magistrsko delo Management v zdravstvu in socialnem varstvu
Tina Gogova (Avtor), Uroš Rajkovič (Mentor), Saša Kadivec (Komentor)


Prekomerna telesna teža in debelost sta ocenjeni kot peti vodilni vzrok smrti po svetu, kar pomeni, da približno 208 milijonov odraslih ljudi vsako leto umre zaradi prekomerne telesne teže in debelosti. Vendar je debelost eden izmed najbolj preprečljivih vzrokov obolevnosti in umrljivosti na svetu, če pacient izgubi prekomerno telesno težo. Vzrokov za povečanje telesne teže je veliko. Prisotni so lahko genski, fiziološki, psihološki ter tudi socialni in ekonomski dejavniki. Na oddelku za neinvazivno mehansko ventilacijo v Univerzitetni kliniki za pljučne bolezni in alergijo Golnik se večina pacientov zdravi zaradi motenj dihanja med spanjem. Večina teh pacientov je prekomerno težkih, debelih ali ekstremno debelih. Že dolgo si želimo uvesti strokovno voden program zmanjšanja telesne teže in na ta način izboljšati ventilacijo pacienta in kakovost njihovega življenja. V magistrski nalogi smo izdelali in testirali spletno aplikacijo. Spletna aplikacija omogoča aktivno sodelovanje pacienta v procesu zmanjšanja telesne teže ter boljšo sledljivost in modernizacijo procesa našega dela. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 53 pacientov, 42 pacientov je uporabljalo spletno aplikacijo, 11 pacientov pa smo vodili brez aplikacije. Raziskava temelji na združevanju metod kvantitativnega in kvalitativnega pristopa. V raziskavi smo postavili tri hipoteze. S prvo hipotezo smo preverjali, ali je odstotek pacientov, ki prenehajo s programom hujšanja, manjši pri skupini, ki uporablja aplikacijo. Povezanosti med spletnim spremljanjem pacientov in prenehanjem s programom hujšanja nismo uspeli potrditi. Z drugo hipotezo smo preverjali, ali skupina pacientov, vodena in spremljana s spletno aplikacijo, izgubi več telesne teže v primerjavi s skupino brez spletne aplikacije. Rezultati niso pokazali statistično pomembnih razlik. Zadnjo hipotezo, da bodo starejši pacienti brez podpore svojcev in znanja o informacijsko-komunikacijski tehnologiji odklonili sodelovanje v raziskavi, smo uspeli potrditi.Spletna aplikacija za spremljanje zmanjšanja telesne teže prekomerno težkih in debelih pacientov se je izkazala za zelo uporabno, vendar smo hkrati ugotovili, da imamo še veliko možnosti za nadgradnjo aplikacije in izboljšanje programa hujšanja na Univerzitetni kliniki za pljučne bolezni in alergijo Golnik.

Ključne besede

prekomerna telesna teža;debelost;hujšanje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [T. Gogova]
UDK: 004.42
COBISS: 7515411 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 2257
Št. prenosov: 254
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Online model for monitoring overweight patients
Sekundarni povzetek: Overweight and obesity are estimated as the fifth leading cause of death in the world, which means that approximately 208 million adults die each year due to overweight and obesity. However, obesity is also one of the biggest preventable causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, with weight loss. There are a lot of different causes for overweight and obesity, the reasons may be genetic, physiological, psychological as well as social as economic factors. At the University Clinic Golnik we have a department for non-invasive mechanical ventilation, where the majority of patients are treated for sleep apneas and the vast majority of these patients are overweight, obese or extremely obese. Therefore, for a long time we want to introduce professional guided program to reduce weight and improve the ventilation of the patient and their quality of life.Therefore for master thesis we decided to create and test web application that enables active participation of the patient in the process of reduction of body weight and would modernize the process of our work. The study included 53 patients, 42 were monitored through a web application and 11 without. The survey is based on combining the methods of quantitative and qualitative approach. The survey was based on three hypotheses, the first hypothesis was that due to the regular online monitoring fewer patients would terminated the program for weight loss, but we were not able to confirm the connection between Web monitoring and termination of the patients with weight-loss program. In the second hypothesis, we investigated if a group of patients managed and monitored by a web application will have a greater weight loss compared to the group without a web application. Results showed no statistically significant differences. The last hypothesis that older patients without the support of relatives and knowledge of information and communication technologies would refused to participate in the survey, we managed to confirm. Web application for monitoring the reduction of body weight of overweight and obese patients has proven to be very useful, since it allows regular monitoring of the patient's progress and his active role in the process of weight loss and preserves constant motivation of patients, but also allows us to see new way of working in healthcare with the use of telemedicine, which is increasingly promoted and developed.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Overweight;obesity;weight loss;web application.;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijo dela
Strani: 70 f.
ID: 9113560
Priporočena dela:
, magistrsko delo Management v zdravstvu in socialnem varstvu
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa prve stopnje Zdravstvena nega
, magistrsko delo Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov