diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Informatika v organizaciji in managementu
Aleš Gorenak (Avtor), Uroš Rajkovič (Mentor)


Učinkovito upravljanja sile in vodenje spopadov za dosego cilja je večno vprašanje, ki si ga vojaki neprestano postavljajo. Z njim se ukvarjajo od prvih povezav ljudi v skupine pa vse do danes. Sun Tsu je bil eden od prvih, ki je poskusil odgovoriti na to vprašanje. V delu Umetnost vojne je opredelil temelje vojskovanja, ki veljajo še danes. Odgovornost za dosego cilja v vojni nosi vojska, za kar potrebuje primeren sistem organizacije in vodenja procesov, pri čemer sta poveljevanje in kontrola osnovni sredstvi za izvedbo naloge. Diplomsko delo skuša z analizo trenutnih sistemov C4I, ki se uporabljajo v Slovenski vojski, ugotoviti šibke točke sistema ter predlagati izboljšave, ki bi pripomogle k boljšemu delovanju sistema ter s tem tudi bolj učinkovitemu delovanju Slovenske vojske. Slovenska vojska ima v tem trenutku največje težave s kompleksnostjo sistema in njegovo nastavitvijo. Težave nastajajo ob izpadu ključnih vozil in prevzemanju njihove vloge v liniji poveljevanja s strani novih udeležencev v sami komunikacijski mreži. Cilj naloge je poiskati smiselno in hkrati dovolj preprosto rešitev težav, ki nastanejo ob prevzemanju vlog v sistemu poveljevanja in kontrole. Pri izdelavi diplomske naloge sem uporabil deskriptivno metodo s študijem domače in tuje literature. Za zbiranje podatkov in ugotavljanje obstoječega stanja sem kot instrument raziskovanja uporabil anketo in opazovanje. Z analizo sem analiziral pridobljene informacije. Z eksperimentalno metodo sem pripravil prototip uporabniškega vmesnika ter z metodo ekspertize poskusili povzeti zaključke eksperimenta. Ugotovil sem, da bi lahko z določenimi metodami in nastavitvami rešili velik del težav, ki nastajajo zaradi kompleksnosti samega sistema. Ravno tako pa bi lahko z uporabo USB ključev rešili težavo konfiguracije računalnikov, na uporabnika, kar bi hkrati omogočilo lažje menjavanje in nastavljanje vozil v liniji poveljevanja. Glavni poudarek je na lažjem reševanju težav konfiguracije vozil, ki je vezano na vlogo posameznika v liniji poveljevanja.

Ključne besede

BMS;Tis Pink;prototip;uporabniški vmesnik;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UM FOV - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
Založnik: [A. Gorenak]
UDK: 004.42
COBISS: 7804691 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 742
Št. prenosov: 91
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Functional specifications for navigation system for military operations and warfare support
Sekundarni povzetek: Effective management of military force and battles in order to achieve the objective is the eternal question that soldiers are constantly sought. With that question deal the first links people in the group until today. Sun Tsu was one of the first who tried to answer this question. In book Art of War he had outlined the fundamentals of warfare which are still valid today. The responsibility for achieving the objective in the war wears on army, for which it requires a proper system of organization and management and the command and control are basic resources to carry out the task. The thesis seeks to analyze current C4I systems, which are used in the Slovenian Armed Forces to identify the weak points of the system and suggest improvements that would contribute to a better functioning of the system itself, and thus the more efficient functioning of the Slovenian Armed Forces. Slovenian army has at the moment the biggest problem with the complexity of the system and its settings. Problems arise in case of loss of key vehicle and assuming their role in the chain of command by new entrants in communications network. The aim is to find meaningful and at the same time sufficiently simple solution to the problems resulting from the acceptance of deposits in the system of command and control. In making of the thesis I used descriptive method by studying domestic and foreign literature. For data collection and identification of the current status, I used a survey and observation as an instrument of research. With the analysis I have analyzed the information obtained. With the experimental method I have prepared a prototype of the user interface and the method expertise attempt to summarize the conclusions of the experiment. My findingsI where that with some certain methods and settings they could solve a large part of the problems arising due to the complexity of the system itself. They could also use a USB key to solve the problem with configurations of computers per user, this would also create easier changing and adjusting the vehicle in the chain of command. The main focus is on facilitating the resolution of problems in the configuration of vehicles, which is linked to the role of the individual in the chain of command.
Sekundarne ključne besede: - C4I - BMS - Tis Pink;
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijo dela
Strani: 56 f.
ID: 9170458
Priporočena dela:
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Informatika v organizaciji in managementu
, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov
, magistrsko delo Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov