diplomsko delo
Dejan Jevšnik (Avtor), Matjaž Denac (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi so na splošno predstavljeni pomen gozdov, pomen lesa kot obnovljivega vira energije ter neugodno stanje na področju lesnopredelovalne panoge. Izpostavljena je težava energetskega stanja v RS z vidika doseganja ciljev strategije Evropa 2020 ter v zvezi s tem prikazan potencial lesne biomase kot možnost za izboljšanje energetske slike RS. Predstavljene so tehnologije za energetsko izrabo lesne biomase v mikrosistemih daljinskega ogrevanja, ki z organizacijskega vidika temeljijo na energetskem pogodbeništvu, ki je bil k nam prinesen iz sosednje Avstrije. Avstrija je predstavljena tudi kot dober primer tuje prakse na področju rabe lesne biomase. Ker v predstavljenem lesnopredelovalnem obratu nastaja odpadna lesna biomasa, ki se zmelje v lesne sekance, je bila za mikrosistem daljinskega ogrevanja na lesne sekance narejena SWOT-analiza, ki je pokazala, da ima tak sistem večje število prednosti in priložnosti kot pomanjkljivosti in nevarnosti. Izbrane alternative ustvarjanja dodane vrednosti z ostanki lesnopredelovalnega obrata, ki so bile obravnavane s finančnega vidika: 1) prodaja lesnih sekancev na lokalnem trgu, 2) ogrevanje domače enodružinske hiše z lesnimi sekanci ter prodaja njihovega ostanka in 3) naložba v vzpostavitev mikrosistema daljinskega ogrevanja na lesne sekance s prodajo ostanka lesnih sekancev. Gospodarska uspešnost je bila pri vseh treh izbranih alternativah pozitivna; najvišji poslovni izid bi lahko bil dosežen z neposredno prodajo lesnih sekancev. Pri gospodarski učinkovitosti je prav tako izstopala prodaja lesnih sekancev, saj so stroški v tem primeru najnižji. Izkazalo se je, da je cena 1 MWh toplotne energije za ogrevanje iz mikrosistema daljinskega ogrevanja na lesne sekance v primerjavi s ceno 1 MWh toplotne energije iz individualnega sistema ogrevanja za enodružinsko hišo nižja. Hkrati je to ugodno tudi za ponudnika toplotne energije, ki lahko del dobička ustvari še s prodajo ostanka lesnih sekancev. Čeprav so rezultati izračuna gospodarske učinkovitosti in uspešnosti pokazali v korist neposredne prodaje lesnih sekancev na lokalnem trgu, je zaradi naraščanja mikrosistemov daljinskega ogrevanja na lesno biomaso na gosteje naseljenih območjih in zaradi doseganja višjega deleža rabe obnovljivih virov energije v energetski bilanci RS še vedno poudarek na energetski izrabi odpadne lesne biomase tam, kjer le-ta nastaja.

Ključne besede

energetika;obnovljivi viri energije;gozdovi;les;lesnopredelovalna industrija;lesni sekanci;biomasa;daljinsko ogrevanje;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM EPF - Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta
Založnik: [D. Jevšnik]
UDK: 620.9:630*83(043.2)
COBISS: 12554012 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 885
Št. prenosov: 78
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Energy use of biomass as an opportunity to increase the efficiency of wood processing plant
Sekundarni povzetek: This thesis generally presents the importance of forests and wood as a renewable energy source and the inadequate situation in the field of wood-processing industry. It exposes the problem of the energy situation in the Republic of Slovenia in terms of achieving the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy and in this respect shows the potential of biomass as an opportunity to improve the condition of energy scheme in Slovenia. It represents the technologies for the energy use of biomass in remote heating microsystems from an organizational point of view based on the energy performance contracting, which was brought here from Austria. Austria is also presented as a good example of foreign practices in the field of using biomass. Since the presented woodworking plant produces waste biomass which is grinded into wood chips, a SWOT analysis for remote heating microsystems was made. It concludes that such a system has a significant number of advantages and opportunities in relation to the number of deficiencies and hazards. The selected alternatives of creating added value of the waste of woodworking plant which were dealt with financial aspects: 1) the sale of wood chips in the local market, 2) heating the domestic single-family houses with wood chips and selling residual wood chips and 3) investment in the establishment of remote heating microsystem on wood chips with sales of residual wood chips. Economic successfulness has been proved positive for all three alternatives. The maximum profit could be achieved by direct sale of wood chips. Positive economic performance was also achieved in sales of wood chips because the cost in this case was the lowest. It turned out that the price of 1 MWh of thermal energy for heating the remote heating microsystem on wood chips compared to the price of 1 MWh of heating from an individual heating system for a single family house is lower. At the same time the provider can make additional benefit by selling residual wood chips. Although the results of calculations of economic efficiency and economic performance demonstrate in favour of direct sales of wood chips in the local market, the energy balance of Republic of Slovenia is still focused on energy use of waste biomass where it is formed due the growing remote heating microsystems of remote heating microsystems in densely populated areas and to obtain a higher share of renewable energy.
Sekundarne ključne besede: wood processing activities;wood chips;micro district heating system;energy performance contracting;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Strani: III, 59 str.
ID: 9136818