diplomsko delo
Matej Trilar (Avtor), Lučka Lorber (Mentor)


Cilj diplomskega dela je predstaviti razvoj in pomen avtomobilske industrije za gospodarstvo v dveh zelo različnih državah sveta - v Združenih državah Amerike in na Kitajskem. Zaradi kompleksnosti omenjene tematike smo najprej predstavili teoretična izhodišča industrializacije, ki so bila najpomembnejša za razvoj avtomobilske industrije. Obrazložili smo pojma fordizem in taylorizem ter njun vpliv na razvoj industrije. Nato smo v magistrskem delu predstavili značilnosti avtomobilske industrije po svetu, njen gospodarski vpliv na lokalna okolja in vpliv na trg delovne sile. Predstavili smo tudi naravnogeografske značilnosti Združenih držav Amerike in Kitajske zaradi lažjega razumevanja prometnih in energetskih potreb obeh držav ter vpliva motorizacije na razvoj prometne infrastrukture in avtomobilske industrije. Analizirali smo temeljne gospodarske značilnosti ZDA in Kitajske ter poskušali predstaviti vpliv ekonomske krize na avtomobilsko industrijo, BDP in gospodarsko rast. Opisali in predstavili smo gospodarski politiki ZDA in Kitajske ter pomen le-teh za inflacijo, zaposlitev in višino povprečnih plač. Ker je razvoj avtomobilske industrije pomenil tudi rast prometne infrastrukture, smo predstavili razvoj prometne infrastrukture v ZDA in na Kitajskem ter primerjali njune glavne značilnosti. Zaradi razvoja avtomobilske industrije in prometne infrastrukture se je povečala potreba po energiji. Tako smo opisali tudi oskrbo, proizvodnjo, porabo in vrste energentov, ki jih najpogosteje uporabljajo v ZDA in na Kitajskem. Posledično smo kot naslednji korak v razvoju avtomobilske industrije opisali možne oblike pogonskih agregatov, vpliv avtomobilske industrije na okolje in predstavili ekološke alternative konvencionalnim avtomobilskim motorjem.

Ključne besede

diplomska dela;avtomobilska industrija;Kitajska;Združene države Amerike;primerjava;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Založnik: [M. Trilar]
UDK: 338.45:629.331(510)(73)(043.2)
COBISS: 21011464 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1256
Št. prenosov: 196
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Comparison of automotive industry of China and the United States of America
Sekundarni povzetek: The aim of this thesis was to present the development and importance of automotive industry for the economies of two very different countries - the United States of America and China. Due to complexity of the subject we at first presented the theoretical bases of industrialization which were of utmost importance for the development of automotive industry. We described notions of fordism and taylorism and their influences on the development of industrialization. Then we pointed out the framework of the thesis by presenting the characteristics of global automobile industry, its economic influence on local environments and its influence on labour market. We also presented natural physical geographical features of the United States of America and China because of better understanding of the transportation system, energy needs of both countries and the impact of motorisation on the development of the automotive industry. We analysed the basic economic features of the United States of America and China and tried to explain the impact of the economic crisis on the automotive industry, GDP and economic growth. We briefly presented the economic politics of the United States of America and China and its influence on national inflation, employment and the height of average income per capita. Because the development of the automotive industry was also important for the growth of the transportation infrastructure we presented the key features and made some comparisons between the transportation infrastructure in the United States of America and China. Because of the development of the automotive industry, growth of the transport infrastructure and rising numbers of motor vehicles the need for energy sources is growing. That was the main reason that we also described supply, production, consumption and type of energy sources which are most commonly used in the United States of America and China. As the next step in the future development of the automotive industry we described possible new types of vehicles, impact of the automotive industry on environment and introduced possible ecological or "green" alternatives to the conventional vehicles with internal combustion engines.
Sekundarne ključne besede: automotive industry;China;United States of America;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Strani: III, 80 f.
ID: 8730823
Priporočena dela:
, spodbujevalec ali zaviralec njene konkurenčnosti
, ustavna pooblastila ter vpliv družbenih sprememb na njihovo izvrševanje