diplomsko delo
Nina Štor (Avtor), Gordana Schmidt (Mentor), Vesna Geršak (Komentor)


Ples pri športni vzgoji v 2. razredu

Ključne besede

ustvarjalni gib;plesne igre;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Štor]
UDK: 373.32.016:78.085.4(043.2)
COBISS: 9300297 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1010
Št. prenosov: 374
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Dance in physical education in second grade
Sekundarni povzetek: This paper is about the integration of creative movement in dancing games of physical education in second grade, why it is so important, its impact and how to prepare a lesson plan that concludes all that. It contains the examples of this lesson plans which fulfill the goals from the curriculum for physical education in second grade and its analyses in second grade of elementary school Skrilje, where there are 11 girls and 10 boys. In theoretical part I explained, what movement is and which movements do we know. I also defined what dance is and found how it is correlated to physical education. It seemed important to write down, that Zagorc claims, that we should put contemporary dance in primary school and I justified that. Then there are goals and aims of dance content that were important for the empirical part and they helped me with writing the lesson plans. After all teachers sometimes make little mistakes so I've written a page about the role of a teacher and when to be careful when we give dance lessons. In the empirical part I was wondering if there is enough dance content and which are the basic and optimal levels of dance knowledge. The goal of this thesis was to analyze the curriculum for physical education in second grade from the point of view of dance lessons and to make lesson plans which contain good examples of dance activities and they will also achieve all of the goals for dance in physical education in second grade. As a method I used action researching and I was looking to find the answers to this research questions: • R1: What is the quantity and what are the ways to integrate dance in curriculum for physical education in second grade of primary school? • R2: How can we conclude creative dance in curriculum for physical education in second grade? • R3: What are the child responses to creative dance activities? I found out that creative movement stimulates children's imagination, self-dependence and is necessary for their development which was shown through child response.
Sekundarne ključne besede: physical education;dance;teaching objective;športna vzgoja;ples;učni cilj;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: 91 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Dance in physical education in second grade
Ključne besede (ePrints): ples
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): dance
Povzetek (ePrints): Diplomsko delo govori o integraciji ustvarjalnega giba v plesne igre pri športni vzgoji v 2. razredu, zakaj je to pomembno, na kaj vpliva in kako pripraviti učno uro, ki bo to vsebovala. V njem so primeri učnih priprav za doseganje ciljev iz učnega načrta za športno vzgojo v 2. razredu ter analize izvedbe le-teh. v 2. razredu Podružnične šole Skrilje (Osnovna šola Dobravlje), kjer je 11 deklet in 10 dečkov. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila, kaj je gib in katere vrste gibanja poznamo. Prav tako sem definirala, kaj je ples in poiskala, v kakšnem razmerju je ples do športa. Pomembno se mi je zdelo zapisati, da Zagorčeva zagovarja, da bi v osnovno šolo morali uvrstiti tudi sodobni ples in to sem tudi obrazložila. V nadaljevanju sledijo cilji in smotri plesnih vsebin, ki so bili pomembni za empirični del in sem si z njimi pomagala tudi pri pisanju učnih priprav. Nenazadnje pa seveda učitelji včasih nehote delamo manjše napake in sem napisala stran tudi o tem, kakšna je naša vloga in na kaj moramo biti še posebej pozorni pri poučevanju plesa. V empiričnem delu sem se ukvarjala s tem, ali je v učnem načrtu dovolj plesnih vsebin in katere so temeljne in optimalne ravni znanja iz plesa. Cilj mojega diplomskega dela je bil analizirati učni načrt za športno vzgojo v 2. razredu z vidika plesnih vsebin in pripraviti več učnih priprav z izbranimi dobrimi primeri plesnih dejavnosti, ki bodo dosegale vse zastavljene cilje za ples pri športni vzgoji v 2. razredu. Za metodo dela sem uporabila akcijsko raziskovanje ter iskala odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja: • R1: V kolikšni meri in na kakšen način je ples integriran v učni načrt za športno vzgojo v 2. razredu osnovne šole? • R2: Kako lahko ples čim bolj ustvarjalno vključimo v učni načrt za športno vzgojo v 2. razredu? • R3: Kakšni so odzivi otrok na ustvarjalne plesne dejavnosti? Ugotovila sem, da ustvarjalni gib spodbuja otrokovo domišljijo, samostojnost in je nujno potreben za njegov razvoj, kar se je pokazalo tudi na odzivu učencev.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): This paper is about the integration of creative movement in dancing games of physical education in second grade, why it is so important, its impact and how to prepare a lesson plan that concludes all that. It contains the examples of this lesson plans which fulfill the goals from the curriculum for physical education in second grade and its analyses in second grade of elementary school Skrilje, where there are 11 girls and 10 boys. In theoretical part I explained, what movement is and which movements do we know. I also defined what dance is and found how it is correlated to physical education. It seemed important to write down, that Zagorc claims, that we should put contemporary dance in primary school and I justified that. Then there are goals and aims of dance content that were important for the empirical part and they helped me with writing the lesson plans. After all teachers sometimes make little mistakes so I've written a page about the role of a teacher and when to be careful when we give dance lessons. In the empirical part I was wondering if there is enough dance content and which are the basic and optimal levels of dance knowledge. The goal of this thesis was to analyze the curriculum for physical education in second grade from the point of view of dance lessons and to make lesson plans which contain good examples of dance activities and they will also achieve all of the goals for dance in physical education in second grade. As a method I used action researching and I was looking to find the answers to this research questions: • R1: What is the quantity and what are the ways to integrate dance in curriculum for physical education in second grade of primary school? • R2: How can we conclude creative dance in curriculum for physical education in second grade? • R3: What are the child responses to creative dance activities? I found out that creative movement stimulates children's imagination, self-dependence and is necessary for their development which was shown through child response.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): dance
ID: 8310659