diplomsko delo


Kako športno vzgojo doživljajo učenci druge triade iz dolenjske regije

Ključne besede

učni predmet;odnos;motivacija;ocenjevanje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [D. Matkovič]
UDK: 796:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 10067529 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 938
Št. prenosov: 171
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: How pupils from 4th to 6th grade from Dolenjska region experience physical education
Sekundarni povzetek: The purpose of the research was to establish, how pupils from 4th to 6th grade in Dolenjska region experience physical education (PE). With the help of an anonymous questionnaire, which contained questions about the perception of the process of physical education, we researched various things. We wanted to know who teaches physical education, which school subjects are the most and which the least popular among pupils and which are the most or least important for their life. We were also interested in which sports do pupils like and which they do not, what they like about physical education and what not, we wanted to know, whether they like physical education, what they would most like to do in physical education, what they would change, what they are afraid of, whether they always have physical education when they should, where the class is carried out, which activities are done outside, where they prefer to have physical education, are an active rest and a minute for health carried out in their school, how they were graded in physical education in the previous year, were they happy with their grade, are they afraid of being graded in physical education and whether they would prefer to have physical education without grades. 1933 pupils from 4th to 6th grade from Dolenjska region took part in the research. The results showed that 58,4 % are taught by a physical education teacher. For 51,2 % physical education is their favourite subject and 18,7 % think that physical education is the most important subject for their life (they feel that Math and Slovene are more important). 58,5 % said that their favourite activity is dodge ball, 67 % of them like it, if they can choose what they will do in class. Almost all of them (94,4 %) like physical education, 50,8 % of them do not like dancing and when their teacher is angry with them (51,7 %). 563 pupils said that they would love to play football in physical education, 145 of them want changes about running (they do not want to run or at least they want less running), 121 pupils are afraid of gymnastics or specific gymnastic elements. Most pupils (73,5 %) said that they have physical education when they should, 94,5 % have physical education outside from time to time, but 50,6 % prefer to have it inside. Almost all of them (1182) run when they have physical education outside. 72,9 % of students do not have a minute for health and 89,8 % do not have an active rest. At the end of the school year, before the research was carried out, 47,8 % had the highest grade in physical education, 94,2 % were pleased with their grade, 65 % like having grades in physical education, and 76,7 % are not afraid of being graded in physical education.
Sekundarne ključne besede: physical education;primary school;športna vzgoja;osnovna šola;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: VII, 105 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Kako športno vzgojo doživljajo učenci druge triade iz dolenjske regije
Ključne besede (ePrints): gibanje
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): movement
Povzetek (ePrints): Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako športno vzgojo doživljajo učenci druge triade osnovnih šol v dolenjski regiji. S pomočjo anonimnega vprašalnika, ki vsebuje vprašanja o zaznavanju procesa športne vzgoje, smo raziskali, kdo učence poučuje športno vzgojo, vrstni red šolskih predmetov po priljubljenosti in pomembnosti za življenje, katere športe imajo pri športni vzgoji učenci radi in katerih ne, kaj jim je pri športni vzgoji všeč, česa ne marajo, ali imajo učenci športno vzgojo radi, kaj bi pri urah športne vzgoje najraje delali, kaj bi spremenili, česa jih je strah, ali imajo športno vzgojo vedno, ko je na urniku in kje jo izvajajo, katere športne vsebine obravnavajo zunaj, kje imajo raje športno vzgojo, ali izvajajo aktivni odmor in minuto za zdravje, kako so bili pri športni vzgoji ocenjeni v preteklem šolskem letu in ali so bili z oceno zadovoljni, ali jih je ocenjevanja pri športni vzgoji strah in ali bi imeli raje športno vzgojo brez ocene. