diplomska naloga
Ana Naglič (Avtor), Vlatko Bosiljkov (Mentor), Tomo Cerovšek (Član komisije za zagovor), Tatjana Isaković (Član komisije za zagovor), Meta Kržan (Komentor)


Seizmična analiza sakralnih objektov

Ključne besede

gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VSŠ;sakralni objekti;seizmična analiza;sanacije starih zidanih objektov;kulturna dediščina;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Založnik: [A. Naglič]
UDK: 624.042.7:699.841 726(043.2)
COBISS: 5289825 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2474
Št. prenosov: 582
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Seismic analysis of regious buildings
Sekundarni povzetek: In this diploma thesis, the results of seismic analysis of several religious buildings (churches) from seismic prone area of Posočje are systematically investigated and presented. In the first chapter seismic behaviour of masonry buildings as well as typical mechanisms of failure of churches due to seismic loading are presented. Churches that were analyzed in this work were: st Urh in Bovec, st Anton in Kobarid, st Anton Puščavnik in Čezsoča and st devica Marija in Polje. The work on this thesis is divided into two main parts. In the first part, the characteristics of the seismic motions recorded in Posocje region as well as the mechanical parameters of the structures used in the analysis are presented. In this part also presentation of two software packages for the non-linear seismic assessment of resistance of masonry structures (Sremb and 3Muri) are briefly presented. In the second part of this thesis, the results of analysis of churches is done in systematic approach: general overview, layout and characteristics of structure, results of crack pattern survey following the seismic events and finally the results of seismic analysis of the structure by either one or both software packages. Additional parameter that was varied through this investigation was the set of material parameters that might influence the results of analysis. The results of analysis revealed that requirements of Eurocode 8 can not be met for this type of structures in as-built conditions. Due to specific elements of architecture of churches and their layouts, their seismic resistance in the direction of the main nave is much higher than in perpendicular one. The results of analysis of those structures impose also the question of the appropriate control point (node or structural element) that would be reliable for the calculation of the peak ground acceleration for particular limit state of the structure. For all analyzed churches, bell towers seemed to be the most vulnerable element. Depending from the chosen set of material parameters used in analysis, moderate changes may be expected regarding the seismic resistance coefficient (SRC) as well as for the period of the first mode. The results of seismic non-linear analysis derived through two different software packages differ significantly. Pre-assumption for the application of Sremb is storey mechanisms of failure of the structure, which is hardly applicable for churches. The results of 3Muri regarding the failure mechanisms obtained by numerical analysis corresponded well with observed crack patterns following seismic events. With 3Muri considerable lower values for SRC were obtained in comparison to Sremb. Solely by grouting existing walls desired values of seismic resistance according to EC8 can not be attained. Vulnerability of such structures can be significantly improved by introducing horizontal ties, which was numerically approved.
Sekundarne ključne besede: graduation thesis;civil engineering;religion buildings;seismic resistance;strengthening interventions techniques of old masonry buildings;cultural heritage;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Strani: XIX, 146 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Seismic analysis of religious buildings
Ključne besede (ePrints): Sakralni objekti;seizmična analiza;sanacije starih zidanih objektov;kulturna dediščina
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Religions buildings;seismic resistance;strengthening interventions techniques of old masonry buildings;cultural heritage
Povzetek (ePrints): V diplomskem delu smo celovito predstavili obnašanje sakralnih objektov v primeru potresne obtežbe ter sistematicno analizirali odzive vec sakralnih objektov v Posočju. V prvem poglavju naloge je na splošno opisano obnašanje zidanih stavb pri potresni obtežbi, predstavljene so posebnosti sakralnih objektov pri nas in njihovi tipični mehanizmi porušitev ob potresnih obremenitvah. V diplomi so obravnavane cerkve sveti Urh v Bovcu, sveti Anton v Kobaridu, sveti Anton Puščavnik v Čezsoči in sveta devica Marija na Polju. Praktičen del diplomske naloge je razdeljen na dva dela. V prvem delu so obravnavane, karakteristike potresov v Posočju, ki so prizadeli obravnavane cerkve in materialne lastnosti konstrukcij. Prvi del vsebuje