diplomsko delo
Karmen Kuder (Avtor), Branko Kaučič (Mentor), Stanislav Avsec (Komentor)


Uporaba webinarja pri predmetu Tehnika in tehnologija

Ključne besede

didaktika;spletne strani;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Kuder]
UDK: 004.7(043.2)
COBISS: 9585993 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 929
Št. prenosov: 154
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Using webinar at Design and technology
Sekundarni povzetek: Nowadays, the use of computers is becoming almost a necessity. The information and communications technology in this field made major steps which are successfully used in school for the benefit of students. New products have many advantages over conventional modes of education. The methods of teaching are interesting to young people and will further motivate that they will be concentrated in lessons, happy to walk to school and they will remember more learning material. With the introduction of modern technical and technological devices, learning material becomes more interesting, easier and more receptive to remember. All described can be achieved by introducing education using the Internet. This means not only introducing the latest techniques and technology in the curriculum but also learning online, distance learning, where we lower the education by shortening the journey to the place of schooling, and so we have more free time. From a classical education is distinguished by the fact that students are not in personal contact or in the same room with the teacher but they communicate with him online. Diploma Thesis deals with a webinar, a web-based seminar, which in Slovenian language is termed as “spletinar”, short for “spletni seminar”. We explain the expression webinar together with its history. Also listed are the tools necessary for preparing a webinar, amongst which there are some of the most popular (Dimdim, Yugma, GoToWebinar, ReadyTalk). They are shortly described, whereas Adobe Acrobat Connect, which was used for this webinar, is presented in detail. We explore a number of questions that a lecturer should consider prior to carrying out an effective webinar. They are chronologically sequenced: before, during and after the webinar. Then follows a description of how a webinar on the topic of perpendicular projection was applied in class 7 at the school subject Design and Technology. Execution of webinars depends on the use of the Internet in class. A questionnaire on the actual usage of Internet in class was given to pupils from classes 6 to 9 in the primary school. The analysis gives insight into the use and self-assessment of the Information Technology knowledge, distance learning, webinar and pupils’ interests for web-based learning.
Sekundarne ključne besede: computer science;računalništvo;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in tehnika
Strani: VIII, 66 str., X str. pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Using webinar at Design and technology
Ključne besede (ePrints): splet
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): internet
Povzetek (ePrints): V današnjem času uporaba računalnikov postaja skoraj potreba. Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija je na tem področju naredila velike korake, ki jih v šoli s pridom uporabljamo v dobrobit učencev. Novosti imajo veliko prednosti pred klasičnim načinom izobraževanja. Načini in metode poučevanja so mladim zanimivi, jih bodo dodatno motivirali, da bodo pri učnih urah zbrani, da bodo z veseljem hodili k pouku in da si bodo zapomnili več učne snovi. Z uvajanjem sodobnih tehničnih in tehnoloških pripomočkov postane učna snov bolj zanimiva, lažje dojemljiva in bolj zapomljiva. Prav vse opisano lahko dosežemo z uvajanjem izobraževanja s pomočjo spleta. To ne pomeni le uvajanje najnovejše tehnike in tehnologije v šolski program. ampak tudi učenje preko spleta, učenje na daljavo, s katerim pocenimo šolanje, skrajšamo vožnjo do kraja šolanja in imamo tako več prostega časa. Od klasičnega izobraževanja se razlikuje po tem, da učenci z učiteljem niso v osebnem stiku in ne v istem prostoru, ampak z njim komunicirajo preko spleta. V diplomskem delu je obravnavan webinar (angl. web-based seminar) oziroma v slovenskem prevodu spletinar (krajše od spletni seminar). Opisan je pojem webinarja ter njegova zgodovina. Našteta so tudi orodja za pripravo webinarja, med katerimi je nekaj bolj priljubljenih (Dimdim, Yugma, GoToWebinar, ReadyTalk) na kratko opisanih, orodje Adobe Acrobat Connect, ki je bilo uporabljeno pri izvedenem webinarju pa je opisano podrobneje. Podana so vprašanja, ki si jih mora predavatelj pred samim webinarjem zastaviti, da bo lahko izvedel učinkovit webinar. V diplomskem delu so podana tudi navodila za uspešno izvedbo webinarja. Navedena so v časovnem sosledju: na kaj mora biti predavatelj pozoren pred webinarjem, med webinarjem ter po končanem webinarju. Opisan je tudi primer uporabe webinarja pri predmetu Tehnika in tehnologija v sedmem razredu osnovne šole na temo pravokotna projekcija. Dejansko stanje uporabe interneta pri poučevanju, kot predpogoj za izvedbo webinarjev, je bilo ugotovljeno z anketiranjem učencev od šestega do devetega razreda osnovne šole. Na podlagi analize ankete so podane ugotovitve glede uporabe ter samoocene znanja računalništva, glede poznavanja poučevanja na daljavo in webinarja ter želja učencev in zanimanja učencev za poučevanje s pomočjo spleta.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Nowadays, the use of computers is becoming almost a necessity. The information and communications technology in this field made major steps which are successfully used in school for the benefit of students. New products have many advantages over conventional modes of education. The methods of teaching are interesting to young people and will further motivate that they will be concentrated in lessons, happy to walk to school and they will remember more learning material. With the introduction of modern technical and technological devices, learning material becomes more interesting, easier and more receptive to remember. All described can be achieved by introducing education using the Internet. This means not only introducing the latest techniques and technology in the curriculum but also learning online, distance learning, where we lower the education by shortening the journey to the place of schooling, and so we have more free time. From a classical education is distinguished by the fact that students are not in personal contact or in the same room with the teacher but they communicate with him online. Diploma Thesis deals with a webinar, a web-based seminar, which in Slovenian language is termed as “spletinar”, short for “spletni seminar”. We explain the expression webinar together with its history. Also listed are the tools necessary for preparing a webinar, amongst which there are some of the most popular (Dimdim, Yugma, GoToWebinar, ReadyTalk). They are shortly described, whereas Adobe Acrobat Connect, which was used for this webinar, is presented in detail. We explore a number of questions that a lecturer should consider prior to carrying out an effective webinar. They are chronologically sequenced: before, during and after the webinar. Then follows a description of how a webinar on the topic of perpendicular projection was applied in class 7 at the school subject Design and Technology. Execution of webinars depends on the use of the Internet in class. A questionnaire on the actual usage of Internet in class was given to pupils from classes 6 to 9 in the primary school. The analysis gives insight into the use and self-assessment of the Information Technology knowledge, distance learning, webinar and pupils’ interests for web-based learning.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): internet
ID: 8311291