magistrsko delo
Ines Novak (Avtor), Katarina Susman (Mentor), Alenka Polak (Komentor)


Igra pri pouku je priporočljiva dejavnost predvsem z vidika učencev, saj spodbuja zanimanje in vse vrste motivacije. Učenci skozi igro projicirajo svoje primanjkljaje in jih na ta način lažje premagujejo. Ni dovolj, da se učenci v šoli zgolj učijo, ampak naj bi se tam tudi dobro počutili, kar pripomore k boljšemu spremljanju pouka in trajnejšemu znanju. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela predstavimo kognitivni, čustveni in socialni razvoj otroka, razvoj otroške igre ter vlogo didaktične igre pri pouku. Oblikovali in predstavili smo učne pripomočke in gradiva za obravnavo učnega sklopa Sile in gibanje. Pri pripravi in izvedbi pouka smo poudarili metodo poučevanja z didaktičnimi igrami. Izbrano tematiko smo obravnavali pri predmetu Spoznavanje okolja, v okviru katerega smo samostojno izvedli šest učnih ur. Raziskavo in pouk smo opravili v 2. razredu s 23 učenci na Osnovni šoli Toma Brejca v Kamniku. Izvedli smo študijo primera, s katero smo raziskali pomen didaktičnih iger pri naravoslovju na kognitivnem, čustvenem in socialnem področju razvoja pri dveh učencih, ki obiskujeta omenjeni razred. Temeljni namen raziskovanja je bil ugotoviti, kako se na zasnovane didaktične igre, znotraj obravnavanega učnega sklopa, odzivata izbrana učenca. Zanimalo nas je, v kolikšni meri učenca ob igri povezujeta obstoječe znanje in izkušnje v novi situaciji ter s tem gradita novo znanje. Poleg tega smo opazovali, ali se ob igri kažejo razlike v izražanju čustev ter v razredni interakciji. Učenca smo izbrali izhajajoč iz predhodnega poznavanja celotnega razreda, kjer se je izkazalo, da izstopata zaradi težav s koncentracijo ter razredno interakcijo. Rezultati so pokazali pozitivno vlogo didaktičnih iger v procesu pridobivanja znanja in razumevanja naravoslovnih pojmov, na področju izražanja čustev in pri vključevanju omenjenih učencev v razredno interakcijo. Rezultati raziskave in predstavljena gradiva so lahko v pomoč učiteljem v prvem in drugem triletju pri poučevanju izbranih vsebin. S pomočjo gradiv in rezultatov magistrskega dela smo razširili znanje o vlogi didaktičnih iger pri poučevanju naravoslovja, ki bodo zanimiva tako za učitelje, ki poučujejo omenjena učenca, kot tudi drugo zainteresirano strokovno javnost.

Ključne besede

predmet Spoznavanje okolja;igra pri pouku;didaktične igre;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [Novak, I.]
UDK: 373.32.016:5(043.2)
COBISS: 11020105 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1811
Št. prenosov: 188
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Students' responses to didactic games in teaching motion in environmental studies
Sekundarni povzetek: Games during lessons are from the students’ point of view a recommended activity, because it excites an interest and all kinds of motivation. Through game, students project their deficits which helps overcoming them. It is not enough for students to just be learning in school, but they should also be feeling good, which helps them focusing on the lessons more and their lasting knowledge. In the theoretical part of my master’s degree thesis we present child’s cognitive, emotional and social development, the development of child games and the role of didactic game during class. We formed and presented teaching tools and material for discussion about the theme, named Sile in gibanje (Forces and movement). During preparations and performance of the lessons, we emphasized the method of teaching with the help of didactic games. The chosen theme was discussed in a subject, named Spoznavanje okolja (Enviroment study), during which we performed 6 hours of lessons. The study and lessons were carried out in the 2nd grade with 23 students in Primary school Toma Brejca in Kamnik. We carried out a study of a subject, with which we explored the meaning of didactic games in natural science on cognitive, emotional and social field of child’s development on 2 students, who are a part of the earlier mentioned class. The basic purpose of the research was to find out, how the formed didactic games, inside of discussed theme, affects the observed children. We were interested in how much the observed children were using the existing knowledge and experience in a new situation and with it gain new knowledge. Besides that, we were observing, whether there was any difference regarding emotions and the interaction with other students during the game. The students were selected after the first meeting with the whole class, where it was immediately noticed, that the selected students were standing out, because of the problems with concentration and class interaction. The results showed a positive point of didactic games in the process of learning and understanding environmental concepts, in the field of expressing emotions and interacting with the class. The results of the study and presented material can help teachers in the first and second triennial in teaching the selected themes. With the help of the teaching material and the results of the master’s degree thesis, we expanded the knowledge of role of didactic games in teaching environmental concepts, which will be interesting not only for teachers, who teach the selected children, but also for the other interested professional public.
Sekundarne ključne besede: science education;play;primary education;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;igra;osnovnošolski pouk;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo/naloga
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Strani: IX, 116 str.
ID: 9148245