diplomsko delo
Neja Kokot (Avtor), Darja Senčur Peček (Mentor)


S sistemom socialne varnosti se zagotavlja zaščita osebam na določenem teritoriju v primeru izpada dohodka (na primer starševstva) ali povečanih stroškov (na primer oblikovanje družine) skozi proces družbene solidarnosti. Socialna varnost je stanje v katerem osebe, ki v primeru osebnih ali premoženjskih stisk - socialna tveganja ali riziki, uživajo nujno pomoč. Sistem socialne varnosti zagotavlja študentom, ki so med študijem postali starši, pravice, ki so vezane na sam status študenta in takšne pravice, ki se pridobijo, glede na izpolnjevanje pogojev, ne glede na status študenta. Študentske družine so posebne družine, pri katerih sta eden ali oba starša še študenta. Čeprav statusa študentskih družin naša zakonodaja ne opredeljuje, so študentom staršem priznane posebne pravice prav zaradi nadaljevanja oziroma dokončanja študija in izpolnjevanja družinskih obveznosti (vzgoja, varstvo otrok,...). Pravice, ki pripadajo študentom staršem so: pravice iz družinskih prejemkov, pravice iz naslova socialnih zavarovanj, posebne pravice pri študiju in socialno - varstvene pravice. Prav tako se v okviru socialne varnosti študentom staršem zagotavlja pomoč in sodelovanje s Klubi študentskih družin, ki delujejo v okviru študentskih organizacij. Do uveljavitve Zakona o uravnoteženju javnih financ se je mladim družinam zagotavljala pomoč pri rešitvi prvega stanovanjskega vprašanja v obliki subvencioniranja nakupa, gradnje, rekonstrukcije, spremembe namembnosti ali najema stanovanja.

Ključne besede

družinsko pravo;socialna varnost;študentje;starševstvo;družina;socialne pravice;diplomska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [N. Kokot]
UDK: 364.326(043.2)
COBISS: 4839211 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1451
Št. prenosov: 349
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: With the sistem of social security is provided protection for persons on a certain territory in the event of loss of income (such as parenting) or increased costs (such as a family) through the process of social solidarity. Social security is a condition in which a person who, in the case of personal property or distress – social risks or risks, enjoying the necessary help. Sistem of social security provides students who were become parents during the studying, rights, which are linked to student status and such rights, depending on eligibility, regardless of students status. Students families are special families in which are one or both parents are still students. Although the status of students families our legislation does not define, the students parents are provided special rights because of the countinued or finish completion of the study and comply of family responsibilities (education, childcare,…). The rights which belong to students parents are: rights to family benefits, rights arising from social insurance, special rights in their studies and social security rights. Also, in the context of social security for students parents provide as asistance and cooperation with Clubs of students families, operating in the context of student organisations. Until the enactment of the Law on balancing public finances for young families were provided assistance with resolving the issue with first housing question in the form of subsidies for the purchase, construction, reconstruction, changing the destination or rental of housing.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Social security;students;parenting;family;social rights.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Strani: 83 f.
ID: 8706532