magistrsko delo
Tina Podgoršek (Avtor), Alenka Kobolt (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu se ukvarjamo s konflikti v šolskem prostoru, natančneje z učiteljevimi načini soočanja s konfliktno situacijo z učencem. Na začetku teoretičnega dela opredelimo pojem razrednega vodenja, saj učiteljev način vodenja skupaj z učenci oblikuje kakovost medsebojnih odnosov. Naslednje področje, h kateremu usmerimo pozornost, so konflikti, s katerimi se srečuje vsak dan. Ti ključno vplivajo na učiteljevo in učenčevo delo, njune odnose in na vzdušje celotnega razreda. Zadnje obširno poglavje teoretičnega dela poglobljeno obravnava teorije in raziskave učiteljevega soočanja s konflikti, odzivanja nanje in njihovo reševanje ter opise dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na odzive učitelja v konfliktnih situacijah. Empirični del prikazuje odgovore učiteljic razredničark in učiteljic podaljšanega bivanja, ki smo jih pridobili v kvalitativni raziskavi z nestandardiziranimi delno strukturiranimi intervjuji, ter prikaže situacije, ki jih učiteljice zaznavajo za konfliktne in kako se z njimi spoprijemajo. Pri tem smo pozornost usmerili na njihovo doživljanje in odzive na konflikte. Predstavimo tudi opise močno zaznamujočih konfliktov. Ugotovili smo, da je v konfliktnih situacijah v odnosu med učiteljico in učencem večinoma nestrinjanje (neupoštevanje navodil, neprimerno vedenje, nasilje). Pogosto tudi konfliktne situacije med učenci preidejo v konflikt z učiteljico, saj rešuje spor. Najpogostejši odziv učiteljic je pogovor z učencem. Doživljanje med konfliktom opišejo kot negativno čustveno izkušnjo, po njem pa jo prepoznajo kot priložnost učenja in novih izkušenj. Za zaznamujoče konflikte v karieri učiteljice označujejo situacije, v katerih je učenec s svojim vedenjem izražal nasilje nad učenci, učiteljico ali obojimi. Situacije so bile zaznamovane z negativnimi čustvi, občutji nemoči in spraševanjem o ustreznem načinu ukrepanja. Z ugotovitvami smo želeli prispevati k boljšemu razumevanju zaznavanja, soočanja in reševanja konfliktov in spodbuditi učitelje k večji pozornosti do tematike in reševanja konfliktov. Želeli smo tudi opozoriti na ključnost sprotnega soočanja in reševanja konfliktov, ki omogočajo boljše odnose in na uporabo primernih načinov razreševanja konfliktov.

Ključne besede

reševanje konfliktov;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Tipologija: 2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Podgoršek]
UDK: 37.064.2(043.2)
COBISS: 11223881 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 652
Št. prenosov: 111
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Teacher`s confrontation with conflicts
Sekundarni povzetek: The thesis deals with conflicts in school environment, specifically with teacher’s ways of dealing with the conflict situation with the student. At the beginning of the theoretical part we define the concept of classroom management, as it is the teacher’s way of management combined with students that forms the quality of mutual relations. Another area that we focus on is everyday conflicts. These have a crucial impact on the teacher’s and the student’s work, their relations and the atmosphere of the whole class. The last, extensive section of the theoretical part discusses in-depth the theories and research of teacher’s confrontation with conflicts, his or her response to such conflicts and conflict resolution, and also deals with descriptions of the factors that affect teacher responses in conflict situations. The empirical part shows the responses of class teachers and after-school class teachers we acquired in a qualitative research with non-standardized semi-structured interviews. It also shows the situations that teachers perceive as conflict situations, and how they deal with them. We focused our attention on how they experience conflicts and how they respond to them. We also present the descriptions of particularly stressful conflicts. We have found that conflict situations between the teacher and the student mostly arise from disagreement (disregard of instructions, inappropriate behavior and violence). Often the conflict situations between students turn into a conflict with the teacher, who is trying to resolve the dispute. The most common response of teachers is to have a talk with the student. Teachers describe experiencing the conflict as a negative emotional experience. After the conflict had been resolved, the experience is recognized as an opportunity for learning and gaining new experience. Teachers indicated that particularly stressful conflicts were the ones in which the student’s behavior expressed violence against other students, the teacher or both. The situation was characterized by negative emotions, feelings of helplessness and wondering about the appropriate way to act. We wanted our findings to contribute to a better understanding of conflict perception, confrontation and resolution, and to encourage teachers to pay more attention to the topic and conflict resolution. We also wanted to draw attention to the utmost importance of regular conflict confrontation and resolution that enables better relations, and to the use of appropriate ways of conflict resolution.
Sekundarne ključne besede: teacher;conflict;class management;teacher-pupil relation;učitelj;konflikt;vodenje razreda;odnos med učiteljem in učencem;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Magistrsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: 198 str.
ID: 9175820