spoznavajo in se odločajo za izdelke določenih blagovnih znamk. Zanimalo me je, kakšen vpliv ima okolje na otroka in njegovo izbiro blagovnih znamk oblačil in obutve. Na podlagi tuje literature (Elliott, Leonard, 2004) sem ugotovila, da čeprav so starši še vedno prvi, ki otroke vpeljejo v svet potrošništva, pa na otrokovo izbiro blagovnih znamk oblačil in obutve vplivajo otrokovi vrstniki, sledijo jim vzorniki, nato mediji. Starši so med dejavniki, ki vplivajo na otrokovo odločitev glede izbire blagovnih znamk oblačil in obutve, šele na drugem mestu. Pozornost sem posvetila tudi morebitnemu socialnemu izključevanju otrok zaradi oblačil in obutve neznanih blagovnih znamk. Rezultati raziskave (Elliott, Leonard, 2004) v svetu so namreč pokazali, da otroke, ki izhajajo iz revnejših družin, ki si zanje ne morejo privoščiti oblačil in obutve znanih blagovnih znamk, to zelo obremenjuje. Čutijo zelo hud pritisk s strani vrstnikov, da morajo nositi oblačila in obutev pravih in priljubljenih blagovnih znamk, da bi bili sprejeti v njihovo družbo. Če si teh stvari ne morejo privoščiti, so večkrat zasmehovani, zapostavljeni in z njimi celo fizično obračunavajo. Večini otrok, ki so bili prisotni v kateri koli raziskavi na to temo, pa je bilo skupno, da so najbolj očarani in prepričani v oblačila in obutev blagovne znamke Nike. Na osnovi raziskave sem ugotovila, da nekaj trditev, ki jih najdemo v literaturi, velja tudi za osnovnošolce pri nas. Tako tuji kot naši otroci so zelo dobro seznanjeni z obstojem različnih vrst blagovnih znamk oblačil in obutve. Med vsemi temi vsesplošno prevladuje blagovna znamka Nike. Anketirani otroci v naši raziskavi navajajo, da se v oblačilih znanih blagovnih znamk večinoma počutijo bolj vesele in samozavestne, kar je skladno tudi z odgovori anketiranih otrok v raziskavah, izvedenih v tujini (Elliott, Leonard, 2004). Vendar pa sem ugotovila tudi nekaj razlik. Čeprav je bilo v tuji literaturi navedeno (Elliott, Leonard, 2004), da so vrstniki tisti, ki prvi seznanijo otroke z določeno blagovno znamko oblačil, in so starši šele na drugem mestu, se je pri nas pokazalo, da je ta vrstni red obrnjen. V obeh primerih so nato v istem zaporedju sledila še vpliv vzornikov in nato vpliv televizije. Izjemo predstavlja tudi pritisk vrstnikov na izbiro oblačil oziroma obutve določene blagovne znamke. Tuje raziskave so pokazale, da so otroci so pod večjim pritiskom vrstnikov glede oblačil in obutve znanih blagovnih znamk (Elliott, Leonard, 2004) kot otroci naših osnovnih šol. Ta ugotovitev je bila zelo razveseljujoča.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The thesis addresses children’s attitude towards brands of clothing and footwear. The theoretical part presents the concept of the brand, features of a good brand and what role do brand names of clothing and footwear play when children are making purchase decisions and what role do brand names of clothing and footwear play in their mutual relations. The thesis also introduces the course of consumer socialization in which children among other things learn to decide among products of certain brands. I was interested in the influence of environment on the child and his or her choice of clothing and footwear brands. Based on foreign literature (Elliott, Leonard, 2004), I found that although parents are still the first to introduce children to the world of consumerism, peers are the ones who have a bigger affect on child's choice of clothing and footwear brand, followed by role models and media. Parents are the second most important factor that influences children's decision making regarding the selection of branded clothing and footwear. I also paid attention to the potential social exclusion of children due to their clothing and footwear of unknown brands. The survey results (Elliott, Leonard, 2004) have shown, that the children from disadvantaged families, who cannot afford clothing and footwear of known brands are heavily burdened by this fact. They feel overwhelming pressure from peers to wear proper clothing and footwear of popular brands in order to be accepted into their company. If they cannot afford these items, they are often derided, ignored or even physically abused. For most children who were present in any of the studies on this subject, it was common that they were most impressed and convinced by the Nike brand. Based on the research I found that some arguments that are found in the literature are also true for the primary school children of our country. Both, foreign and Slovenian children are very well aware of the existence of various types of brands of clothing and footwear. It is interesting that among all of these various brands, Nike is the dominant one. Our children generally feel happier and more confident wearing the clothes of famous brands. This also applies to foreign children. However I also found some differences. Although it has been asserted in foreign literature (Elliott, Leonard, 2004), that peers are the ones who first familiarize children with a certain brand of clothes and that the parents follow them in doing so, it is shown that this order is reversed in our country. In both cases they are followed by the influence of role models, and lastly by the impact of television. The exception is also the amount of peer pressure in choosing clothes and footwear of the particular brand. Foreign children are under bigger pressure from their peers regarding clothes and footwear of famous brands (Elliott, Leonard, 2004), as the children of our primary schools are. This finding was very gratifying.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): brand names
ID: 8310594