(magistrsko delo)
Stanka Hebar (Avtor), Sebastjan Bevc (Mentor), Benjamin Dvoršak (Komentor)


V magistrski nalogi se ukvarjamo s preučevanjem z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja pacientov s končno ledvično boleznijo, ki predstavlja kronično ledvično bolezen (KLB) stopnje 5D. V nalogi sta analizirana koncepta kakovosti življenja pacientov s KLB zdravljenih s hemodializo in vpliv bolezni na njihovo kakovost življenja. V teoretičnem delu naloge je podan pregled strokovne literature in opravljenih raziskav s področja z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja in eksistencialne skrbi pri pacientih s KLB. Opredeljeni so pojmi kakovosti življenja, KLB in eksistencionalnih skrbi oz. težav hemodializnih pacientov. Opisani so tudi dejavniki pomembni za kakovost življenja hemodializnih pacientov. Na koncu teoretičnega dela naloge se ukvarjamo s pomenom in kakovostjo zdravstvene vzgoje pacientov s KLB in vlogo nosilke zdravstvene vzgoje pri teh pacientih, medicinske sestre. V empiričnem delu naloge so z rezultati raziskave podani podatki o eksistencialnih težavah pacientov s KLB zdravljenih s hemodializo. Uporabli smo raziskovalni vprašalnik, ki je povzet po lestvici Kidney Disease Quality of Life-Short Form (KDQOL-SF™). Ugotavljali smo odnos pacientov do življenja na psihosocialnem in eksistencionalnem nivoju ter odnos in zadovoljstvo istih pacientov z zdravstvenim osebjem in zdravstveno oskrbo. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo anketiranci težave pri izvajanju rednih dnevnih aktivnosti in opravljanju dela ali jih te aktivnosti zelo ali delno omejujejo (p<0,001), da se pri anketiranih pojavljajo depresija in občutek tesnobe (p<0,0001). Ugotovili smo, da ima bolezen pri večini pacientov vpliv na njihovo življenje (71,8%), da jim bolezen jemlje prosti čas (48,7%), da manj kot polovica vprašanih sprejema svojo bolezen (47,4%), da pa se v večini ne čutijo v breme družini (61,6%). Nadalje smo ugotovili, da pacienti na hemodializi, ki svoje zdravje ocenjujejo za šibkejše (p<0,006). Rezultati so tudi pokazali, da je 51,3% vprašanih zadovoljna z obravnavo in oskrbo zdravstvenega osebja.

Ključne besede

hemodializa;eksistencionalne težave;zdravstvena vzgoja;medicinske sestre;pacienti;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UM - Univerza v Mariboru
Založnik: [S. Hebar]
UDK: 616.61-008.6(043.2)
COBISS: 2272932 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1674
Št. prenosov: 239
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni povzetek: In the thesis we are dealing with the study of health-related quality of life in patients with end-stage renal disease, known as chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 5D. The paper analyzed the concepts of life quality in patients with the CKD treated with hemodialysis and the impact of the disease on their quality of life. The theoretical part provides an overview of the scientific literature and research carried out in the area of health-related quality of life and existential concerns in patients with CKD. The concepts of quality of life, CKD and existential concerns or problems of patients on hemodialysis are defined. The factors relevant to the quality of life for these patients are also described. At the end of the theoretical part of the paper the meaning and quality of health education in patients with CKD and the role of agents of health education (i.e. nurses) for these patients are discussed. In the empirical part of the thesis the results of a study present data on existential problems in patients with CKD treated with hemodialysis. We used a research questionnaire, which is taken form the scale Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (SF-KDQOL ™). We investigated the patients’ relationship with life on psychosocial and existential level as well as their attitude and satisfaction with the same medical staff and health care. The results showed the participants in the survey have difficulties in implementing regular daily activities and performance of work and that these activities limit them partially or a lot (p<0.001) that depression and anxiety are occurring at (p <0.0001). We found out the disease has the impact on most patients’ lives (71.8%) that the disease takes away their free time (48.7%) that less than half of the people asked accepts their disease (47.4%), and they do not feel to be the burden for the family (61.6%). Furthermore, we established that patients on hemodialysis that rate their health to be weaker, tend to sleep worse at night (p<0.006). The results also showed that 51.3% of respondents are satisfied with the treatment and care of medical personnel.
Sekundarne ključne besede: hemodialysis;patients;existential problems;health education;nurses;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Strani: VIII, 78 str.,
ID: 9160759