magistrsko delo
Romana Tomić (Avtor), Peter Umek (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava temo samomora in se tematsko osredinja na dejavnike tveganja za samomor. Glavni namen je, ugotoviti, če spol dejansko vpliva na mnenje o dejavnikih tveganja za samomorilnost in če so zdravstveni dejavniki tveganja za samomorilnost pogostejši od socialnih in demografskih. Delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili pojem samomor. V nadaljevanju smo podali širšo razlago tega pojava. Sledi poglavje o dejavnikih tveganja za samomor, ki zajema depresijo in druge duševne motnje, resne telesne bolezni, predhodne samomorilne poskuse, starostnike, moški spol, hude življenjske strese, slab finančni položaj in brezposelnost, nizko izobrazbo, zlorabo drog in alkohola, partnersko nasilje, zlorabo v otroštvu, genske dejavnike, samomor v družini, osamljenost in socialno osamitev. Nato sledi širša predstavitev depresije in povezave te duševne motnje s samomorilnostjo. V zadnjem poglavju pred empiričnem delom sta predstavljeni pomoč in preventivna dejavnost za zmanjšanje pojava samomora. Empirični del vsebuje raziskavo o dejavnikih tveganja za samomor, ki smo jo izvedli s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika za namen tega magistrskega dela. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 140 izpraševancev in izpraševank iz dvanajstih regij, starih od 18 do 65 let. Glavne ugotovitve raziskave so, da spol nima pomembne vloge glede mnenja o dejavnikih tveganja za samomorilnost in da imajo, kot menijo izpraševanci in izpraševanke, za samomorilnost zdravstveni dejavniki tveganja večjo vlogo pri samomorilnosti kot socialni in demografski. Z magistrskim delom želimo opozoriti na problem samomora in na to, kako pomembni so dejavniki tveganja za samomor. Prav zaznavanje in prepoznavanje dejavnikov tveganja igra ključno vlogo pri zdravljenju in rehabilitaciji ogroženih posameznikov in posameznic. Problema samomorilnosti oziroma samih dejavnikov tveganja za samomorilnost bi se morali bolj zavedati. Ozaveščenost in celostni pristop k temu problemu je ključ za dosego cilja, torej preprečevanje in zmanjšanje samomorov, saj je življenje eno samo in neprecenljivo.

Ključne besede

samomori;samomorilnost;samomorilno vedenje;magistrska dela;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FVV - Fakulteta za varnostne vede
Založnik: R. Tomić]
UDK: 616.89-008.441.44(043.2)
COBISS: 2729194 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2239
Št. prenosov: 554
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Master degree is dealing with the topic of suicide and is thematically focusing on factors of risk that cause suicide. The main purpose is to determine if gender actually has an impact on the opinion about factors of risk that cause suicide and if the medical factors of risk that cause suicide are more frequent than social and demographic ones. This degree consists of theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part we first introduced the concept of suicide. Then we continued to explore this phenomenon. It is followed by the chapter which includes the factors of risk responsible for suicide, such as depression and other mental disorders, serious physical illnesses, previous suicide attempts, elderly, male gander, severe life stresses, bad financial situation and unemployment, low education, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, childhood abuse, genetic factors and suicide in the family, loneliness and social isolation. Afterword we gave a general presentation of depression and its link to the suicide. At the end of theoretical part, in its last chapter, we presented assistance and prevention in order to reduce the phenomenon of suicide. The empirical part includes the research regarding factors of risk responsible for suicide, which we made with a help of the questionnaire made for the purpose of this master degree. In this research were included 140 respondents from twelve regions in age of 18 to 65 – both males and females. The research brought two main conclusions. Firstly, the gender does not play a significant role on the opinion regarding the factors of risk responsible for suicide. Secondly, the medical factors of risk responsible for suicide have a bigger role than social and demographic ones. Both of the conclusions are made according to respondents. With this master degree we would like to draw attention to the problem of suicide and emphasize the importance of factors of risk that caused suicide. The detection and the identification of the factors of risk that cause suicide play a main role in the treatment and rehabilitation of endangered individuals – both males and females. We should be more aware of the problem regarding suicide and factors of risk that cause it. Awareness and holistic approach to the problem is the key to achieve the goal. Therefore, it is most important to be able to prevent and reduce the number of suicide because life is unique and invaluable.
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Strani: 73 str.
ID: 8728502
Priporočena dela:
, ni podatka o podnaslovu
, magistrsko delo
, stopnja socialne izolacije, občutek osamljenosti in prisotnost želje po smrti zaradi medosebnih odnosov