diplomsko delo
Ksenja Smolič (Avtor), Branko Kaučič (Mentor), Stanislav Avsec (Komentor)


Didaktično e-gradivo "mehanske lastnosti lesa" v tehnologiji HTML5

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Smolič]
UDK: 004.4:37(043.2)
COBISS: 9628745 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1271
Št. prenosov: 257
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: "Mechanical properties of wood" as teaching e-material in HTML5 technology
Sekundarni povzetek: Education is becoming a key factor in our everyday personal and professional life. For efficient and effective education we need a fast and high-quality information transfer, which is made possible by the World Wide Web. Therefore, the schools offer e-education or e-learning through the use of electronic media via network. Quality of e-resource is a very important factor for effective e-learning. The diploma work deals with the new web standard HTML5. Initially, it presents the history and development of the World Wide Web, followed by a comparison between HTML4 and HTML5 standards. Afterwards, our focus is dedicated to the new standard and the innovations it brings. The use of the new badges is described and supported with some examples for each individual use. The badge canvas is the main part of diploma work study. The canvas and the possibilities of its use are explained in details – from drawing static elements to inserting and creating animations. Using the new web standard HTML5 and badges <canvas> we developed an e-teaching material which is intended for teachers of Design and Technology (DT). We presented the theme "Mechanical properties of wood-based materials." in the interactive animation. We found that the animation is suitable for presentation in elementary school, because it was flexible. Other animations can also be presented to the students for the sake of curiosity or for a better understanding of the concept of stress. Use of animation contributes to a faster and more comprehensive learning of materials, especially at higher cognitive levels. Although the animation proved to be good, from assessment of its individual characteristics, improvements are always welcome. Teachers are not yet familiar with the new standard, but are willing to educate themselves about it and use it in their work. We also received the feedback that HTML5 is suitable for making animations in elementary school.HTML5 and badge <canvas> have demonstrated selection capability. It allows the insertion of video and audio material, inserting text and creating animations. It contains all the characteristics needed to enable teachers to create e-learning materials. With the introduction of the new standard we want DT teachers to be aware of new technology, which they can use in their teaching. For online resources, it is important that the material is available and can be downloaded by the end user to a computer using Internet technologies. Sometimes, web plug-ins become obsolete, leading to difficulties in playing or obtaining e-resources. HTML5 is a solution that can adequately replace web plug-ins and enable easier, faster and more efficient communication with students through virtual classrooms via e-teaching materials.
Sekundarne ključne besede: computer science;education;software;računalništvo;vzgoja in izobraževanje;programska oprema;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in tehnika
Strani: VII f., 160 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): "Mechanical properties of wood" as teaching e-material in HTML5 technology
Ključne besede (ePrints): informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): information-communication technology
Povzetek (ePrints): Izobraževanje postaja ključni dejavnik našega zasebnega in poklicnega vsakdana. Za uspešno in učinkovito izobraževanje potrebujemo hiter ter kvaliteten prenos informacij, kar nam omogoča tudi svetovni splet. V šolstvu se je zato pojavilo tako imenovano e-izobraževanje, katero poteka s pomočjo elektronskih medijev preko omrežja. Zelo pomemben dejavnik učinkovitega e-izobraževanja so predvsem kvalitena e-gradiva. Diplomsko delo obravnava novi spletni standard HTML5. Najprej je predstavljena zgodovina in razvoj svetovnega spleta. Sledi primerjava med standardoma HTML4 in HTML5. V nadaljevanju je pozornost izključno namenjena novemu standardu in novostim, ki jih prinaša. Opisana je uporaba novih značk ter podkrepljena s primeri za vsako posamezno uporabo le-teh. Rdeča nit celotnega dela je ena izmed pomembnih novosti prihajajočega standarda, značka <canvas>. Sledi podroben opis platna, uporaba ter opis posameznih možnosti, ki nam jih ponuja - od risanja