(magistrsko delo)
Andreja Šavc (Avtor), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor), Gregor Štiglic (Komentor), Milica Lahe (Komentor)


Teoretično izhodišče: Pravice in dolžnosti pacientov se v različnih državah in v različnih pravnih sistemih razlikujejo, kar je pogosto odvisno od prevladujočih zgodovinskih, kulturnih, političnih in družbenih norm. To področje urejajo številni mednarodni dokumenti, med slovenskimi pa je najpomembnejši Zakon o pacientovih pravicah (2008). S pravicami in dolžnostmi pacientov se srečujemo tudi v patronažni zdravstveni negi. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, kolikšno je poznavanje, spoštovanje in upoštevanje pravic in dolžnosti pacientov v patronažni zdravstveni negi. Metodologija raziskovanja: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji in je vključevala PMS in paciente koroške regije. Instrument raziskovanja je bil anketni vprašalnik, vsebinsko prilagojen dvema raziskovalnima vzorcema in sestavljen iz vprašanj odprtega in zaprtega tipa ter nizov trditev, ocenjenih s petstopenjsko Likertovo lestvico. Pridobljene podatke smo statistično obdelali in rezultate predstavili s pomočjo programov Microsoft Office Word 2010, Microsoft Office Excel 2010 in IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0. Za obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili opisne in inferenčne statistične metode. Rezultati raziskave: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da 70 odstotkov pacientov meni, da poznajo svoje pravice, kar 74 odstotkov pa, da poznajo svoje dolžnosti. PMS se v 78 odstotkih strinjajo s tem, da pacienti izpolnjujejo svoje dolžnosti. Kar 96 odstotkov PMS meni, da poznajo pravice pacientov, malo manj, 85 odstotkov pa, da poznajo dolžnosti pacientov. Vse PMS spoštujejo pravico pacienta do lajšanja bolečine in trpljenja (PV=5,00), najmanj pa pravico do svobodne izbire izvajalca zdravstvenih storitev (PV=2,41). PMS z visoko in podiplomsko izobrazbo nekoliko bolj poznajo pravice in dolžnosti pacientov, vendar razlika ni statistično pomembna. Pacienti, ki jih PMS obiskuje že dlje časa, glede na samooceno statistično pomembno bolj poznajo svoje pravice (p=0,014) in dolžnosti (p=0,030). Sklep: V raziskavi, izvedeni med PMS in pacienti koroške regije smo ugotovili dobro poznavanje in spoštovanje pravic ter izpolnjevanje dolžnosti pacientov, za kar je zaslužno tudi učinkovito informiranje pacientov s strani PMS. Ker pripomore dobro poznavanje pravic in dolžnosti pacientov k bolj kakovostni zdravstveni negi, je pomembno konstantno izobraževanje PMS tudi na tem področju.

Ključne besede

patronažna zdravstvena nega;informiranje pacientov;pacientove pravice;pacientove dolžnosti;ZPacP;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM PF - Pravna fakulteta
Založnik: [A. Šavc]
UDK: 614.253.83:616-083(043.2)
COBISS: 2114212 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1499
Št. prenosov: 289
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: Theoretical basis: The rights and obligations of patients differ depending of the country and in the legal systems. Often they are dependent of the prevailing histori-cal, cultural, political and social norms. This area is governed by numerous interna-tional documents. The Slovenian most important one is the Act on Patient’s Rights (2008). We encounter the rights and obligations of patients even in the community of health care. The aim of the research is to determine what are the knowledge, appreciation and respect of the patient’s rights and obligations in the community care. Research Methodology: The research was based on quantitative methodology and it included home care nurses and patients from the Carinthian region. The instrument survey was a questionnaire adapted to two research models and consisted of open and closed type questions and sets of arguments estimated with the Likert’s five point scale. The acquired data was statistically analyzed and the results are presented with Microsoft Office Word 2010, Microsoft Office Excel 2010 and IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0. For the data processing procedure we used the descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Results: In this study we found out that 70 percent of the patients believed they knew their rights, 74 percent to know their obligations. Home care nurses agreed with the fact that patients comply with their obligations up to 78 percent. 96 percent of home care nurses believed to know the patients’ rights and a little less than 85 percent, believed to know the obligations of patients. All home care nurses respect the rights of a patient to relieve pain and suffering (PV = 5.00), but they knew the right to choose the care provider the least (PV = 2.41). Home care nurses of high and postgraduate education are a little more aware of the rights and obligations of patients, nevertheless the difference is not statistically significant. Patients who have a home care nurse attending to them for a longer period of time are significantly more aware of their rights (p = 0.014) and obligations (p = 0.030) according to their self-assessment. Conclusion: In this study carried out between home care nurses and patients of the Carinthian region we found a good understanding and respect of the patient’s rights and also the fulfilling of their obligations, which can be a result of good and effective communication and informing between the patient and the home care nurse. A good understanding of the patient’s rights and duties leads to higher quality health care; therefore it is important to constantly educate home care nurses this field.
Sekundarne ključne besede: community care;patient information;patient rights;patient responsibilities;ZPacP;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Strani: XIV, 105 str., 15 str. pril.
ID: 8752720