diplomsko delo


Učitelji o dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na učno uspešnost učencev

Ključne besede

dejavniki učne uspešnosti;prepričanja učiteljev;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [D. Sterdjević]
UDK: 37.015.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9909577 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1019
Št. prenosov: 306
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Teachers ' views on student performance factors
Sekundarni povzetek: The present thesis wishes to establish how performance is defined by teachers in relation with a variety of factors impacting student performance. In its theoretical part, the thesis defines two basic concepts, i.e. student performance – with a particular focus on elementary school – and the role of knowledge assessment and evaluation. The thesis then, in line with the results obtained through numerous research studies, sheds light on those factors which significantly interrelate with student performance, as well as with the personality traits of students, the role of the teacher and the family environment. The empirical part of the present research saw the participation of 195 teachers from 12 elementary schools from central Slovenia in the 2010/2011 academic year. The sample consisted of 45.1% teachers, 26.7% of teachers – advisors, 24.6% of teachers – mentors and 3.6% of teachers – councillors. Most of the teachers (29.7%) have been teaching for 21 – 30 years, 26.7% of the teachers included in the sample have been teaching for 3 – 10 years, 23.1% of the teachers have been in service for 11 – 20 years, 10.8% teachers have been teaching for less than 2 years, while 8.2% have got more than 31 years of service. The survey developed by Irena Lesar, PhD, and Helena Smrtnik Vitulić, PhD, has been used as the measuring instrument. The outcomes of the research study show that most of the teachers included in the survey define performance as the obtainment of learning objectives and knowledge standards. The research has also revealed that the teachers' belief that girls obtain better marks than boys is not related to the teachers' years of service and their ranks and titles. Years of service are not a factor which might impact the teacher's conviction that students who believe in themselves fair better. Furthermore, there is no correlation between the teachers' ranks and their beliefs as to whether or not the teachers' attitude towards an individual student and subject has a bearing on the student's performance, as well as whether or not the financial situation of the student's family influences the student's performance. Finally, the teachers' belief that the student's marks ought to be based on the knowledge exhibited and their conviction that the assessment and evaluation process only focuses on the knowledge exhibited by the students cannot be traced back to a difference in the years of service either.
Sekundarne ključne besede: achievement gain;primary school;teacher;šolska uspešnost;osnovna šola;učitelj;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: IV, 61 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Teachers ' views on student performance factors
Ključne besede (ePrints): prepričanja
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): beliefs and convictions
Povzetek (ePrints): Vodilo diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kako učno uspešnost opredeljujejo učitelji v povezavi z različnimi dejavniki, ki vplivajo na učno uspešnost. V teoretičnem delu sta opredeljena osnovna pojma: učna uspešnost zlasti v osnovni šoli ter vloga preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja. V nadaljevanju so glede na ugotovitve številnih raziskav prikazani dejavniki, ki se pomembno povezujejo z učno uspešnostjo in se nanašajo na osebnostne lastnosti učencev, vlogo učitelja in družinsko okolje. V empirični del raziskave je bilo vključenih 195 učiteljev iz 12 različnih osnovnih šol v osrednji Sloveniji v šolskem letu 2010/2011. Med njimi je bilo 45,1 % učiteljev brez naziva, med preostalimi pa je bilo največ učiteljev s pridobljenim nazivom svetovalca (26,7 %), nekaj manj učiteljev z nazivom mentorja (24,6 %) in le 3,6 % z nazivom svetnika. Glede na delovno dobo poučevanja je bil največji delež (tj. 29,7 %) učiteljev, ki so poučevali od 21 do 30 let, nekaj manj z dobo poučevanja od 3 do 10 let, in sicer 26,7 %, 23,1 % učiteljev je poučevalo med 11 in 20 leti, 10,8 % učiteljev je poučevalo manj kot 2 leti in le 8,2 % učiteljev je poučevalo več kot 31 let. Kot merski pripomoček je bil uporabljen del anketnega vprašalnika avtoric dr. Irene Lesar in dr. Helene Smrtnik Vitulić. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da največ anketiranih učiteljev učno uspešnost opredeljuje kot doseganje učnih ciljev oziroma standardov znanj. V prepričanjih učiteljev o tem, da dekleta v šoli dosegajo boljše ocene kot fantje, ne prihaja do razlik glede na delovno dobo in pridobljeni naziv. Med učitelji z različno delovno dobo ni prišlo do razlik v prepričanju, da učenčeva vera vase vpliva na boljšo učno uspešnost. Glede na pridobljeni naziv učiteljev ni prišlo do pomembnih razlik v prepričanjih, da učiteljev odnos do učenca in predmeta vplivata na učno uspešnost učencev in da finančno stanje družine vpliva na šolske ocene učencev. Prav tako se razlike v prepričanju učiteljev z različno delovno dobo niso pokazale pri trditvi, da bi morala učenčeva ocena temeljiti le na izkazanem znanju in da učitelji pri ocenjevanju upoštevajo le izkazano znanje.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The present thesis wishes to establish how performance is defined by teachers in relation with a variety of factors impacting student performance. In its theoretical part, the thesis defines two basic concepts, i.e. student performance – with a particular focus on elementary school – and the role of knowledge assessment and evaluation. The thesis then, in line with the results obtained through numerous research studies, sheds light on those factors which significantly interrelate with student performance, as well as with the personality traits of students, the role of the teacher and the family environment. The empirical part of the present research saw the participation of 195 teachers from 12 elementary schools from central Slovenia in the 2010/2011 academic year. The sample consisted of 45.1% teachers, 26.7% of teachers – advisors, 24.6% of teachers – mentors and 3.6% of teachers – councillors. Most of the teachers (29.7%) have been teaching for 21 – 30 years, 26.7% of the teachers included in the sample have been teaching for 3 – 10 years, 23.1% of the teachers have been in service for 11 – 20 years, 10.8% teachers have been teaching for less than 2 years, while 8.2% have got more than 31 years of service. The survey developed by Irena Lesar, PhD, and Helena Smrtnik Vitulić, PhD, has been used as the measuring instrument. The outcomes of the research study show that most of the teachers included in the survey define performance as the obtainment of learning objectives and knowledge standards. The research has also revealed that the teachers' belief that girls obtain better marks than boys is not related to the teachers' years of service and their ranks and titles. Years of service are not a factor which might impact the teacher's conviction that students who believe in themselves fair better. Furthermore, there is no correlation between the teachers' ranks and their beliefs as to whether or not the teachers' attitude towards an individual student and subject has a bearing on the student's performance, as well as whether or not the financial situation of the student's family influences the student's performance. Finally, the teachers' belief that the student's marks ought to be based on the knowledge exhibited and their conviction that the assessment and evaluation process only focuses on the knowledge exhibited by the students cannot be traced back to a difference in the years of service either.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): beliefs and convictions
ID: 8311915
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