statičnih elementov, do vstavljanja in kreiranja animacij. Z uporabo novega spletnega standarda HTML5 in značke <canvas> smo izdelali didaktično e-gradivo, katero je namenjeno učiteljem tehnike in tehnologije (TiT). V interaktivni animaciji smo predstavili temo »Mehanske lastnosti lesnih gradiv«. Ugotovili smo, da je animacija primerna za predvajanje v osnovni šoli, saj je v njej zajeta prožnost, ostale animacije pa lahko učencem predvajamo kot zanimivost oz. za boljše razumevanje pojma trdnosti. Z uporabo animacije prispevamo k hitrejšemu in celovitejšemu usvajanju snovi zlasti na višjih kognitivnih nivojih. Pri ocenjevanju posameznih karakteristik se je animacija izkazala za dobro, seveda, pa so še vedno dobrodošle izboljšave. Učitelji novega standarda še ne poznajo, vendar so se pripravljeni o njem izobraževati in ga uporabiti pri svojem delu. Dobili smo tudi odgovor, da je HTML5 primeren za izdelavo animacij v osnovni šoli. HTML5 in značka <canvas> sta dokazala izbor. Omogočata vstavljanje video in audio gradiv, vstavljanje teksta in izdelovanje animacij. Vsebujeta vse karakteristike, ki jih potrebuje učitelj za izdelavo e-gradiv. S predstavitvijo novega standarda želimo učiteljem TiT približati novo tehnologijo, katero bodo lahko uporabili pri svojem poučevanju. Pri spletnih gradivih je pomembno, da ja gradivo preneseno končnemu uporabniku po računalniku z uporabo internetnih tehnologij. Težava nastane, ker potrebujemo za prikaz e-gradiv programske vmesnike, kateri s časoma zastarijo in se vsebine zato ne predvajajo. Podajanje vsebine je lahko problematično. HTML5 je rešitev, ki ustrezno nadomesti spletne vtičnike in omogoči lažje, hitrejše in učinkovitejše komuniciranje z učenci preko spletnih učilnic s pomočjo didaktičnih e-gradiv.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Education is becoming a key factor in our everyday personal and professional life. For efficient and effective education we need a fast and high-quality information transfer, which is made possible by the World Wide Web. Therefore, the schools offer e-education or e-learning through the use of electronic media via network. Quality of e-resource is a very important factor for effective e-learning. The diploma work deals with the new web standard HTML5. Initially, it presents the history and development of the World Wide Web, followed by a comparison between HTML4 and HTML5 standards. Afterwards, our focus is dedicated to the new standard and the innovations it brings. The use of the new badges is described and supported with some examples for each individual use. The badge canvas is the main part of diploma work study. The canvas and the possibilities of its use are explained in details – from drawing static elements to inserting and creating animations. Using the new web standard HTML5 and badges <canvas> we developed an e-teaching material which is intended for teachers of Design and Technology (DT). We presented the theme "Mechanical properties of wood-based materials." in the interactive animation. We found that the animation is suitable for presentation in elementary school, because it was flexible. Other animations can also be presented to the students for the sake of curiosity or for a better understanding of the concept of stress. Use of animation contributes to a faster and more comprehensive learning of materials, especially at higher cognitive levels. Although the animation proved to be good, from assessment of its individual characteristics, improvements are always welcome. Teachers are not yet familiar with the new standard, but are willing to educate themselves about it and use it in their work. We also received the feedback that HTML5 is suitable for making animations in elementary school.HTML5 and badge <canvas> have demonstrated selection capability. It allows the insertion of video and audio material, inserting text and creating animations. It contains all the characteristics needed to enable teachers to create e-learning materials. With the introduction of the new standard we want DT teachers to be aware of new technology, which they can use in their teaching. For online resources, it is important that the material is available and can be downloaded by the end user to a computer using Internet technologies. Sometimes, web plug-ins become obsolete, leading to difficulties in playing or obtaining e-resources. HTML5 is a solution that can adequately replace web plug-ins and enable easier, faster and more efficient communication with students through virtual classrooms via e-teaching materials.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): information-communication technology
ID: 8311360