diplomska naloga
Anja Šenica (Avtor), Mojca Juriševič (Mentor)


Mnenja staršev o sodelovanju z vrtcem

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Šenica]
UDK: 373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 9684041 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 795
Št. prenosov: 550
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The parents' opinions on cooperation with kindergarten
Sekundarni povzetek: Cooperation between kindergartens and families has been changing throughout history. People did not used to place great importance on such cooperation, but legislation today obligates kindergartens to cooperate with parents. Since it is the role of both parents and kindergarten teacher to care for and stimulate children's development, cooperation is even more important. The foundations for good cooperation are willingness on the side of parents and of teacher, mutual trust and open relationships. The better the communication skills the teachers have, the better the relationships with the parents they can establish. A kindergarten teacher who is a good listener, who can express themself clearly and thoroughly, who can change their perspective on an issue, who knows how to encourage and receive parents' opinions, is able to contribute to better cooperation and a trusting relationship if parents are willing to do the same. Some parents may come to disagree with the kindergarten teacher. When that happens it is even more important for a teacher to be skilled in communication. In writing this diploma thesis we sought to discover parents' perspective on cooperation with kindergartens and on the work kindergartens do. To do so, we interviewed 59 parents whose children are in kindergarten. Based on our survey results we have concluded that parents place great importance on kindergarten for their child, since kindergarten is not merely day care, but also provides a good foundation for the child's development. Parents assess their cooperation with kindergarten teacher as good. Parents do not see the teachers' advice as very important, but they generally bear it in mind. With medium to high frequency parents observe changes in their children when they follow the teachers’ advice. The frequency of conflicts between parents and teacher is encouragingly low, revealing open relationships between them; the majority of parents say conflicts are resolved by talking to the teacher. Most parents are satisfied with the activities that kindergartens offer; just a small percentage of parents are less satisfied with what is offered. They find both formal and informal activities reasonable. Participation in activities is not significantly contingent on the parents’ level of education, but we think we didn’t have enough interviewees to definitively claim this. The main reason for not participating in activities is a lack of time, which is due to, among other things, obligations at work.
Sekundarne ključne besede: nursery school;pre-school education;parents;vrtec;starši;predšolska vzgoja;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 48 str., [3] str. pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): The parents' opinions on cooperation with kindergarten
Ključne besede (ePrints): sodelovanje z vrtcem
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): cooperation with kindergarten
Povzetek (ePrints): Sodelovanje med vrtcem in družino se je skozi zgodovino spreminjalo. Nekoč temu niso pripisovali takšnega pomena kot danes, današnja zakonodaja pa vrtec celo obvezuje k sodelovanju s starši. Skupni nalogi staršev in vzgojitelja sta negovati in spodbujati razvoj otroka, zato je sodelovanje toliko bolj pomembno. Temelji za dobro sodelovanje so pripravljenost obeh strani, staršev in vzgojitelja, njihovo medsebojno zaupanje in odprt odnos. Bolj ko je vzgojitelj spreten v komunikaciji, boljši odnos s starši lahko vzpostavlja. Vzgojitelj, ki je dober poslušalec, se jasno in natančno izraža, zna spreminjati svoja stališča, zna spodbujati in sprejemati mnenja staršev, lahko prispeva k boljšemu sodelovanju in zaupanju, če so na drugi strani na to pripravljeni tudi starši. Med velikim številom staršev pa lahko pride tudi do nesoglasij z vzgojiteljem. Takrat komunikacijske veščine vzgojitelja pridejo še kako prav. Z diplomsko nalogo smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšen pogled imajo starši na sodelovanje z vrtcem in njegovo delovanje. V ta namen smo anketirali 59 staršev, ki imajo otroke v vrtcu. Na osnovi pridobljenih podatkov smo prišli do ugotovitev, da starši pripisujejo vrtcu velik pomen za otroka, saj vrtec poleg varstva nudi tudi temelje za uspešen razvoj otroka. Prav tako njihovo sodelovanje z vzgojiteljem ocenjujejo kot dobro. Staršem nasveti vzgojitelja niso tako zelo pomembni, vendar jih v večini upoštevajo. Njihova opažanja sprememb na otroku ob upoštevanju nasvetov vzgojitelja so srednja do pogosta. Stopnja konfliktov med njimi in vzgojiteljem je spodbudno nizka, kar nakazuje odprt odnos med njimi, in večina staršev je mnenja, da rešujejo konflikt s pogovorom z vzgojiteljem. S ponujenimi dejavnostmi so starši bolj ali manj zadovoljni in le majhen odstotek jih je manj zadovoljnih. Smiselne so jim tako formalne kot neformalne dejavnosti. Udeležba dejavnosti ni bistveno pogojena z izobrazbo staršev, vendar menimo, da smo zajeli premajhen vzorec anketirancev, da bi lahko karkoli dokončno dorekli. Razlog za neudeležbo pri dejavnostih pa je predvsem pomanjkanje časa, med drugim jih obremenjuje tudi služba.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Cooperation between kindergartens and families has been changing throughout history. People did not used to place great importance on such cooperation, but legislation today obligates kindergartens to cooperate with parents. Since it is the role of both parents and kindergarten teacher to care for and stimulate children's development, cooperation is even more important. The foundations for good cooperation are willingness on the side of parents and of teacher, mutual trust and open relationships. The better the communication skills the teachers have, the better the relationships with the parents they can establish. A kindergarten teacher who is a good listener, who can express themself clearly and thoroughly, who can change their perspective on an issue, who knows how to encourage and receive parents' opinions, is able to contribute to better cooperation and a trusting relationship if parents are willing to do the same. Some parents may come to disagree with the kindergarten teacher. When that happens it is even more important for a teacher to be skilled in communication. In writing this diploma thesis we sought to discover parents' perspective on cooperation with kindergartens and on the work kindergartens do. To do so, we interviewed 59 parents whose children are in kindergarten. Based on our survey results we have concluded that parents place great importance on kindergarten for their child, since kindergarten is not merely day care, but also provides a good foundation for the child's development. Parents assess their cooperation with kindergarten teacher as good. Parents do not see the teachers' advice as very important, but they generally bear it in mind. With medium to high frequency parents observe changes in their children when they follow the teachers’ advice. The frequency of conflicts between parents and teacher is encouragingly low, revealing open relationships between them; the majority of parents say conflicts are resolved by talking to the teacher. Most parents are satisfied with the activities that kindergartens offer; just a small percentage of parents are less satisfied with what is offered. They find both formal and informal activities reasonable. Participation in activities is not significantly contingent on the parents’ level of education, but we think we didn’t have enough interviewees to definitively claim this. The main reason for not participating in activities is a lack of time, which is due to, among other things, obligations at work.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): cooperation with kindergarten
ID: 8311559