diplomsko delo


Kako športno vzgojo doživljajo učenci drugega triletja z območja Notranjske

Ključne besede

2. triletje


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Ponikvar]
UDK: 796:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9380425 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 537
Št. prenosov: 75
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: How fourth to sixth grade pupils from Notranjska region experience physical education
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis is about children’s experiences of physical education (PE). I was interested in finding out if children like physical education, what sports and activities they like and dislike, what they like doing at PE lessons, what they are afraid of and how grading affects them. Children's interest in participating in the “minute for health” project and the “active break” project and the availability of both in different schools were also discussed. The differences in experience between boys and girls were also the subject of my research. The questions written above were explored in the empirical part of the thesis, which included research amongst fourth, fifth and sixth graders, both boys and girls. The research included 978 pupils from 15 elementary Notranjska region schools. The information was obtained through a questionnaire, which children completed independently. The results showed high levels of popularity of PE among pupils regardless of gender, probably as children are aware of the importance of PE for their future health and regard it highly. The popularity of different kinds of sports differs between genders. Boys prefer basketball, football, handball while girls are more likely to do dancing, volleyball and gymnastics. Dodge ball was found to be very popular in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade, regardless of gender. On the other hand great dislike of dancing, gymnastics and athletics was found amongst boys whereas amongst girls running, football and weighing, which is a part of testing for the PE assessment report, were found to be least popular. Boys and girls like being included in the selection process of PE activities. They are also fond of sports days and nature retreats. Boys and girls dislike to be disciplined by the teacher, girls don’t like being yelled at and boys are upset when the PE lesson is cancelled for some reason. Despite PE’s high popularity, it also represents some source of fears for the pupils. The sport that pupils fear most is gymnastics. They are also afraid of assessment and injuries. Sadly, the results have shown that most schools don’t carry out the “minute for health” and “active break” projects into their routine, the first being popular amongst a high percentage of pupils, both boys and girls, and the second more popular amongst boys. Physical education is generally assessed above average with high levels of satisfaction with the grades amongst boys and girls and they do not wish PE to be ungraded.
Sekundarne ključne besede: physical education;fear;primary school;športna vzgoja;strah;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: VII, 90 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): How fourth to sixth grade pupils from Notranjska region experience physical education
Ključne besede (ePrints): 2. triletje
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): 4th
Povzetek (ePrints): V diplomskem delu sem ugotavljala, kako otroci doživljajo športno vzgojo. Zanimalo me je, ali imajo učenci radi športno vzgojo, katere športe in dejavnosti imajo pri športni vzgoji radi in katerih ne marajo, kaj bi pri športni vzgoji želeli početi, česa jih je strah, kako so pri športni vzgoji ocenjeni in kako doživljajo ocenjevanje. Ugotavljala sem tudi, ali se učenci radi vključujejo v minuto za zdravje in aktivni odmor oziroma ali so te dejavnosti na šolah učencem sploh ponujene. Pri vsem tem pa so me zanimale tudi razlike med učenci in učenkami na posameznem področju. Vse to sem poskušala raziskati v empiričnem delu, v okviru katerega sem izvedla raziskavo med učenci in učenkami drugega triletja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 978 učencev 15-ih osnovnih šol s področja Notranjske. Potrebne podatke sem od učencev pridobila s pomočjo vprašalnika, ki so ga učenci samostojno izpolnili. Rezultati so pokazali, da je športna vzgoja priljubljen šolski predmet tako pri učencih kot učenkah. Tudi po pomembnosti tega predmeta za nadaljnje življenje ga učenci in učenke uvrščajo zelo visoko, kar pomeni, da se že zavedajo pomembnosti ukvarjanja s športom. Večje razlike med učenci in učenkami se pojavljajo pri priljubljenosti posameznih športov. Tako imajo na primer dečki radi košarko, nogomet, rokomet, deklice pa rade plešejo, igrajo odbojko in se ukvarjajo z gimnastiko. Med obema spoloma je priljubljena igra med dvema ognjema, ki jo zelo visoko uvrščajo v vseh razredih 2. triletja. Po drugi strani učenci ne marajo plesa, gimnastike in atletike, učenke pa teka, tehtanja, ki poteka v okviru testiranja za športnovzgojni karton, in nogometa. Pri urah športne vzgoje imajo učenci in učenke radi, da si lahko sami izbirajo, kaj bodo delali. Večinoma se veselijo tudi športnih dni in šole v naravi. Tako učenci kot učenke pri urah športne vzgoje ne marajo, da se učitelj jezi na njih ali da so kaznovani, učenke ne marajo tudi vpitja, učenci pa odpadanja ur športne vzgoje. Kljub temu da je športna vzgoja zelo priljubljena, je to tudi predmet, ki marsikateremu učencu povzroča različne strahove. Šport, ki tako pri učencih kot pri učenkah povzroča strah, je gimnastika. Strah jih je tudi ocenjevanja in poškodb. Na žalost so rezultati prikazali, da na šolah v večini ne izvajajo minute za zdravje, ki si jo želijo tako učenci kot učenke v razmeroma velikem odstotku, in aktivnega odmora, ki si ga učenci želijo bolj kot učenke. Pri predmetu športna vzgoja so učenci in učenke ocenjeni nadpovprečno, z visokimi ocenami, prav zato so s svojimi ocenami večinoma zadovoljni in si ne želijo športne vzgoje brez ocene.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The thesis is about children’s experiences of physical education (PE). I was interested in finding out if children like physical education, what sports and activities they like and dislike, what they like doing at PE lessons, what they are afraid of and how grading affects them. Children's interest in participating in the “minute for health” project and the “active break” project and the availability of both in different schools were also discussed. The differences in experience between boys and girls were also the subject of my research. The questions written above were explored in the empirical part of the thesis, which included research amongst fourth, fifth and sixth graders, both boys and girls. The research included 978 pupils from 15 elementary Notranjska region schools. The information was obtained through a questionnaire, which children completed independently. The results showed high levels of popularity of PE among pupils regardless of gender, probably as children are aware of the importance of PE for their future health and regard it highly. The popularity of different kinds of sports differs between genders. Boys prefer basketball, football, handball while girls are more likely to do dancing, volleyball and gymnastics. Dodge ball was found to be very popular in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade, regardless of gender. On the other hand great dislike of dancing, gymnastics and athletics was found amongst boys whereas amongst girls running, football and weighing, which is a part of testing for the PE assessment report, were found to be least popular. Boys and girls like being included in the selection process of PE activities. They are also fond of sports days and nature retreats. Boys and girls dislike to be disciplined by the teacher, girls don’t like being yelled at and boys are upset when the PE lesson is cancelled for some reason. Despite PE’s high popularity, it also represents some source of fears for the pupils. The sport that pupils fear most is gymnastics. They are also afraid of assessment and injuries. Sadly, the results have shown that most schools don’t carry out the “minute for health” and “active break” projects into their routine, the first being popular amongst a high percentage of pupils, both boys and girls, and the second more popular amongst boys. Physical education is generally assessed above average with high levels of satisfaction with the grades amongst boys and girls and they do not wish PE to be ungraded.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): 4th
ID: 8310754