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 1933 učencev druge triade osnovnih šol v dolenjski regiji. Rezultati so pokazali, da največ sodelujočih učencev (58,4 %) športno vzgojo uči učitelj/učiteljica športa, da je največ učencev (51,2 %) športno vzgojo postavilo na prvo mesto po priljubljenosti šolskih predmetov, da je športno vzgojo na prvo mesto po pomembnosti za življenje postavilo 18,7 % učencev (bolj pomembna se jim zdita matematika in slovenščina), da se največ učencev (58,5 %) pri športni vzgoji najraje igra igro med dvema ognjema, da je največ učencem (67 %) pri športni vzgoji všeč, da lahko sami izbirajo, kaj bodo delali, da ima 94,4 % učencev radih športno vzgojo, da največ učencev (50,8 %) pri športni vzgoji ne mara plesa in tega, da se učitelj jezi na njih (51,7 %), da je največ učencev (563) odgovorilo, da bi pri športni vzgoji najraje igrali nogomet, da si največ učencev (145) pri športni vzgoji želi sprememb v povezavi s tekom (da ne bi tekli oz. predvsem manj teka), da se največ učencev (121) pri športni vzgoji boji gimnastike oz. posameznih gimnastičnih prvin, da je 73,5 % učencev odgovorilo, da imajo športno vzgojo vedno, ko je na urniku, da ima 94,5 % učencev športno vzgojo tudi kdaj zunaj, da največ učencev (1182) pri športni vzgoji, ki jo imajo zunaj, teče, da ima 50,6 % učencev raje športno vzgojo v telovadnici, da 72,9 % učencev ne izvaja minute za zdravje, da 89,8 % učencev ne izvaja aktivnega odmora, da je bilo največ učencev (47,8 %) ob koncu šolskega leta, preden smo izvedli raziskavo, pri športni vzgoji ocenjenih z odlično oceno, da je bilo 94,2 % učencev zadovoljnih z oceno, s katero so bili ocenjeni v omenjenem šolskem letu, da 65 % učencev ne bi imelo raje športne vzgoje brez ocene in da 76,7 % učencev ni strah ocenjevanja pri športni vzgoji.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The purpose of the research was to establish, how pupils from 4th to 6th grade in Dolenjska region experience physical education (PE). With the help of an anonymous questionnaire, which contained questions about the perception of the process of physical education, we researched various things. We wanted to know who teaches physical education, which school subjects are the most and which the least popular among pupils and which are the most or least important for their life. We were also interested in which sports do pupils like and which they do not, what they like about physical education and what not, we wanted to know, whether they like physical education, what they would most like to do in physical education, what they would change, what they are afraid of, whether they always have physical education when they should, where the class is carried out, which activities are done outside, where they prefer to have physical education, are an active rest and a minute for health carried out in their school, how they were graded in physical education in the previous year, were they happy with their grade, are they afraid of being graded in physical education and whether they would prefer to have physical education without grades. 1933 pupils from 4th to 6th grade from Dolenjska region took part in the research. The results showed that 58,4 % are taught by a physical education teacher. For 51,2 % physical education is their favourite subject and 18,7 % think that physical education is the most important subject for their life (they feel that Math and Slovene are more important). 58,5 % said that their favourite activity is dodge ball, 67 % of them like it, if they can choose what they will do in class. Almost all of them (94,4 %) like physical education, 50,8 % of them do not like dancing and when their teacher is angry with them (51,7 %). 563 pupils said that they would love to play football in physical education, 145 of them want changes about running (they do not want to run or at least they want less running), 121 pupils are afraid of gymnastics or specific gymnastic elements. Most pupils (73,5 %) said that they have physical education when they should, 94,5 % have physical education outside from time to time, but 50,6 % prefer to have it inside. Almost all of them (1182) run when they have physical education outside. 72,9 % of students do not have a minute for health and 89,8 % do not have an active rest. At the end of the school year, before the research was carried out, 47,8 % had the highest grade in physical education, 94,2 % were pleased with their grade, 65 % like having grades in physical education, and 76,7 % are not afraid of being graded in physical education.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): movement
ID: 8328027