diplomsko delo
Katarina Danilov (Avtor), Verena Koch (Mentor), Francka Lovšin (Komentor)


Mnenja učiteljev o izkustvenem učenju pri pouku gospodinjstva

Ključne besede

osnovna šola;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [K. Danilov]
UDK: 64:37.091.33(043.2)
COBISS: 10074697 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 922
Št. prenosov: 176
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Teachers opinions on experimental learning in the domestic science
Sekundarni povzetek: According to Walter and Marks (as cited in Marentič Požarnik, 1987), experiential learning is a sequence of events with more or less specifically defined learning objectives, requiring active involvement by participants at one or more points in the sequence. The main idea of experiential learning is that one learns best by doing. Therefore, it is reasonable to introduce or improve experiential learning during home economics classes. The purpose of the thesis was to determine how often teachers decide to introduce experiential learning into home economics classes. Special attention was devoted to the results from the module food and nutrition since the two elements are crucial for good mental and physical well-being of an individual. As a result, the role of the teacher as a nutrition expert is extremely important. However, experiential learning in class cannot solely involve nutrition-related topics. To this end, the thesis analyses the process of introducing experiential learning into home economics classes also through the remaining three modules (home economics, textiles and fashion, and life and environment). Our aim was to look into the attitude of teachers towards the home economics subject and find a possible connection with education and period of employment as well as their attitude towards the subject and their willingness to introduce experiential learning into the classes. The results of the research, which involved ten home economics teachers working in primary schools in the Gorenjska region, indicate that they often use experiential learning techniques. They mainly use them when teaching the module food and nutrition and less with the remaining modules. The factors limiting the amount of time dedicated to experiential learning are the amount of time available for the home economics subject and home economics classrooms that are too small and poorly equipped. The analysis did not show any significant connections between the process of introducing experiential learning and adequate education, period of employment and positive attitude towards the subject. Moreover, the teachers prefer following proven guidelines in the curriculum rather than trying to introduce new approaches on their own, regardless of their period of employment. A large portion of the respondents failed to provide precise answers to the following questions: is the level of difficulty of home economics classes too low; is the module home economics more appropriate for the 6th grade; is home economics less demanding than other subjects in the 5th and 6th grade. The above questions are related to the curriculum.
Sekundarne ključne besede: home economics;experiential learning;teacher;izkustveno učenje;gospodinjstvo;učitelj;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo
Strani: 40 f, [8] f. pril.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Mnenja učiteljev o izkustvenem učenju pri pouku gospodinjstva
Ključne besede (ePrints): izkušnja
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): experience
Povzetek (ePrints): Izkustveno učenje je po Walterju in Marksu (v Marentič Požarnik, 1987) zaporedje dogodkov z bolj ali manj točno opredeljenimi učnimi cilji, ki terja aktivno sodelovanje udeležencev na eni ali več točkah tega zaporedja. Osrednja ideja izkustvenega učenja je, da se najbolje naučimo stvari, če jih naredimo sami. Omenjeno dejstvo je dober razlog za uvajanje oziroma nadgrajevanje izkustvenega učenja pri pouku gospodinjstva. Namen diplomskega dela je tako raziskati, kako pogosto se učitelji odločajo za uvedbo izkustvenega učenja pri pouku gospodinjstva. Posebno pozornost sem namenila rezultatom, vezanim na modul hrana in prehrana, saj je znanje o pravilni prehrani zelo pomembno za dobro psihično in fizično počutje človeka. Vloga učitelja gospodinjstva, kot prehranskega strokovnjaka, je tako še kako pomembna. Vendar pa izkustvenega učenja pri predmetu ne moremo povezovati zgolj s prehranskimi vsebinami, zato sem se v diplomskem delu posvetila tudi analizi vpeljevanja izkustvenega učenja v pouk gospodinjstva v okviru ostalih treh modulov (ekonomika gospodinjstva, tekstil in oblačenje ter bivanje in okolje). Z raziskavo sem prav tako želela ugotoviti odnos učiteljev do predmeta gospodinjstvo in morebitno povezavo med pridobljeno izobrazbo, delovno dobo ter odnosom učitelja do predmeta in pripravljenostjo za vpeljevanje izkustvenega učenja v pouk. Rezultati raziskave, v katero je bilo vključenih deset učiteljic, ki poučujejo gospodinjstvo na gorenjskih osnovnih šolah, so pokazali, da anketirane učiteljice pogosto uporabljajo izkustveno učenje. Najpogosteje ga vključujejo pri poučevanju vsebin modula hrana in prehrana, nekoliko manj pa ga vključujejo v ostale module. Poglavitni oviri, ki preprečujeta več izkustvenega učenja, sta število ur, ki so po učnem načrtu namenjene pouku gospodinjstva, ter premajhne in slabo opremljene učilnice, kjer se pouk gospodinjstva izvaja. Analiza rezultatov ni pokazala bistvenih razlik med vpeljevanjem izkustvenega učenja v pouk gospodinjstva in ustrezno izobrazbo, delovno dobo ter pozitivnim odnosom do predmeta gospodinjstvo. Prav tako so rezultati pokazali, da se učitelji samoiniciativno ne trudijo vpeljevati novosti, ne glede na delovno dobo, ampak se raje držijo preverjenih usmeritev učnega načrta. Na vprašanja, kot so: ali je nivo zahtevnosti vsebin pri predmetu gospodinjstva prenizek, ali bi bil modul ekonomika gospodinjstva bolj primeren za šesti razred, ali je pouk gospodinjstva vsebinsko manj zahteven od ostalih predmetov v petem in šestem razredu, je velik delež anketiranih učiteljic ostal neopredeljen. Se pa navedena vprašanja dotikajo učnega načrta.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): According to Walter and Marks (as cited in Marentič Požarnik, 1987), experiential learning is a sequence of events with more or less specifically defined learning objectives, requiring active involvement by participants at one or more points in the sequence. The main idea of experiential learning is that one learns best by doing. Therefore, it is reasonable to introduce or improve experiential learning during home economics classes. The purpose of the thesis was to determine how often teachers decide to introduce experiential learning into home economics classes. Special attention was devoted to the results from the module food and nutrition since the two elements are crucial for good mental and physical well-being of an individual. As a result, the role of the teacher as a nutrition expert is extremely important. However, experiential learning in class cannot solely involve nutrition-related topics. To this end, the thesis analyses the process of introducing experiential learning into home economics classes also through the remaining three modules (home economics, textiles and fashion, and life and environment). Our aim was to look into the attitude of teachers towards the home economics subject and find a possible connection with education and period of employment as well as their attitude towards the subject and their willingness to introduce experiential learning into the classes. The results of the research, which involved ten home economics teachers working in primary schools in the Gorenjska region, indicate that they often use experiential learning techniques. They mainly use them when teaching the module food and nutrition and less with the remaining modules. The factors limiting the amount of time dedicated to experiential learning are the amount of time available for the home economics subject and home economics classrooms that are too small and poorly equipped. The analysis did not show any significant connections between the process of introducing experiential learning and adequate education, period of employment and positive attitude towards the subject. Moreover, the teachers prefer following proven guidelines in the curriculum rather than trying to introduce new approaches on their own, regardless of their period of employment. A large portion of the respondents failed to provide precise answers to the following questions: is the level of difficulty of home economics classes too low; is the module home economics more appropriate for the 6th grade; is home economics less demanding than other subjects in the 5th and 6th grade. The above questions are related to the curriculum.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): experience
ID: 8328047