tudi opis dveh programskih paketov (Sremb in 3Muri), uporabljenih za nelinearno statično seizmično analizo. V drugem delu naloge je predstavljena izvedena analiza posameznih cerkva. Analiza zajema splošni opis, opis zasnove posamezne konstrukcije, analizo poškodb po potresih in rezultate seizmične analize, narejene z enim ali obema programoma. Pri tem je bila potresna odpornost določena v odvisnosti od različnih materialnih lastnosti in ob upoštevanju faktorja poznavanja konstrukcije. Izkaže se, da zahtevane potresne odpornosti po določilih Evrokoda 8 pri obravnavanih sakralnih objektih v obstoječem stanju v nobenem primeru ni mogoče doseči. Zaradi specifičnosti arhitekturne zasnove sakralnih objektov je seizmična odpornost v vzdolžni smeri objekta bistveno večja kot v prečni smeri. Pri analizah tovrstnih objektov se postavlja tudi vprašanje merodajnosti kontrolne točke (elementa oz. konstrukcijskega sklopa) pri kontroli talnega pospeška pri doseženem mejnem stanju. Pri vseh objektih so bili namreč najbolj ranljivi prav zvoniki. Izbira ustreznih materialnih parametrov pri analizi rezultira z manjšimi spremembami tako brezdimenzionalnega koeficiente potresne odpornosti (SRC), kot nihajnega časa konstrukcije. Rezultati potresnih odpornosti, dobljenih z obema programoma, pa se močno razlikujejo zaradi različnih predpostavk obeh modelov. Program Sremb sloni na etažnem obnašanju objektov, kar pa ni prav značilno za sakralne objekte. S programom 3Muri pa smo dobili bistveno boljše ujemanje poškodb na objektu z numerično dobljenimi, vendar pa tudi bistveno manjše vrednosti za SRC. Zahtevane potresne odpornosti ne moremo doseči samo z injektiranjem zidov. Potrebni so tudi drugi ukrepi. Ranljivost tovrstnih objektov lahko bistveno zmanjšamo s povezovanjem zidov z vodoravnimi vezmi, kar smo numerično tudi pokazali.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): In this diploma thesis, the results of seismic analysis of several religious buildings (churches) from seismic prone area of Posočje are systematically investigated and presented. In the first chapter seismic behaviour of masonry buildings as well as typical mechanisms of failure of churches due to seismic loading are presented. Churches that were analyzed in this work were: st Urh in Bovec, st Anton in Kobarid, st Anton Puščavnik in Čezsoča and st devica Marija in Polje. The work on this thesis is divided into two main parts. In the first part, the characteristics of the seismic motions recorded in Posocje region as well as the mechanical parameters of the structures used in the analysis are presented. In this part also presentation of two software packages for the non-linear seismic assessment of resistance of masonry structures (Sremb and 3Muri) are briefly presented. In the second part of this thesis, the results of analysis of churches is done in systematic approach: general overview, layout and characteristics of structure, results of crack pattern survey following the seismic events and finally the results of seismic analysis of the structure by either one or both software packages. Additional parameter that was varied through this investigation was the set of material parameters that might influence the results of analysis. The results of analysis revealed that requirements of Eurocode 8 can not be met for this type of structures in as-built conditions. Due to specific elements of architecture of churches and their layouts, their seismic resistance in the direction of the main nave is much higher than in perpendicular one. The results of analysis of those structures impose also the question of the appropriate control point (node or structural element) that would be reliable for the calculation of the peak ground acceleration for particular limit state of the structure. For all analyzed churches, bell towers seemed to be the most vulnerable element. Depending from the chosen set of material parameters used in analysis, moderate changes may be expected regarding the seismic resistance coefficient (SRC) as well as for the period of the first mode. The results of seismic non-linear analysis derived through two different software packages differ significantly. Pre-assumption for the application of Sremb is storey mechanisms of failure of the structure, which is hardly applicable for churches. The results of 3Muri regarding the failure mechanisms obtained by numerical analysis corresponded well with observed crack patterns following seismic events. With 3Muri considerable lower values for SRC were obtained in comparison to Sremb. Solely by grouting existing walls desired values of seismic resistance according to EC8 can not be attained. Vulnerability of such structures can be significantly improved by introducing horizontal ties, which was numerically approved.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Religions buildings;seismic resistance;strengthening interventions techniques of old masonry buildings;cultural heritage
ID: 8312106