Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Relaxation body games in extended stay |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
Nowadays, a lot of children are too busy, hyperactive, aggressive and difficult to assemble. It is necessary to provide for daily relaxation. Several times I've noticed that guided relaxing activities at school are lacking or non-existent (the practice). Teachers often give pupils the ball or to draw. In my diploma paper I wanted to theoretical and practical display different relaxation techniques, suitable for primary school children and provide them in the form of games, and presented in the classroom. I was interested in being, feelings of children in the extended stay during the release and relaxing games.
In the theoretical part I devote a chapter to stress and how it affects at children. As teachers, it is important to recognize the signs of stress in pupils (behavioural, physical or emotional) and help them to overcome it, and so relieve their body.
However, we can successfully overcome the stress or reduce it; we need to know how to relax. In the following sections I described the release and its importance, relaxation techniques, on the release of the extended stay of relaxation and education in practice. Due to the fast pace of life is the release of our need for both adults as well as children, as it has a positive impact on our health, well-being, the soul, the body, memory and concentration.
In the empirical part of the diploma paper I am examining the effectiveness of techniques or release games through a variety of relaxing activities in which great emphasis was placed on the movement. In addition, I wanted to show that the new song can be learning just through the movement. To check it, I visited pupils of second class nine times and prepared a variety of relaxing activities, which they implemented with great interest and enthusiasm.
I found that the relaxation education in our school is not enough use; most teachers use it only during a prolonged stay (such as drawing, board games). I have confirmed by the pupils, that the manners of the release are not known enough.
All the relaxation techniques have a positive impact on pupils who were in the extended stay. After the activities they felt calm, relaxed, happy, pleased and they are easier done its homework. Pupils were most interested in massage. They liked listening visualization, playing games of trust and cooperation. They prefer had activities in which they moved and were creative. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
relaxation;play;primary school;sprostitev;igra;osnovna šola; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Strani: |
65 f. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Relaxation body games in extended stay |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
stres |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
stress |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Danes je veliko otrok preveč obremenjenih, hiperaktivnih, agresivnih, ki se težko zberejo, zato je potrebno poskrbeti za vsakodnevno sprostitev. Kar nekajkrat sem že opazila, da vodenih sprostilnih dejavnosti v šoli primanjkuje ali pa jih sploh ni (praksa). Učitelji pogosto uporabijo igre z žogo, risanje. V diplomskem delu sem tako želela teoretično in praktično prikazati različne tehnike sproščanja, primerne za osnovnošolske otroke ter jih v obliki iger predstaviti ter preveriti v razredu. Pri tem me je zanimalo počutje, občutki otrok v podaljšanem bivanju med samim sproščanjem in po sprostilnih igrah.
V teoretičnem delu sem poglavje namenila stresu ter kako le-ta vpliva na otroke. Nam, učiteljem je pomembno, da prepoznamo znake stresa pri učencih (vedenjski, telesni ali čustveni) in jim pomagamo, da ga premagajo in tako razbremenijo svoje telo.
Da pa bomo lahko stres uspešno premagali oziroma ga zmanjšali, se moramo znati sprostiti. V naslednjih poglavjih sem tako opisovala sproščanje in njegov pomen, tehnike sproščanja, o sprostitvi v podaljšanem bivanju ter o sprostitveni vzgoji v praksi. Zaradi hitrega tempa življenja je sprostitev naša potreba tako za odrasle kot tudi za otroke, saj ima pozitiven vpliv na naše zdravje, počutje, dušo, telo, spomin ter koncentracijo.
V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem preverjala učinkovitost tehnik oziroma iger sproščanja s pomočjo različnih sprostilnih dejavnosti, pri katerih je bil velik poudarek na gibanju. Poleg tega pa sem hotela pokazati, da se da novo pesem naučiti s pomočjo gibanja in ne le na pamet, kot se je učenci učijo v naših šolah. Za preverjanje le-tega sem šolo obiskala devetkrat in za učence 2. razreda pripravila različne sprostilne dejavnosti, ki so jih z velikim zanimanjem in navdušenjem pridno izvajali.
Ugotovila sem, da je sprostitvena vzgoja v naših šolah premalo prisotna, največkrat jo učitelji uporabijo samo v času podaljšanega bivanja (kot risanje, družabne igre). To so mi zaupali tudi učenci, saj takega načina sproščanja niso poznali.
Vse uporabljene tehnike sproščanja so pozitivno vplivale na učence, ki so bili v podaljšanem bivanju. Po dejavnostih so se počutili umirjeni, sproščeni, zadovoljni, veseli ter so lažje opravili domačo nalogo. Učenci so se najraje masirali, radi so poslušali vizualizacije, igrali igre zaupanja in sodelovanja. Najraje pa so imeli dejavnosti, pri katerih so se gibali in bili pri tem ustvarjalni. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
Nowadays, a lot of children are too busy, hyperactive, aggressive and difficult to assemble. It is necessary to provide for daily relaxation. Several times I've noticed that guided relaxing activities at school are lacking or non-existent (the practice). Teachers often give pupils the ball or to draw. In my diploma paper I wanted to theoretical and practical display different relaxation techniques, suitable for primary school children and provide them in the form of games, and presented in the classroom. I was interested in being, feelings of children in the extended stay during the release and relaxing games.
In the theoretical part I devote a chapter to stress and how it affects at children. As teachers, it is important to recognize the signs of stress in pupils (behavioural, physical or emotional) and help them to overcome it, and so relieve their body.
However, we can successfully overcome the stress or reduce it; we need to know how to relax. In the following sections I described the release and its importance, relaxation techniques, on the release of the extended stay of relaxation and education in practice. Due to the fast pace of life is the release of our need for both adults as well as children, as it has a positive impact on our health, well-being, the soul, the body, memory and concentration.
In the empirical part of the diploma paper I am examining the effectiveness of techniques or release games through a variety of relaxing activities in which great emphasis was placed on the movement. In addition, I wanted to show that the new song can be learning just through the movement. To check it, I visited pupils of second class nine times and prepared a variety of relaxing activities, which they implemented with great interest and enthusiasm.
I found that the relaxation education in our school is not enough use; most teachers use it only during a prolonged stay (such as drawing, board games). I have confirmed by the pupils, that the manners of the release are not known enough.
All the relaxation techniques have a positive impact on pupils who were in the extended stay. After the activities they felt calm, relaxed, happy, pleased and they are easier done its homework. Pupils were most interested in massage. They liked listening visualization, playing games of trust and cooperation. They prefer had activities in which they moved and were creative. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
stress |
ID: |
8311891 |